Chapter 38

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My body pinches itself as I walk out of the shower and into the cold room, Harry paddling behind me. I thank god that he didn't try to do anything in the shower. Knowing from past experiences, I would've passed out. All we did was talk in the shower about what we do from here. I honestly wanted to go back to our... well Harry's house. Cheshire is a beautiful place but it's not where I want to spend the rest of my life. Harry begged to differ. To come to think about it, we haven't stopped discussing this yet.

"Harry, I only brought clothes for a couple of days. I have to go home today." I confess.

"No you don't. We can buy you clothes here. Cheshire has a killer mall."


"Hannah...." He mocks.

"Look, I don't ever want to be without you ever again. I'll go back with you Hannah, but can we just forget about everything that has happened the past couple of days and spend our last day here doing something fun? Please? I don't want to leave right now."

His desperate expression and tone haunted me with a yes escaping my mouth. Goddamn Harry and his loving attitude.

"Okay Harry, but I'll have to take you up on that shopping idea though." I joke.

"Okay. C'mon, let's go."

"Harry I was-"

Harry brings both his hands up to his hears repeating the words "la la la" like a child trying to block out what I was going to say. He's so cute. I gave him a good smack to the arm before hugging him. God, I love him so much.


Harry's POV

Man, I hated coming to the mall when it was completely packed. I mean teens everywhere. They're all quite annoying. I fully regret bringing up the mall back at the hotel, but whatever makes Hannah happy makes me happy. I never want to relive that night that happened a couple days ago and I was stupid for leaving her. She's my world.

Hannah's head jerks in surprise as she noticed the store titled "Hot Topic" from behind me. She brought both her hands up to her face along with her bottom lip above her top one while blinking her eyes rapidly. She looks like an idiot, one cute fucking idiot.

"C'mon." I groan.

Just by the look of the shopping sign, I knew this store was vomit village. I hated those punk rocker people who have over twenty piercings and tattoos. They look like they came out of a garbage can. No, that doesn't make me sound hypocritical because I only have three tattoos, one of them is a quote saying "Family Is Thicker than Blood' written on my low thigh, another is a picture of star just below my armpit, and the last one is the one of the date my mom di... oh shit. I really have to get that covered. Wow, that never came to my mind. Although it is tattooed on my lower back and hard to notice the fine print, I should've known. A jolt of memorization popped into my head as I realized that there was a tattoo parlor not to far from here. The perfect idea just popped into my mind.

"Babe... can we get out of here now?"

"No Harry! I'm shopping." She groans.

"I need to go do something and it's kind of important."

"Well leave me here and go do what you need to do. I'm going to be a while."

"Hell no I will not-" her facial expressions tell me all. "Please be careful okay? And call me if you need anything."

"Well, actually I'm done here. Everything is shitty. I'm going to the hair salon across from here. Meet me there okay?"


"Harry I'm fine okay? Please go do whatever you need to do."

I sigh in defeat as I give her a sweet kiss before walking to the tattoo shop. Holy shit, I remember this like it was just yesterday I got my first tattoo. I was eighteen at the time. I guess two years does make a difference.

"Harry! Man you haven't changed one bit lover boy." A familiar voice calls out to me.


Marco was my part time baby sitter at the time I was told my mom was "dead". I would go to his house for dinner or just go for fun. We always used to play our little game boy games and watch SpongeBob all day long. Those were the days. He was like the brother I've always wanted. The second he found out I turned eighteen, he dragged my ass into this shithole and started scraping me with needles. I honestly didn't even know what I was getting permanently marked onto my skin, but the minute I found out, I couldn't help the smile that was blown up onto my face. His words are what took me by surprise I literally remember it like it was yesterday. "No matter what happens or where you go Harry, I will always be your big brother." Marcos words flow through my head like a waterfall.

"Well is that how you're going to say hello to me after two years?"

I shake my head in amusement as I walk towards him, giving him a bear hug. He was one big asshole but it didn't stop me from loving him like a brother.

"How you been Harry! Long time no see. How are the tattoos?"

