Chapter 1

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          School, mayhem, and a walking abomination of leather. A slew of random words, that perfectly summed up Alli's day.

It was a disaster; nothing went as planned. In retrospect, things would've gone wrong if not worse anyway. After all, Alli always seems to get in trouble. Malas at lapitin kasi ng problema.

The day began when he was awoken from his slumber, he slept like the dead as usual.

"Alli" ... "hoy" ...

Alli was determined to not hear anything, and he was still extremely sleepy.

Bakit ba kasi kailangan ang aga gumising pwede naman sana na matulog nalang palagi?

"Isa nalang, bubuhusan na kita ng tubig."

Tough love.

Alli rolled over to his side, and came face to face with his brother Stellvester Ajero. Nakapameywang sya, he was looking down at him, one of his eyebrows was raised inquisitively... but he wasn't angry, in fact, his eyes were crinkling with amusement.

"Hmmm...5 minutes." Alli groaned, as he started to roll back in a fetal position but was cut short when Stell grabbed both his wrists and pulled him up to a sitting position.

"Allistair Rael Alcaraz, get up now, at baka pati ako ma late dahil sayo."

Alli squinted, rubbed his eyes, and stood up... a bit disoriented and drowsy.

"It's your first day of college, you gotta give a good impression." Stell said, as he patted both of Alli's cheeks in quick succession.

Immediately, Alli's sleep and fatigue vanished at the reminder.

Darn it! It's my first day pala!  He thought. His drowsiness was all but gone now.

"As they say... start well, end well." Stell said sagely, as he flicked Alli's forehead slightly, then turned to leave the room

"Aray!" Alli called out to Stell with a slight smile, feigning being hurt, he took his glasses sa nightstand, as he rubbed his forehead and went to the bathroom to wash his face.

It was Alli's first day of college. And he absolutely abhorred the thought, Senior high was bad enough...and Junior high was— Alli shook his head to dismiss the thought, he must forget...He had to.

Alli always tries to avoid crowded places, he much preferred to be alone. He was an introvert, in complete contrast with his brother.

Alli and Stell were not related by blood, kaya hindi sila magka apelyido. Alli's mom died when he was 3 years old, and Stell's dad died before he was even born, and subsequently his dad met Stell's mom in the United Kingdom, where they fell in love and remarried, Alli was 5 then and Stell was 8. A few years later, Stell's mother also died.

The transition was not very easy. At first, Stell and Alli had a shaky relationship, Stell had a harder time accepting Alli because he was older and advanced na sa pag-iisip ng konti, and Alli was just a kid so he looked up to Stell, but now Stell loves him very much, and is the only family he had at the moment. Their dad was a businessman and Investor currently based in the UK, he also had quite a few businesses in the Philippines, so he visits from time to time.

Their dad loves them both very much, and Stell also learned to care for Alli's Dad although they weren't relatives by consanguinity.

They both lived in the UK until Alli turned ten years old, then they came home to the Philippines... Stell wanted to live and study here, so their dad bought a house here in Forbes Park.

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