8. The Exhibition and Lunch

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I recalled the annual exhibition. Entire college was excited about it ...

I am not sure if I was really looking forward to it. I mean what's the point in showcasing our paintings to the peers with whom we have created it. It just adds an additional effort of getting the work framed.

And I am not up for that effort or cost. I wasn't interested in wasting my time, money and effort in this make your self feel good drama aka exhibition and hence I decided not to get anything framed so that it can be hung with thirty nine other frames. Yeah, I said no to be a part of yhe herd.

Days went by and the ehibition is just two days away. I was having lunch with Rihan and other folks. Lunch time is usually not one of my favourite times these days. Actually, Rihan is the one who gets lunch delievered from his hostel daily. He pays a certain fee to a guy who gets his and Aryan's lunch delivered. Rihan, Angelie, Aryan, me and one of the seniors share it. He asks us to share the food but wont let us share the delivery cost. And it feels odd to share food like this. Though I join them and hardly stuff a couple of bites in my mouth but yeah it is what it is. Rihan won't understand this and I never bothered to discuss this as well. I want to avoid as much drama as I can.

The lunch time was over and started heading towards our class when out of no where we started discussing about the upcoming exhibition and how everyone is excited about it.

Rihan suggested that it's a good platform to showcase our work and I should participate too. A reputed person is invited as the guest of honour to inaugurate the exhibition and with it sometimes comes good crowd. Having our work showcased their would give us good exposure and may be will get us some buyer or orders for our work. This is what seniors has mentioned to him and have suggested to never miss an opportnity like this.

Man, he is really good with his pep talk today and he actually got me thinking. I returned to the hostel and called Jenny as always she was supportive and said that I should not be missing an opportunity like this.

Why on earth is it so easy to convince me. Within a couple of hours I am convinced that I should participate in the exhibition which I thought is useless. And not just participate, I plan on getting a huge artwork exhibited.

My mind is knocking right now to ask "really! Which one?" I started this huge chart sized doodle once. I ran towards my cupboard to dig it. There it was lying half sketched.

"Woah, there's a lot to do my dear" I exclaimed to myself. Without any futher ado, I started working on it.

I slept late and was awake early, skipped college and was spending all my time with this soon to be beauty. The day passed within minutes or atleast it felt like that. It's already night and I still have to work on almost one third area!

I stayed awake all night and finally by 12 in the noon, I saw what I have been working on day and night. And my half sleep and half awake soul loved what it saw.

I quickly called in Naina, a fellow classmate with whom I am becoming close friends.

"Hey there, I finally completed my piece. I need to get it framed and submit by the evening so that it can be exhibited tomorrow. You are accompanying me to the framing shop. See you at the roundabout near college in an hour".

She was so happy to hear that my piece is finally ready. She sounded so excited to see how it turned out.

An hour later, I saw Ash and Rihan walking towards me at the roundabout. After exchanging greetings, I asked where Naina is as I cant afford to lose another minute and get late for the submission.

"We are your guys for the day girl" Ash said. Seeing a confused look on my face, she explained further, "Naina is having a headache due to which I came. And we have Rihan as well as he need to pick one of his paintings that he has left with the shop a couple of days ago."

Though it seems strange as I just talked to Naina on call an hour ago and she sounded fine. I suggested to call her to check up on her but they mentioned that she just took medicine and said taht would like to rest for a while, so it's better if I don't bother her. I didn't question them any further and we starting walking towards the cab stand.

Two minutes later, Ash held the phone close to her ear and said I am coming. And the next second she turned towards me and mentioned that her roommates are near the college and need her for something. She will have to go.

It all seemed strange as I didn't hear her phone ring or vibrate. I thought that I am just lost in my own head with excitement and might not have noticed it.

And with that, it just leaves Rihan and me. We decided to go together to the shop since we have no other company!

On our way, I told him how excited I am to get this exhibited as if it wasn't evident from my sleepless puffy eyes.

The shop worker was busy due to which it took around four hours to get our works framed.

But by 5:15 in the evening we were holding our framed artworks but it was too late to submit now as the college is already closed. Rihan consoled me by saying it's okay as I can submit it tomorrow.

We took a cab back to college but god knows what got into his head. Instead of sitting on his side of the seat, he chose to sit in the middle. I really didn't wish to make the situation akward for any of us, so I chose to stay as close to my side of the seat as possible and was ensuring we have some distance between us. He hasn't behaved like that before. God knows what happened to him and why is he acting this strange.

Luckily soon that ride ended and we walked towards the hostel. And I csnt wait to exhibit my doodle in the exhibition tomorrow.

Somehow I passed the night and early morning, I visited college to submit my artwork. The display location had already been finalized yesterday and there wasn't any space left to exhibit my doodle.

But luckily with the help of some seniors, I got my work displayed at a pillar outside the college premises where skne sculptures had been displayed.

The exhibition went on for three days but not much crowd should up as expected and hence not much exposure.

But I was happy to atleast get my first big artwork and I loved the doodle I created!

~ I shifted sides and I realised that I am lying on my bed and it's way past midnight. I scolded myself for thinking about the past and it's better if I sleep now. No more recalling past events or Rihan. Good night!

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