Chapter 32

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"You have to promise me you'll call me after you land, every morning, and every night. You got that?" my mother cries.

"Yes mom, I heard you the first two hundred times you told me." My annoyance takes over my response.

I explained everything that happened yesterday with me and Harry. She understood everything but she's quite pissed at Harry. I told her it wasn't his fault that I... we lost the baby. I came up with some lame excuse that I can't quite remember. Her attitude right now is a bit annoying I mean it's not like I'm moving away and not coming back.

"Look... I'm sorry for being so lovely dovey its just that.. you're..." was all she can say as the tears took over her.

"Oh mom." I say before bringing her into an annoyed yet loving hug.

My mom and I are extremely close. She hates when we are far apart from each other as do I. A part of me feels kind of bad for telling her I was leaving to Cheshire on such short notice. Anne was in her car laughing as she knew that I was annoyed but hey, it's a mother's job right? Anne was polite enough to drive me and my mom to the airport since her car was in the shop getting an oil change. I release her from my hug and bringing both of my thumbs under her already red, swollen eyes rubbing the access tears that were falling.

"I'm going to be okay mom, I promise. I'll call you when I land, my flights about to leave. I have to go.

"Okay honey, I love you."

"I love you too."

I give her one last smile before walking over to Anne's car. She rolls down her window as I approach in front of her.

"I wanted to say goodbye the right way. Thank you for having to deal with my annoying ass yesterday. You were the only one that was there for me, besides my mom. But yeah, thank you."

"Oh sweetie, anytime." She says before squeezing both her arms out of the car window, giving me a hug.

Her hug is warming. I start to cry and she is confused just as I am as she pulls away. Her face gives off a worried expression but then realization hit her like a truck. She smiles one more time before bringing back into one of those warming hugs. I couldn't control the tears falling from my eyes as the remembrance of Harry hit me.

"He got his hugs from me." She whispers into my ear.

"I know."

I pull away once I realize how long I've been hugging her, but I can't help it. Her hugs remind me so much of Harry. Oh Harry, I miss you so much. I shift my bag higher onto my shoulder and walk towards the plane before giving the two women a wave. As I'm walking up the stairs, I quickly hear Anne calling my name. I jerk my head in her direction. I see her running with a familiar sweatshirt in her hands; Harry's sweatshirt. I immediately run back down the stairs to grab the sweatshirt Anne was holding.

"Thank you so much. I would've died without it."

"You're welcome hun. Make sure you check into the Latelock Hotel. Your mother and I both reserved you a room there already. Now go on, Harry's waiting for you."

My heart falls when I hear Anne say her last sentence. What? Harry knows I'm coming?


Anne notices what she said before carefully replying to my question. "Nothing. I said go on. The flight attendants are waiting for you." She lies.

I give her a worried smile before walking back to the plane. How does Harry know I'm coming? Anne must've told him. A part of me is upset at her because I wanted this to shock Harry when he sees me, but another part is quite excited as to what to expect once I hop off the plane.

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