Chapter 21

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*Author's note:

              Trigger warning: This chapter has topics that may be sensitive, references about bullying, mental illnesses, trauma, and eating disorders.

            It had been three days since Alli last saw Ken. When Alli woke up three days ago, Ken was already gone... he had discarded the clothes he was wearing at the party, and just left with Alli's clothes.

Alli was in a state of denial. He knew what happened three days ago, had inevitably ruined whatever fragile relationship he had with Ken.

But still like a fool, he had hoped... He keeps checking his phone... every alert, every vibration, and every sound... He hoped it would be Ken calling or texting him. Alli wouldn't even have cared if Ken sent him messages about how angry he was.

Alli hadn't gone to school, for three days. He chose to just lie in his bed doing nothing. Besides, Ken probably didn't want to see him after all that.

Alli had called in sick... It wasn't entirely a lie because he wasn't feeling good, he hadn't had any proper sleep lately, his insomnia was getting worse.

He basically had to force Stell to go to school, convincing Stell that he just needed rest, and that Stell needn't nurse him.

Multiple times the thought of leaving crossed his mind... he hadn't seen his dad for years, maybe it was time.

He heard a slight commotion downstairs kaya he decided to take a look. He looked at his bedside clock, It was 4:50 pm.

He stood up to wash his face, put on his contacts, and change into proper clothes.

When Alli descended the stairs, he saw Pablo pacing around the living room. For a moment his hopes went up... he scanned the room. Stell was speaking with Justin, Josh was looking at Pablo pacing around... but no Ken.

Alli knew something was wrong because of their grim faces.

Justin looked like he had been crying, his eyes were puffy and Stell was comforting him.

Pablo was biting the nails of his thumb, in deep thought, as he paced around.

It was Josh who noticed him first. "Bunso?" Josh stood up and walked towards him, to hold him steady. "Ok ka lang? should you be walking around? You look sick." Josh looked very concerned, his eyebrows were creased and he looked a bit startled at Alli's physical condition.

For the first time in a while, Alli saw his reflection in the mirror. The sleepless nights had done its Job. His naturally milky skin went more pallid, his cheeks were a bit hollow, because he didn't have an appetite.

Immediately, whatever they were discussing went out the window, even Pablo stopped pacing to look at him, concern on his face.

They were truly one of the most important people in Alli's life... they would drop everything just to show they cared.

"It's ok kuya Josh, you don't have to assist me nakakalakad naman ako... My body is fine, it's just... my face is like this because of lack of sleep."

Alli sat beside Stell who patted him on the head.

"What happened?" Alli asked suddenly.

"You know we have a concert two days from now, right?" Justin said

Alli nodded. He forgot about that... he seemed to have lost track of the time.

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