Chapter 29

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*Author's note: Apologies for the late update... I have no excuses... But apparently, someone, had upset their body clock, and hadn't had any sleep for four days, because of SB19's Chicago and Dallas concerts. Someone neglected writing, to watch fancams 😅😅... My sincerest apologies. As penance, I'll start writing the next chapter right away. Enjoy.

P.S. Still Haven't proof read anything, so grammatical and spelling errors, will most likely occur.


Pablo's voice rang out for about the fifth time today.

Alli was stealing a few glances at them as they practiced their dance steps. He was busy editing, and listening to the raw recordings of SB19 and his collab song.

It always amazes him, seeing their dedication, and determination. Most of them were already starting to glisten with sweat... Well, most, because Josh and Justin didn't even break a sweat.

A week ago, Josh and Justin had finally realized their feelings for each other... with a bit of a draconian push from Alli, and Ken's quick thinking... Ok to be fair it wasn't a push but a shove.

The very next day, Josh and Justin had told the group about themselves.

It was mostly smooth.

Josh looked very nervous, which was uncharacteristic of him. Usually, he was the most confident, and charming... but at that moment, he looked like a wet puppy.

Justin then grabbed Josh's hand, then explained the situation.

Afterwards, Pablo just looked at them like 'Duh'... Apparently, he sort-of knew about their attraction for each other.

The only hitch was Stell's incessant (pardon the word)... Bitching.

If there was anything he hated most, it was when he was left out of a juicy chika.

He was irritated that he wasn't made aware of the fact, but mostly beat himself up, for not noticing.

And that was that...

And today, only Josh and Justin looked unfazed by the repeated choreo practice.

They smiled and beamed at each other, using some parts of the choreography to either touch fingers, bump slightly, or stare into each other's eyes as their faces passed...

The scene was basically, a unicorn's fluffy vomit... It wasn't for everyone; single or bitter people would've beaten them both up and people who saw them, would've developed diabetes immediately.

The rehearsal went on for another thirty minutes.

"And... one, two, three, and... tak!" Stell's voice rang out, as they posed, signaling the end of the set.

Alli clapped... well who wouldn't? They looked amazing as usual.

"Ok... That's good enough for today." Pablo snapped his fingers. "And by Alli's reaction, I think we did well."

"Ano ba yan... Sana kanina ka pa pumalakpak Alli." Stell said as he walked towards Alli, while trying to catch his breath.

That earned him a rather sassy eyeroll from Pablo.

Pablo took large and quick strides towards Alli, and quickly sat down beside him on the sofa, before Stell could.

"Hoy... Nauna ako!" Stell said irritably.

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