Chapter 12

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"Hello and welcome aboard Flight 410. Please fasten your seatbelts."

Ugh. I've always hated planes. I mean who doesn't? Everything about them just give me chills. I couldn't sit next to the window because I'm afraid of heights so I let Harry go in first. He was laughing at me the whole time. I have to admit I was acting kinda foolish, but Harry should have a little bit more sympathy.

As the plane takes off, my body tenses. I start to squeeze Harry's leg as hard as I can; not knowing how bad it was hurting him until he loosens my grip from him.

"Ouch. Babe. U ok?"

"Sorry. I just hate planes."

"Well if you try sleeping, your fear would go away."

Harry did have a point. Although it was very hard for me to sleep on a plane, it was worth a shot. Just as im about to try and sleep, my phone buzzes with a text. The caller ID read "Blocked". Even though I was scared to open it, I had to.

Yanno doll face, you might want to talk to Harry about where he's getting his money ;) xx

Was this a joke? A lump in throat was starting to form. I didn't want anyone messing with us during this trip. I wanted it to be drama free.

"Who was that?"

"My mom. Just checking up on me."

"Oh. Well cmon. Try and sleep. Come here babe."

I scoot all the way to the left of my seat so that I can comfortably lay my head on Harry's lap. Trying to avoid what had just happen wasn't easy. I fall asleep almost instantly once Harry takes his jacket off and place it over me, using it as a blanket.


"Hannah. Baby we're here."


My eyes open. Noticing that we were the only ones on the plane made me wake up thoroughly. Everyone else has gotten off. Harry had already gotten our bags. All we were waiting for was for me to wake up.

"Harry. Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Sorry. You just look so cute when you sleep."

"Yeah, you too Mr. Baby Drool."

Harry playfully pushes my head off his lap. I lean up an hand Harry back his jacket. The aroma from his cologne probably made me sleep. It smelled so good.

We walk out of the plane to catch our taxi that was driving us to our hotel. Alone in a hotel with Harry. Oh god. Harry asks the driver to pop open his trunk so that we could put our suitcases in there. After, I walk towards the taxi; sitting in as Harry follows.

Hours later, we finally reach our hotel. It looked like one of those hotels that rich people go to. That thought of where Harry was getting all this money was still making trips in my mind. I needed to discuss this with him in a way that won't set him off.


"You like? I picked our room to be at the top floor...for some privacy." Harry says as he walks up towards me kissing my neck.

"Um. Harry. I need to ask you something. And please don't get upset." I grunt while pushing his head away.

I immediately notice his body start to stiffen. His fist do the same.

"Sure babe. Anything."

I was hesitating to ask my question as to where Harry has gotten all this money. Obviously a bit too much for Harry to notice that something was wrong. I've held that thing where you pick at the skin just above your nail bed. He knew something was up. But I had to say it. I needed to feel comfortable around Harry, and this was not comfortable.


"Harry.... Where did you find the money to invest in such an expensive trip."

"Why would you ask that? I don't think that's any of your business. You should just enjoy me taking the time to make you happy." He bites.

"Babe. Calm down. I can see this is a topic you don't want to discuss, but if you trust me you'd tell me. Please?"

"Nothing. I got a new job. That's all."

"Really? What do you do?" I change the tone in my voice to make it sound like I was interested. But in reality, I was nervous.

"I didn't steal the money if that's what you're wondering."

My head tilts up before leaning it to my right. I was trying so hard to keep Harry's anger under control. But lying to me wasn't helping. I didn't want him telling at me, so I just avoided the question with a hug.

"I know Harry. Sorry. Just forget I ever asked."

"I'll order room service."

I head over back to my bed to call me mom. Of course, I had already had five missed calls from her. Classic moms.

"Hey mom. Sorry I didn't get a chance to call you back. We were on the plane."

"Really? You were?"

"Um. Yeah. Why say it like that?"

"Oh well. Last night when you rudely hung up on me, you didn't really hang up."

Shit. I'm dead. My mom is going to be so pissed. I didn't even say a word. Silence took over me.


"Y-yes mom. I'm here."

"Were you pressured? Are you hurt? Did you use protection?"

