Chapter 15

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I honestly couldn't believe what I had just heard. It almost felt like the time my mom told me she wasn't coming back. But eventually, she did come back. Maybe the same could happen with Harry? Is he joking? I wanted to start sobbing so hard, but until I knew for a fact that he had suffered memory loss, I was just gonna play along.

"You're so silly. It's me... Hannah. Stop messing around." I say while trembling.

I start to walk over to him, but he was not joking. He was serious. He acted like I was a ghost or something. As I was getting closer and closer, his heart monitor started beeping faster. I could see his face start to turn red from his nervousness. I couldn't believe this. No. Actually, I did not want to believe it.

"No. Stop. Stay there. Nurse! Nurse!" Harry cried out.

"No. Please. It's me. It's always been me. Y-you have to remember!"

"Stop! Nurse!" He says as he is pressing the calling button on his remote non-stop. I back away in a gasping motion. This was true. Harry had forgotten everything that has happened. It was too real to be true. I bring my hand up to my mouth as I can feel my eyes get all watery.

"No..." I whispered to myself. Everything was silent. Harry did not stop clicking the button. He really wanted me out of there. I don't think so. I'm not just gonna leave and pretend like nothing ever happened. Something had to be done. The sound of the nurse's footsteps become louder. Her high heels helped me notice her. I couldn't let her come in here. I needed to speak with Harry. I quickly noticed a metal rod leaning on the side of the door, grabbing it and sliding it into the door handles to create a blockage from the nurse coming into here. The sound of her banging didn't bother me. That only made Harry even more nervous while it made me get upset. That's the way I am. I cry for about a few minuets, then get upset because I can never have what's best for me.

"Harry. Stop. Please."

He stops clicking the button as he quickly realised I knew his name.

"How... How do you know my name?"

"Harry. Harry Styles."

"I said how!" He roars. Now he's pissed. Great.

"Ok. Ok. Let me explain." I sigh. "My name is Hannah. I met you from my online information. You called me because I was registered as an official prostitute. You wanted a session, so I said yes. We met up at your house and a lot of things went down. Then a few weeks later, we started dating. I liked you... A lot. I still do. As the same for you. You asked me to be your girlfriend. I accepted it. We were so happy together. Then you bought me tickets to a Masquerade Ball in London. Which is where we are now. But last night-"

"London? Did you say London?"

"Let me finish." I close my eyes in annoyance. "Yes. London. But last night was horrible. We got into a huge argument because you walked into our hotel and you caught me having sex with another guy. But it wasn't like that! It was not like that. He came on me. And if I told him no, he said he'd kill me. Or worse, kill you. So I did it for your protection in a way. I felt so bad. Then you wanted nothing to do with me, which is why you left me in the hotel by myself. While you were driving back to the airport, a drunken asshole slammed into you. That's why you're here with broken bones and possibly memory loss."

The only response I got from Harry was his tears. His eyes started to water. I walked over to his bed and sat next to him. His heart monitor stayed at a steady beat. That was good news. I just really didn't want him to forget me. I'll do whatever it takes for him to remember me again. I had to do something to make Harry relaxed. I felt so bad that all this happened to him. I was the cause of this.

"Listen, I know it's a lot to take in. But if you give me another chance, I could make you be with me again. I won't stop until you start to like me and that's just-"

My explanation was broken by Harry's soft hug. I was somewhat confused, but happily crying at the same time.

"Harry...? What's going on." I cry; hoping that he somewhat got a remembrance of me.

"I'm" his raspy voice whispered.

All I did was break down in tears. Sobbing. He had remembered. At least I think he did. I'm almost positive. But why was he so happy if he knew what happened last night? Maybe he forgot?

"Harry. I'm so sorry about last night.
Please forgive me. I promise to never-"

Once again, I was interrupted by the sound of the door bashing open. To my surprise, it was Jensen. I was kind of excited that he was here just so I could thank him, but by the look on his face; he was apologetic.

"Jensen? What are you doing here?"

It shocked me as Harry's grip on my arm began to squeeze it really hard. I turned to look at him and he was pissed. Eyes completely black, veins popping out of his neck. What's going on?

"Harry? Babe are you ok?"

"What are you still doing here, you prick." He threatens with clenched teeth.

"Hannah. Please. Could I speak to you for a moment?" Jensen begs.

"No! Get the hell out of here! I told you to stay away from her!"

"Jensen? What is he talking about? What happened?"

"Oh. Hmm. Why don't you ask him why he almost raped you. Why I gave him that split lip in the first place. Go on. Ask him Hannah." Harry bites.

