Chapter 21

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Driving to my house became impossible. The thought of that text I received not to long ago became my point of interest. Knowing Harry, he couldn't possible be doing something that would get me upset or maybe even sad. We trusted eachother. I trusted him more than he trusted me to be honest. He was the only one who I could really trust. Him and my mother of course. Thinking about Harry, the sound of a loud honk nearly startled me. I slammed my brakes as hard I could. Luckily, the young man swerved in front of me. That could've been a disaster. I just got this car. C'mon Hannah. C'mon.

"Stupid bitch! Watch where you're going"

"I'm sorry!"

As soon as the grumpy teenager drove off, I pulled myself together before beginning to drive again. I just needed to get home. Discussing this with my mom was possibly the only way to go.



"In the kitchen!"

I walk into the kitchen before throwing my coat and purse on the ground. I haven't seen my mom is a while. I just wanted to hug her. For some odd reason, I started to cry. And not because I was happy to see my mom. I mean, I was happy, but the real reason was because Harry. I'm sick of all this drama this relationship causes. But I'm strong enough to keep this going.

"Hannah? Honey are you ok? "

I couldn't talk about this with my mother. Who am I kidding. I just needed time to think on my own.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I'm just happy to see you."

"Aww." My mother says before bringing me into another hug.

"I'm going to jump into the shower. Smells good by the way!"

I give her a kiss on the cheek before running upstairs to my room. I close the door and place my back on the floor, sliding down and bringing my hands up to my face. Light sobs began to burst. I don't even know why I was crying so much. Maybe what Harry was doing wasn't so bad. It was probably just some idiot trying to scare me. It worked, but I am still curious. My heart fell once I felt the vibration of my phone again. Shit. Do I even want to know who it is. I slowly pull the phone from out of my pocket and close my eyes. I take a deepest breath before opening them ever so slowly. A loud sigh of relief came out of my mouth once I see the caller ID. Harry.

"From: Harry

Hey. Can you come pick me up now? I know it's early. Sorry. xoxo"

"To: Harry

Sure. Can I take a shower first? It'll be really quick!"

"From: Harry

Please hurry. xoxo."

My curiosity got the best of me once I read his last reply. I quickly run downstairs and grab my coat and purse before heading out the door. Not even telling my mom where I was going. I'll text her later.


I pull up to where Harry had told me to pick him up. It soon became very dark and chilly. I grab my phone to tell Harry that I was here.

"To: Harry

I'm here! Xx"

My phone immediately buzzed seconds after.

"From: Harry

Wait. Don't come in. I'll be down in a second."

"To: Harry

Are you ok?"

No response. That's when I started to worry.

"To: Harry


I couldn't just sit here. Something's going on. I know it. I grab my coat and wrap it around my shoulders before getting out of the car and heading up to what looked like to be an apartment room. Great. The thoughts racing through my mind kept me from running over to the room. What if I walk into him dealing drugs? What if his dad isn't really dead? Or worse, what if I walk into him with another girl? My mind was an extremely dangerous place to be when it came to times like this. I hated it. I got to be strong. No crying. No getting upset. It's probably not even that bad. My presence finally stood in from the apartment door. Room 410. That's weird. Wasn't that Harry's hospital room number? Anyways, I begin to knock on the door ever so softly but soon caught of guard by the buzzing of my phone. That nearly scared me to death.

"From: Harry

Don't come in. Please. I'm almost done. Love you. xoxo"

Did he really think I was just going to stay in my car and not find out what's actually happening? No. I needed to know what was going on. I couldn't really hear anything as I placed my hair behind my ear, coming close towards the door. That only helped a little as I heard a grunt from the other side. Thats it, I have to go in to see what's wrong. My trembling hands come in contact with the door handle. Shit. Breath Hannah, breath. I slowly turn the door handle to reveal complete darkness and the sounds of people grunting.

"Hannah! I told you to wait outside!"

"Harry? Harry where are you!"

I squint my eyes to try and get a better look. I let out a little shriek as Harry's sweaty body pushed me outside. Why was he shirtless? And why is he breathing so hard?

"Um. Harry? Your shirt."

"Hannah. Babe I asked you nicely not to come."

"Why Harry? I'm your girlfriend. I should know what you're doing at all times even if it's something bad."

"My business is my business. It has nothing to do with you." Harry bites. I can sense his tone of anger.

"So you expect me to go back to the car without an explanation as to why my boyfriend came out of a dark apartment room with no shirt on and completely drenched in sweat? God Harry, your suppose to trust me." I frown.

"Babe... Do you remember our first date? How I said I was a boxing trainer?"


"Well, I'm not. I actually teach jujitsu."

"W-what's that?" I ask almost scared.

"It's a Japanese fighting style. You pretty much become a target for girls who go through domestic violence and need to learn how to protect themselves. That's all."

"Well then that means there's a girl in there. Am I right?"

Harry rolls his eyes and places his hand on his head before saying, "Addison! Will you help me out here please!"

My face makes the most confused look I could've ever made. I feel a sweaty palm lay on my shoulder. Turning around and seeing Addison was someone relieving. But I still had some questions.

"Wait wait wait. You've been through domestic violence? A-and Harry's your trainer?"

"Ding ding ding. We have a winner." Addison sasses.

"Oh gosh I feel so stupid." I laugh.

"That's ok babe. Wanna come in and watch us? It's actually pretty cool." Harry asks.

"Of course! Let me just text my mom to let her know where I'm at."

I pull out my phone and text my mom letting her know I won't be home for dinner. She'll understand. Addison walks back into the room as Harry's arm wraps around my shoulders, following Addison inside. I playfully push his arm off.

"Hey..." Harry whines.

"Ew no. You smell so bad." I joke. Harry frowns.

"But I love you so it's ok."

We quickly exchange a kiss before heading into the room. The aroma of sweat was making me gag. Harry points in the direction of where a seat had already been set up for me. I take of my coat and lay it on the chair before sitting down. Addison beating up Harry; this'll be so much fun to watch.

"Ok. Remember what I said. Block, slide, swing, and punch. Lets try it."

Addison begins her routine that I guess Harry taught her. She's actually really good. The little grunt that Harry lets out when Addison's fist collides with his stomach makes me giggle. Harry heard.

"You think it's all fun and games, eh Hannah?" Harry teases.

Harry holds up his pointer finger to Addison, signaling he will be right back. That's when I screamed and ran out of my seat. Running away from Harry while laughing was the best feeling ever. I let out my loudest scream once Harry scoops me up by my waist and pounds me on the ground.

"I gotcha now sucker!"

"Harry! Let me go!" I laugh as he tickles my sides. That was my most ticklish spot.

"Say sorry!"


He proceeds to tickle me and tickle me. Anymore of this and I'd probably pee myself.

"Okay! Okay! Harry I'm sorry for laughing at you!" I give in.

"That's what I thought."

He finally stops tickling me as he lays right by me. Addison comes to lay on the other side of me. I got the two most important people in my life right now, just missing my mom. This was honestly the best day of my life so far. I almost forgot how to be happy but Harry and Addison helped me remember.

"Thanks guys. Really. I haven't been this happy in forever. I love you both."

"Aww!" Harry and Addison coo is unison before each getting a cheek to kiss.

"Oh stop." I blush. "Hey. We should all go to that charity carnival right by that church. It'll be really fun. Whataya say? You guys in?"

"Sure. I'm down." Harry agrees.

"Me too!" Cheers Addison.

It was quite for about ten minuets and before I know it, I fall asleep. Pretty sure Harry and Addison did the same.

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