Chapter 26

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*Author's note: Been a while... Will try to update regularly now that school's over. In my haste to make an update, I haven't proof read this chapter yet... Apologies for the grammar and possible spelling and punctuation errors... Will probably look this over again and edit out mistakes at another time. Enjoy! I hope.😅

It was the Off-season, so the resort they were staying in at Siargao was more or less deserted. They had arrived last night, but everyone immediately got into a coma and slept.

Alli as usual, couldn't.

He was bunking with Stell, well if you could call it that, their dad had gotten them all huge rooms on the best resort hotel on the island. After a whole night of closing his eyes, drifting in and out of sleep, it was finally 7:00 AM.

The door to their room suddenly burst open, banging against the wall.

"I'm awake!!" Napa upo si Stell bigla sa gulat. His hair was sticking out in different directions, one of his eyes was closed, and the other was half lidded.

Alli also sat down and looked towards the door. Justin was beaming, he looked energized, he was already fully clothed for the beach, sunglasses were on top of his head. "Bangon na! Mag t-tape daw tayo ng ShowBreak episode."

Joanna suddenly popped beside Justin. "Yeah... bangon na sleepy heads... Ang tagal—" Joanna suddenly stopped, then her face turned red.

Alli turned to look and realized that Stell liked to sleep shirtless... Like Ken. Well... the difference was, Stell generally kept his pants on. Alli shook his head... how did Ken get brought up into this?

Stell took one look at Joanna's red face, then looked down at himself, his drowsiness immediately vanishing. Stell's face also burst into flames, then he quickly pulled his sheets up to his chest in embarrassment.

"Uhh... Y-yeah I'm going to go... ahhh doon sa kanila..." Joanna trailed absentmindedly, as she pointed outside, her eyes not leaving Stell, then she quickly left.

Stell quietly groaned and lay back down... Alli squinted his eyes at Stell, then shared a knowing look with Justin.

It took Alli exactly ten minutes to get ready, he washed his face, tied his hair, brushed his teeth, put on a red and black Hawaiian shirt over a tank top, swimming shorts, camera hanging on his neck, and that was it.

Nauna na si Alli pumunta sa designated meeting place. Nandun na yung staff, and other crew para sa taping. Justin was sitting on a monobloc chair, under the shade of a coconut tree.

Pablo and Josh were also present. Pablo was speaking to one of the crew.

Josh was speaking to Joanna, they would laugh, frown, break into irritated expressions, then laugh again... parang aso't pusa, but they clearly love each other, kahit magpinsan sila para narin silang magkapatid.

Kumuha si Alli ng isa pang monobloc at tumabi ky Justin.

"Di kaya tayo mahuhulugan ng niyog nito?" Justin wondered, looking up at the coconuts above them.

"Ok lang... 'Di man hangin ug wala may lahing" (di naman mahangin at wala namang lahing).

"Huh?" Justin looked at Alli blankly.

"O... Sorry di ka pala marunong magbisaya. 'Lahing' has different meanings, but doon sa amin, it means the brown dried up coconuts, which are about to fall." Alli finished helpfully.

"Marunong ka pala mag bisaya?" Justin looked surprised.

"Ha? Oo... diko ba nasabi?" Alli tried to remember.

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