"It-it was you? You were the one that kidnaped me! That brought me back to my own hotel! Just to get a rise out of Harry!?" I fume. "How dare you! I thought I could trust you! Why would you even have the mordacity to try and talk to me again!?"

"Hannah. Please. Let me explain."

"No! Hell no. Youve said and, obviously, done enough. I never want you near me again." I say while standing up. I wasn't afraid to fight him. I couldn't believe he was the one. "Walk out. Now. Before I kick you out."

"Well... I just wanted to say that I gave Harry memory loss pills to help him forget about that night. I guess it didn't work. You'll just have to deal with him and his anger towards you. Have fun with that... Bitch."

Those were is last words before the top of my foot collided with his crotch. He walked away groaning in pain. I slammed the door and that's when my shoes became interesting. Making contact with Harry was hard. I had a gut feeling that somewhere deep down inside, he was still upset. Harry holding a grudge against me was the worst things possible. That was until his raspy voice spoke.

"Hannah? Baby come here."

I look at him with that big-eyed puppy dog face you make right before you're about to cry. I ran over to him and laid my head down on his chest. I don't know how many apologies I could give to Harry before he could forgive me.

"Harry. I'm so sorry. I promise that will never happen again."

"Babe. That was the past. Can't we just forget about it? Please? Honestly, that is the only thing I remember from being here in London. Those memory loss pills are pretty powerful."

"Wait. You don't remember why we're here?" I wipe my tears and snot from my face.

"Well you mentioned a ball. We're going to a ball?"

"We were suppose to... But you're all broken." Harry chuckles at my childish pout.

"Baby. Chin up. Everything will be ok. I promise."


*One Week Later*

"Here Harry. I made you some soup."

"Thanks, babe."

Harry was so cute when he was on hospital rest. Thank god the only thing he broke was his arm. His toes were just fractured. He could walk, but with a limp. When he limps, it's like me seeing a baby walk for the first time. I loved taking care of him. I had no problem doing it. We hadn't discussed the "situation" anymore and I haven't heard from Jensen either. That's good news. When me and Addison met the other day for lunch, she had told me he got fired and was put in prison for rape. Yeah, I called the police. I couldn't sleep knowing he could still be after me. It still sucks that we missed the Masquerade Ball, but spending time with Harry alone in the hotel was somewhat better. I tried to just brush it off. My excitement for the ball was huge. But oh well.

"Hannah? Babe could you get me some milk?"

"Of course. Ill be right back." I say before skipping like a little girl towards the fridge which made Harry chuckle. I hope Harry wasn't having somewhat of an advantage. Honestly, I could care less.

"Babe! There's no milk! I'm going to go pick some up!" I yell.

"No! That's ok! You've done enough! Really."

"Oh shut up! I know you want it! Ill be a few minuets!"

Ok I'm not going to lie. I hated taking the cabs to the store because they drive like maniacs! Harry didn't have a car since the accident. So my only choice was taking the cabs. As I'm walking out I notice Addison standing outside smoking. It looked so tempting. But I've been trying to stop for Harry's sake. The last cigarette I've ever had was right when I got the call that Harry had been in a car accident. That was so much stress for me. It's been killing me not being able to have one now. Cigarettes was the only way to relieve my stress. If I were to walk up to Addison, I'd probably smoke so I dodged her and went the other way. Good decision Hannah.


"Here you go. Thanks for the ride." I politely said while giving the can driver his money.

Honestly, if I had to get into another cab, I'd shoot myself. Not literally obviously. But headaches after headaches was not helping stop my cigarette addiction. God I wanted one so bad right now.

Walking up to the hotel only made my head feel worse. I swear to you these hotel stairs were miles long. That's probably because Harry chose the highest suite not knowing my fat-self would have to walk up them. Oh god.

I drop the gallon of milk to open our door. As I'm putting the key in to unlock it, I hear fast pacing footsteps. That only made me want to open the door quicker. Maybe that was a bad idea. I see Harry standing right in front of me as I opened the door. He was all suited up in a tuxedo and candles lit everywhere. Once he saw me, he clicked the power button on the radio to play soft sounding music. Like the one you dance too. Oh my gosh.

"Harry? W-what's all this?"

"Well... I just thought if I couldn't take you too the Ball, might as well bring the Ball too you." He says while bringing out his hand for me too take his gesture. But I had to change. I couldn't go to a "Ball" dressed like this.

"Can I change first?" Harry nods at my question. I quickly head over to my briefcase to put on my dress that Harry bought me for the Ball. While I'm walking I was thinking of something that nearly scared me to death.

I think I love him.

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