Chapter 33

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             *Author's note:  Hello dear readers... I would like to inform all of you that we have passed the 85% marker of the story... Like all stories before it, 'Still the one' will be ending soon... It has been a great few months with all of you. When I checked, 'Still the one' is currently at 11 hours and 31 minutes reading time... I gave you all a chore and a Workout didn't I?😅😅. I apologize. I am not yet sure how many chapters are left, but we are really close to the end...So, Will Ken and Alli's story be a happy or sad ending? We'll find out together I guess... And as always Enjoy reading.

P.S. I haven't proof read anything yet, so expect errors.

          10 days...

That was how long Alli had left. In ten days, he was flying back to the UK...

His dad had left yesterday, due to some pressing matters.

It was a fairly emotional parting at the airport, Stell cried a little, and Alli had felt really sad.

Stell and his dad always had this effect on him... he hated seeing them sad, because it hurt him too.

Everything went downhill from there.

Since the Enchanted Kingdom escapade last week, Ken seemed to have doubled his efforts at swaying Alli.

The yawn method was one of the ways to know if someone was secretly paying attention to you. First, you act as if you aren't looking. Second, you fake yawn. The idea was; If the person doesn't do anything, then they currently don't give a rat's ass about you... but if they yawn too, then they are secretly paying attention to you... because yawning is an involuntary movement.

Chances are, if you look at someone yawn, you yawn involuntarily too.

Well... the yawn method apparently doesn't apply to Ken...In the sense that it is useless.

Because Ken... bless his soul... OPENLY and UNABASHEDLY stares at Alli and makes known his intentions, like there's no tomorrow.

Ken had just recently confessed that he likes Alli, and he makes that fact known without reservations through the way he looks at Alli... And that fact makes Alli's heart hammer every time, and also does not fail to make him feel a bit embarrassed.

Not only that. Every day flowers would be delivered sa bahay nila. Alli had the slight suspicion it was because he said the flowers were beautiful doon sa Enchanted Kingdom. As the days passed, Alli had found it very hard to be with Ken...

It wasn't because Ken was pushy, because Ken wasn't at all. In fact, Ken acted quite normally. And that was the problem.

Their friendship was starting to go back to how it was years ago... Ken would call at night, just to talk about anything.

During the day, pag kumpleto sila, Ken would take care of Alli, and put all his attention to Alli like he did years ago.

To make matters worse, All was slowly getting more conscious of, and noticing even Ken's slightest movements.

Take for example, one time at SB19's dance studio... Alli was just typing away at his laptop whilst the others were having a small break from dancing, seated at the floor... when all of a sudden, he noticed Ken tucking a stray lock of hair behind his ears... he looked so beautiful as he did it...

His graceful fingers slowly gliding from his temples, to his ear, while his silky hair just allowed itself to be guided without resistance. Then his hands continued further down, rubbing his nape.

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