Chapter 24

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"Harry! I finally finished unpacking the last box. You can officially say that you're moved in." I scream to Harry who was in the kitchen.

"Great! Now can you come and eat now please? Your mom and I have been waiting and the food is going to get cold!"

"Alright alright."

It's been exactly three weeks since the accident that took place at Harry's old apartment. We found Harry a place to live and may I say it looks better than the original. I decided to ask my mom to help unpack since she was on vacation. It's been a while since I've done anything with my mother. She's been so busy working overtime to pay bills and visiting my grandmother who was in the hospital. I guess you can say my life is pretty good now. Harry got a new place, my mom can finally get to know him. I'm happy again and it's been a while since I've ever had this emotion. I grab my phone and slip it into my back pocket before walking over to where Harry and my mom had set up a nice eating area in the tv room with a movie already playing; The Notebook.

"The Notebook? Great choice mom. I've always wanted to cry and eat at the same time."

"Well actually, Harry picked it." My mom corrected.

"Oops." chuckles Harry.

I let out the biggest sigh when I sat down since I've been standing up unpacking boxes for about two hours. My moms selection of food was In 'N' Out. Mine and Harry's favorite. I guess I didn't notice how much of a pig I was when I started eating. All I see is both Harry and my mom staring at me. I couldn't even feel the saucy liquid dripping down from the side of my lip.

"Harry, napkins please?"

"Sure. I'll be right back."

Me and my mom finally had a chance alone to talk to each other about what has happened since I never really told her, but that was quickly broken once the loud vibration buzzed through the couch. Since Harry was taking too long with the napkins, I wipe my dirty fingers all over this worn out black shirt before excusing myself to answer the phone. I head back towards the original room I was in to have some privacy since the caller ID read: Blocked Number. I slowly glide my finger across the answer button quite cautiously since I never really had good experiences with calls who were unknown.


No answer.

"Hello, is anyone there?"

No answer. As soon as I pulled the phone away from my ear, that's when I hear the soft spoken voice of a lady who still remained nameless.

"Yes... I'm here. Hannah?"


"It's so good to actually hear your voice. I'm Anne."

I couldn't really find the words to respond since I still had no idea as to who this woman was. Then it hit me. She has a slightly British accent and lightly chuckles at the end of every sentence... just like Harry. No. Could this be... Harry's mother?

"Dear? Are you there?"

"Yeah sorry. It's just that... Harry told-"

"I was dead? No, that's what his dumbass father told him." She bites, I lightly chuckle at her use of words. "Sorry, excuse my French. But the reason I was calling is that I wanted to finally meet you properly. How about the old coffee shop? Lets say around 8 tomorrow morning?"

"Oh I don't know I mean Harry was suppose-"

"Please. I just want to chat. I won't bite, I promise."

"Okay. 8 tomorrow morning."

"Thank you."

Those were the last words exchanged in that conversation with Harry's mother. Harry's. Mother. Those words were foreign to me. All this time I thought she was dead. I guess I was too caught up in the moment that I didn't even hear the sound of someone coming in.

"Hannah. What is it this time?" Harry talks through clenched teeth.

"I'm sorry. It was no one. C'mon. Lets go finish the movie."

I head over back towards the tv room but the movement of Harry's hand blocking my exit caught me by surprise.

"Don't tell me it was no one when you were in here for almost ten minuets. I thought we promised to tell each other everything Hannah?"

"You're right. I'm sorry. It was just Ella. She wanted to meet me tomorrow at eight for coffee to discuss her obnoxious behavior. Typical Ella right?" I fake a laugh.

"Well call her back and cancel because you knew we had to go somewhere tomorrow at eight." Harry bites. I can already sense his time of anger.

"Harry, I haven't seen Ella in forever. This might be my only time I'm able to talk to her. She did help me with-"

"So who's more important then Hannah? Me or her?"

"Don't you dare make me choose Harry. Stop acting childish. I won't even be there for that long. Okay?"

Harry didn't even respond. His facial expressions was his response. Rolling his eyes and turning away. Some part of me wanted to stop him, but another part was just telling me to let it go. He'll get over it. I deeply sigh before following him into the tv room where my mom had sat. I didn't even want to finish what was left of my burger knowing that it was already cold. I guess my mom knew about mine and Harry's tiny argument since she had left me alone with him giving me the "Talk It Out" face. I hated talking it out with Harry. He never actually let me speak. That was upsetting. Harry sat down on the couch as I stood a foot away from him looking onto the distance while biting my nails. I guess it was just whoever talks first. The silence was roughly broken as Harry spoke.

"What's wrong with you?" he spat.

"Nothing. I'm fine."

"Then why won't you just tell me? I will have to be the one who drops you off since your mom will be at the hospital." Harry let out a gentle sigh before finishing his sentence, "And if I have to hide the keys from your car then so be it."

"And what gives you the right? Yeah you bought me the car and I am more than grateful for it, but that still doesn't give you the right!"

Harry stood silent. He was furious. I could tell. I was doing this too protect him. I don't want him getting hurt.

"I'm going tomorrow Harry. I'm sorry."

I guess that's the only thing I could think of before heading back to the couch. My mom came seconds later. Knowing that I'm going to meet Harry's mother tomorrow still sends chills down my spine. I don't know what to expect.

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