He smiles proudly as I lift up my shirt to reveal the darkened quote that was entwined with my pale skin.

"Okay, enough with this goo-goo ga-ga shit I came to get another tattoo."

"Alright bud, what'll it be? It's on me so no charge."

"You really thought I was gonna pay you?" I joke.

"Cut the sass, Harold."

"What did I say about that name."

"Hurry up and sit down. Where and what?"

"Well I want you to go over the date of death of my mother. I don't like being reminded anymore so I want it covered." I wasn't going to tell him about my mother, not now anyways.

"Alright, what do you want it to be?"

"Make it a red heart dripping blood and have the center be an algebraic problem."

"What the fuck? Alright... what should the "math problem" be?" he mocks me.

"Just have it be an H to the second power equals forever. Don't write it in words and use the number four to replace the word "for" in "forever, got it? Pretty confusing I know, I'm getting this tattooed for a reason." (Okay so the tattoo is suppose to look like this, H2=4ever. Lol sorry .x)

"And what's the reason." Marco asks as I lay on the chair with my shirt off. Damn, this is going to hurt.

"None of your business." I bite.

"Okay okay, fuck." And with that the sound of the electric needle buzzes as it enters my skin. Fucking shit.

I honestly didn't flinch once. I kind of liked the pain. If I couldn't do it myself, why not have someone do it for me?


Hannah's POV

"Hi, I was wondering if you do hair dying here." I politely ask the tatted hair stylist.

"We do, would you like one?"

"Yes please."



I walk over to the waiting room until my name had been called. I already know Harry is not going to like my decision of dying my hair but it's my hair and I'll do what I'll please. What did he need to do that was obviously much more important than spending time with me, especially on our last day? I don't let it hit me too hard but hopefully whatever he's doing is a good excuse for leaving me. My name is called by male voice. Not just any male voice, a very familiar male voice.



I turn my head in his direction and put on a fake smile before walking up towards him. I didn't even wonder why he was here. The biggest worry in my mind is if Harry sees me with him. Harry can be a bit... very jealous, I correct myself.

"Hi Niall."

"Hi..." he says. It's obviously that he's nervous about something which brings me back yesterday when he left me.

"I'm sorry for leaving you and using your phone without permission but it's just that-"

"Shush let's not talk about that please? I'm going to get my hair dyed! Want to wait with me?"

"I... I just... sure." He sighs in defeat.

My name is called minutes later as Niall is still seated on the seat next to mine. I hand him my hair tie before walking over to the lady to get my hair dyed. As the cool water flows along my scalp, I couldn't help but sigh in relaxation. It was very stress relieving.

"Alright toots so what'll it be?" toots?

"Umm... I'm going for the beach blonde look."

"Every white girl is nowadays." She scolds under her breath.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh nothing. It'll be a couple of minutes, as bleaching hair has a fast production."

I roll my eyes in annoyance under my eyelids so she wouldn't see. Why do people have to be so rude at the mall? I mean it's not my fault you screwed up your life and have to work here for minimum wage, honey. If only I could say that to her.

It was very relaxing up until now when she put the dye in my hair. It smelled so bad. I didn't know how much longer I can take of this. After the dye has finished its job, she rinsed it out. A towel was placed around my head. I'm quite confused at the fact that she left so instantly but soon realized the screaming that was happening behind this towel.

"Hold on hun, Don't take the towel off, whatever you do, do not take it off. It'll mess up the entire dye."

I couldn't find the words to say as she sprinted away from my direction. The only sound I heard was people screaming and my hair stylist yelling stop. What the hell? I was so tempted to rip this towel off my head just to find out was causing the scene in front of my blockage. My heart fell to the ground once I heard the big roar of some man screaming.

"Don't you ever fucking touch her again! I swear to god if you come near her again you're fucking dead!" he bellowed.

Oh god.

Harry and Niall.

(hi guys. im sorry about yesterday and threatening to delete my story. i just dont handle hate to well ha /:

anyways, there are going to be two more chapters left of this book! enjoy!)

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