Chapter 11

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"Let's go make you more comfortable, baby." Harry's raspy voice whispered.


"Shh. I said before, I'm gonna make you mine."

I had no demands towards Harry. He was in control. Something I was afraid of, but also something I wanted to experience. This was too sudden though. I could feel my heart go into my stomach as Harry lays me down on my bed, presses soft kisses on my neck. Licking the surface and gently sucking. All I could do was moan. His name left my mouth in deep breaths.

"That's right baby. Moan my name."

Harry's hand slowly starts to guide up my thigh as if he thought it was ok. It wasn't. I loved that he was so gentle to say the least. Did he know I was uncomfortable? Quite honestly, I didn't think he cared. Heart stops once again as soon as I feel Harry unbuckle my short with the tips of his teeth. I felt like I needed to tell him something, but I couldn't. My body was in complete shock from this. Courage finally builds up enough for me to make my move. Pinching Harry's curls in between my fingers caused him to moan, which only made him continue further.

"Harder." He breathily commanded.

I couldn't do anything but follow his commands. Nothing made me more scared than Harry's anger. Even the slightest touch can trigger it, which is why I was afraid to tell him to stop.

I could feel Harry's hand getting closer to his intended area. That's when the huge lump in my throat began to form. Controlling tears from falling out of my eyes became challenging once Harry began nibbling on my crotch from the outside of my panties. His hot breath entering made it somewhat incredible. Moaning his name didn't help him stop, it only made him want to continue even more. The only response I could give him was the sound of me moaning his name, and the little shivers my body was giving off.

"You ready for this?" Harry teases.

My next reaction was from the courage I had discovered earlier. Harry wasn't going to like what I was going to say but it's worth a shot.

"No. I'm not. Please." I say between breaths.

"You'll be just fine." Is all he says before continuing his journey.

He puts both of his pinki fingers on the band of my panties, slowly pulling them down. That's when his breathing started to get more faster than usual. His body starts to tense up. Mine does the same when my panties are around my ankles. Harry's touch on my body was so relaxing, but it still made me nervous. I guess I didn't know Harry the way I thought I did. When he saw me talking to Angel, that must've triggered something. He went from this boy who I thought I knew to this seductive, dark, lustful boy. And that worried me.

My eyes open in shock once I feel Harry gently slide the bottom of his lip just above his target. I knew this was gonna happen his way or the hard way. Knowing Harry, I'd chose his way. Panic starts to show once Harry slides his tongue across my clitoris, sticking it in and back out. I start to shiver once again. The feeling felt incredible, but the thought is what stunned me. My body was Harry's rag doll in a way. I couldn't move to tell him to stop. I didn't want him to stop. I was somewhat in denial.

We were both interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing. At first, I couldn't hear it. Harry was so distracting. But I finally hit consciousness when I realize it wouldn't stop.

"Harry. I need to get that. Hold on."

"Hurry up, baby." He says after rubbing his thumb across the bottom of his lip, sucking it.

I roll over to the side of the bed to get my phone. The caller ID read "Mommy(:" so I pick it up.

"Hey mom. What's goin on?" I say while slapping Harry as he still proceeds to continue.

"Hey Hannah. I was just calling to check up on you. Your flight leaves tomorrow right?"

"Yup. I'm already packed and ready to go."

Still distracted by Harry, I couldn't even bother to listen to my mother. All I could say was that I'll call her tomorrow and hung up on her. This was getting way out of hand. Mixed emotions was all that crossed me since I was feeling uncomfortable. This couldn't go any longer. I had to do something. My discovered bossiness came in handy to proceed my next action.

"Harry. Wait. Please."

"Oh c'mon baby." He says before coming up towards my mouth. "You're gonna feel so good."

I pushed him back so Harry would notice my annoyance. My eyes opened wide in shock when he shoved me back down towards the bed, grabbing my wrists and placing them above my head. He slowly starts to lift up my shirt while placing little butterfly kisses over my stomach. A knot grew in my stomach when I smelled the aroma of alcohol on his breath. He didn't even have to come up to me for me to smell it. I've never been with Harry when he was intoxicated. That bothered me when I let him do this to me. What if he didn't mean anything he was doing or saying? What if this all was some drunk joke? He'll probably forget about it in the morning. This night went from somewhat romantic to total destruction. I was pissed.

