Chapter 32

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       *Author's Note : Because I promised someone I would update before the week ends, here is a new Chapter...I hope I made it😂... As always, Enjoy!

               Alli went into such a deep exhaustive coma, that the minute he woke up, he thought for a moment, that yesterday's events were all an unfortunate nightmare. But he soon resigned himself to the fact that it wasn't.

Firstly, Alli was too tired and exhausted to be even the tiniest bit optimistic, that last night didn't happen.

Secondly, he didn't have the creative, or mental prowess to formulate yesterday's mind-boggling events in his head... much less dream it.

And thirdly, Alli had woken up, because of a message alert which simply said: 'Good morning'. And Alli had a pretty good idea who it was.

Alli sighed. Only three people would send him a text...

Stell always came by every morning... so he said his 'good mornings' personally.

Justin was out of the picture...Literally... Because the sender also sent a selfie photo of himself... and Justin, Wasn't in it. Which obviously—if one's brain functioned properly—only leaves the person in the photo... Ken.

But what stressed Alli more was the fact that in the photo, to be more precise the background of the photo, was a familiar grand piano...which Alli could only describe as: HIS Piano in the house sitting room.

Ken's here.

Alli buried his face in his pillow.

After a while he decided to get out of bed and face his impending doom. He didn't bother to wash his face or change his clothes...what for? He most certainly didn't want to impress anybody. Alli just grabbed something to tie his hair sloppily and went down.

When Alli opened the door to the sitting room, Stell was there, scrolling on his phone, a mug in his other hand... At least Stell was here.

Alli quickly scanned the coffee table and saw the tea pot, some cups, and neatly arranged sandwiches...Alli was more of a tea person and those breakfast sandwiches with pickled radishes were his favorite... He was salivating.

He quickly sat beside Stell and grabbed a sandwich...not noticing Ken, having forgotten he was there at all.

"Did you just ignore me?"

Alli raised his head. Ken was looking at him, with a slight pout.

Alli swallowed the bit of sandwich he was chewing. "Don't be overdramatic...di lang kita nakita, I was hungry."

"It's 11:53 AM, sino ba ang hindi gugutumin? ... If you continue to live like this... I will force dad to make you live with me again...Dun ka titira sa condo." Inangat ni stell ang tingin niya galing sa phone. "You— What the heck Alli? Why do you look so unkempt? May muta kapa sa mata mo, tas may tuyong laway kapa sa bibig mo."

If it was the old Alli, he would've immediately, gone red and wiped his face... but it wasn't. He didn't care at all.

Stell wiped the sides of Alli's mouth. "Ano ba nangyari sayo, do you still need me to take care of you?"

"It's not a big deal." Alli replied dismissively.

Ken was staring at Alli, not saying anything.

"You look like an abandoned creature." Stell scolded.

Alli was about to open his mouth, but Ken beat him to it.

"That's not true... If anything, Alli with bedhead is really cute... and attractive." Ken said absentmindedly, then looked Alli in the eye and smiled.

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