!!Important!! Please read. 🔞

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     The next chapter requires, delicate reading and discretion. It will be delving into Mature themes. So readers 18 years old below, may skip the next chapter.

     To those who decide to read... The next chapter has bed scenes. I must warn you Even I feel a bit shaken and embarassed about what I wrote😅.

I haven't any experience writing bed scenes...specially one involving men, so I had to do my research and read multiple novels for context... The first draft I finished, sounded a lot like an erotic porn novel so I had to scrap it...

This one is a bit downgraded, but still quite mature... I managed to avoid using direct references and words that where too descriptive for example the words P*nis or D*ck...😅😅

So If you do not like these things please, skip. And to those who do... well enjoy.

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