Chapter 3

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        July went by in a flash. Alli had started working on his portrait project, he managed to paint the base colors, and the general frame of the person he was painting. He opted an imaginary person, he had to start painting from the outside and slowly paint in, supplying the still nonexistent features, he doesn't know why, but it just seemed right to him.




Alli was pulled back out of his thoughts, by the pain. His scalp was on fire from being pulled. Stell was doing battle with his hair, comb in hand. They started treating his hair last week, Stell had applied so much hair treatment, oils and shampoos, he'd be able to start his own store. They were currently in Stell's walk-in closet, Alli was seated in a sturdy backed chair, facing the body sized mirror.

He was seeing results though; he saw less flyaway hair in the mirror by the day. Instead of looking like a lion's mane, his hair fell straight in the general direction of the floor, his head looked smaller now.

He looked human, for the first time his general features were showing; his jaw, cheekbones, neck, and his forehead. His eye still looked unnaturally large because of his glasses though, and his mouth still generally protruded outwards because of his braces, due to be removed next week.

Although his hair looked better now, it still had lots of knots and twists that Stell was trying to remedy, the comb was stuck. They decided to make his hair manageable before cutting it.

Alli got a little nervous when Stell suddenly put his right foot at the back of Alli's chair. Alli's eyes widened, and he made eye contact with Stell in the mirror. Stell just smiled apologetically.


"Prepare yourself." Using his foot to kick himself backwards, Stell pulled on Alli's hair.

"Ahhhhh! Araaayyy!" Alli grabbed his hair near the scalp, and held on to prevent his head from leaving his neck.

"Hhhmmm!! Just...a bit... more." Stell was grunting, his face was scrunched in concentration.

"Kuya Stell...t-teka..." Alli said nervously, nag ti-tilt backwards na yung upuan, Alli's feet were starting to leave the floor, he was on tiptoes.

After one last tug his hair finally relented, the chair came down with a thud. Stell had exerted so much force he flew backwards into the multiple clothes racks in his walk-in closet and fell down. He was buried in a mountain of clothes.

Alli bolted up and turned around, but before he could rush in to help, Stell's hand shot out from the mountain of clothes... holding a comb.

"Success!!" Stell's voice was a bit muffled from the clothes, so it sounded like 'Shuckkshmeeff!'. Stell sat up, a pair of trousers covering his face. He brushed it aside, and blew strands of his bangs off his eyes.

"Hayyy natapos din." Stell lay back down.

"I should be the one relieved na natapos na." Alli supplied.

"Akala ko makakalbo nako kanina." Kinakapa ni Alli yung ulo niya.

Stell stood up, grabbed Alli by the shoulders and sat him down again.

"Perfect." Stell was looking at his handy work on the mirror. Stell removed Alli's glasses. "Ay grabe yan...hahaha." Rinig na rinig ang galak sa tawa ni Stell.

Alli could not see his own face though, just the general outline, the specific features were blurred without his glasses.

"Hope everything will turn out alright." Alli said, as Stell combed his hair.

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