I pushed Harry's head up in anger. His eyes immediately turned black. Even though I was terrified, I needed to say what I needed to say.

"Harry. Are you drunk?"

"No b-baby. I'm f-"

His hand comes in contact with his mouth, covering it up so he wouldn't puke on me. Great. He ran towards the bathroom and all I heard was nasty vomiting. I whispered underneath my breath "dumbass". I couldn't believe I let a drunk guy get to third base. Yeah I used to be involved in prostitution but I learned how bad that was and the situations it has put me through.

I immediately jumped by the sound of Harry opening the bathroom door. His face revealed a blue color. Mouth dripping saliva like he was rabid. What bothered me the most is that he would have to sleep here with me in my bed. There was no way in hell I would let him drive home like this. The fact that he drove to my house made my mind bewildered.

Harry crashes towards the floor in a knock out. He was wasted. Where did he go before he came here? I honestly didn't even care.

Heart stopping once I hear Harry say his last words.

"He's a good guy. Why did I get mad?" was all he said before drifting off into a deep sleep.

What was that suppose to mean? I was left confused. Oh tomorrow morning is going to be so fun I can't wait. (A/N: MAYBE HE WENT TO VISIT ANGEL?? GOT TOO DRUNK??) I didn't even bother to pick up Harry from off the floor. I lay down still confused before sleep takes it's course.


This morning I wake up to Harry on top of me. Sleeping. I didn't even want to know how he got up here but god he looked so cute. Even though he was hungover, he still held those cute preferences I loved. Hair flopped all over. Mouth slightly open with baby drool. He slept like a baby. I hated it how I couldn't be mad at Harry for more than a minute. But I could still ask questions.

"Harry. Get up. You're kind of hurting me."


"Harry." I say while pushing his head from my chest.

"Mmm. What the hell?" He whines.

"Our plane leaves in an hour. Hurry up."

"What happen? How did I even get here?"

"Just get up and lets go back to your house."

I climb out of my bed and reaching for my cellphone to check if I missed anything. Nothing. Walking over to my closet and finding my packed suitcases was a relief. Noticing Harry still laying down was really starting to piss me off.

"Harry. Get your arse out of the damn bed!"

"Ok ok. Damn, shut up."

"Excuse me?"

"Shut up!"

"Someone obviously hates being woken up. Get used to it."


Harry's attitude was not a surprise. If he doesn't get what he wants, he starts to complain. He needed to learn how to grow up.

"Seriously? Harry grow the fuck up." I say while grabbing my suitcases.

"How bout you shut the fuck up."

That last statement surprised me. My face coming off with an annoyed/hurt look. I drop my suitcases and storm out of the room. Harry had no right to treat any girl like that, especially me.

I slam the door from behind me, walking downstairs to avoid Harry for a little bit. We needed some space. The only thing I needed right now was some coffee. The powder was put into the coffee maker. As I'm reaching up for a cup, I just break down. I get emotional when it comes to this. Me and Harry fighting was the last thing I wanted to happen. But he was hungover. It's not my fault he abuses alcohol. I needed to let this out. My hands coming up and burying my face into them.

Relief rushed through me once I feel two strong arms come across my hips. Harry laying his cheek on the left side if my shoulder.

"I'm sorry baby. I never meant to scream at you or even curse at you. I'm so sorry."

I couldn't find the words I needed to say to him. The only way I could apologise to him was to kiss him. I immediately turn around, placing a kiss onto his soft lips. Whispering "it's ok" into his mouth. The idea crossed my mind once I knew Harry had been throwing up all night. I quickly push him away and head towards the sink, rinsing my mouth out.

"Dang. Do I really have bad morning breath?"

"Ew ah. No. You've been up all night throwing up." I saw between gags.


"Harry. You were drunk and you came here last night and we almost had sex now I'm going to get my bags." Rushing my explanation.

"Oh. That's why my head hurts....and why my lips were so wet." He says smirking.

His last statement made chills go down my spine. I never want to go that far with Harry ever again. At least until he's sober.


"Harry! C'mon! We have twenty minuets!"

I saw Harry from the corner of my eye with his suitcases. Why does a guy need three suitcases? That was besides the point.

As Harry closes his car trunk, he jumps into the car as we head off towards the airport. I was so excited for this masquerade ball.

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