Chapter 6

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"Hannah. Princess, wake up."

My eyes slightly open to reveal Harry looking over me. His green eyes, his curly hair. Those preferences he had always triggered something in my heart. Realizing that I had just slept with Harry made my body jolt. Still in his hospital bed. I roll out of his bed as I pull down my shirt and comb my hair with only my fingers.

"Oh um. Hi Harry. Let me go get the doctor." I panic.

I walk out of the room, light chuckles from Harry was the only sound I heard. I didn't want to have anyone witness us sleeping together. That would've been bad. I find the front desk to the doctors office, asking for assistance to check on Harry.

"Excuse me? The patient in room 410 would like assistance." I kinda yell not knowing how loud that was. But I was getting annoyed with them ignoring me.

"I'll be right with you ma'am."

Ma'am? I've always hated being called that. I politely nod my head and walk back to Harry's room. My mom sitting by him, gently rubbing over his scars. As soon as I walk in, the both quickly jerk their heads towards me.

"Oh Hannah. There you are. How did everything go?" she asks all excited.

"Um. Fine. Harry's fine. I called the nurse. She said the doctor will be on his way to check Harry out of the hospital. Then he can go home."

My mom smirks in disbelief. She slowly starts to creep up towards me. One hand on my shoulder. Starting to giggle a bit.

"I mean you and Harry sleeping together." she coos

My cheeks flush with bright right. I could hear Harry laughing in the background. Obviously my mom didn't know how to whisper. Finding what words to say was impossible at the moment. Luckily, the doctor had walked in. I've never been so relieved to see a doctor. He walks towards Harry, excusing himself from saying a word to me and my mother. That was fine with me. I just wanted to get out of that hospital.


Harry's check up had ended and my mom was signing him out. I quickly hand her my clutch. Mouthing the words "Use that money". I didn't have time to explain. Harry had pulled me aside.

"I think it's mine turn to say thank you. I mean for last night. Thanks for staying with me." Harry smiles.

"Oh it was nothing." I nervously turn my head, hoping that my mom would hurry up with signing Harry out. Being alone with Harry still gave my body chills. Something about him terrified me.

"Well...maybe we can do it again." Harry smirks.

"The word "maybe' had a different definition in my dictionary, Harry." I scoff.

"Well. We'll see"

My gaze locks onto Harry. I've never seen Harry smile this much. His smile was the only thing that could bring me back into my comfort zone. It was indeed very comforting. But how could he be so happy with me? How was he not angry at me for what I just did to him? Something I couldn't quite figure out.

Me and Harry flick our head towards my mother's direction. She had called our names a bunch of times she said. Harry was a distraction. But that was something I loved in men. Something that warmed my heart. We head out of the hospital and into my moms car.

"Hey. Do you mind dropping me off at my apartment? I need to check if my roommate is ok." asks Harry

"Oh of course." my mother happily cheers.

We get to Harry's apartment. Nice environment if you ask me. Some place like where rich people live. Harry unbuckles himself and puts his hand on my moms shoulder, thanking her for everything she has done. As soon as Harry steps out of the car, me and my mother head back to my house. Not even seconds later, my phone buzzed. Text message. My finger gently taps on the "view" button.

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