"Mom. It wasn't like that. We didn't even get that far. I wasn't comfortable so I told Harry and he understood. That's all."

"Hannah. I just want you to be safe. You know have many girls get pregnant before marriage?"

"Mom. Please. I'm fine. I got to go now. I love you."

I immediately hang up the phone once I see Harry at the corner of my eye.

"Hey babe. I've made reservations for us at the restaurant across the street. The room service here sucks ass. We leave in an hour."

"Ok." I smile.

"I'm gonna hop in the shower. Be right back."

As soon as he turns away, I quickly jump up from off the bed to grab ahold of his arm telling him to wait.

"I have to take one too." I turn my head towards the ground.

"Oh ok. I'll be quick. Don't worry." He says before walking off.

Maybe he didn't realize I wanted to take one with him. When I took one with him last time, the feeling of his hands massaging my back was breath taking. I've never felt anything like that before. I've never let anyone touch me like that because of my insecurity. I hated the fact that I was fat. Food was my worst enemy, but it was so good! I couldn't resist it.

My eyes shot open in shock once I saw Harry come out of the bathroom completely naked. I didn't even bother to turn away. He looked so hot. Those tattoos plastered all over his body. Bloody hell.

"You coming with?"

I shyly smile before stepping to the side to undress. He let out a purposely loud sigh. I giggled in response. I still held those little insecurities that bothered me. Even though Harry tried his hardest to get me to believe I was beautiful, I just couldn't.

"Ok close your eyes!"

Until I knew Harry was in the shower with his eyes closed, I wasn't going out.

My heart flutters once I see Harry's hand from the side of the wall reaching out as if I was to grab it.

"C'mon baby. For me?"

I grab Harry's hand in approval. Still aware that he was completely naked. The only part of his body I was staring at was his face. It held that bit of confidence in me. I knew Harry wasn't going to make fun of the way I looked. These insecurities I held were just so hard to get rid of.

I follow Harry towards the bathroom where the shower was all set up. Steam covering the glass mirror. Harry steps in first before I follow behind him.

We are now both letting the warm water slide down our bodies as I begin to press romantic kisses against his lips. They were perfectly moisturized. How does a guy manage to keep his lips so smooth? As weird as it is to say it, I loved feeling his lips.

My body begins to tense up once Harry's hand turn me around, back towards him.

"Hand me the soap, baby." His raspy voice whispers.

I grab the bar of soap and hand it to Harry from behind. He begins to gently message my back. I didn't want him doing all the work. I quickly turn around before he could finish washing me.

"I think it's my turn to wash you." I shyly say while biting my lip.

"If you insist." He smirks.

Harry hands me the bar of soap. I lay it in my hands before starting to message his toned body. His back was plastered with tattoos. All of them were there before, except the one I had noticed laying on the top of one of his bum cheeks. It was too small to read so I gave my head a slight bent down. To Harry's eyes, a bit too much.

"What are you doing?" He laughs.

"Oh. Um. Nothing." My cheeks splatter with red.

"It says "Badass"."

"Oh. I wasn't-"

"Just proceed to wash me babe. It feels good." Harry demands before laying a wet kiss on me.

I proceed to continue to wash his muscled back. After, I feel up onto his bum. I couldn't resist but to give it a little squeeze. Harry groans in approval. The muscles surrounding it made me gasp in action. Luckily, Harry didn't hear me.

"Ok. All clean." I shyly whisper.

"Thanks babe."

We both lean it at the same time to exchange passionate kisses to eachother. The soap rinsing off our bodies. I wasn't expecting Harry to wash me next. Just feeling Harry all over was enough. I wasn't a creep, but his entire body was toned and I'm sure any girl would love to feel up on Harry. To my luck, I was Harry's only girl.

After our little romance scene, we stepped out of the shower to dry ourselves off to get ready for our dinner date. I was so excited.


"After you, baby."

"Thank you." I reply after stepping out of the car in one of the dresses my mom had packed for me. I guess she knew that Harry would take me out somewhere. Lord.

I take Harry's hand gesture as soon as I close the car door from behind me. We started to walk towards the restaurant. Harry giving me sweet compliments along the way. He was so cute. The way he treated me was beyond dreamy. Just the way I always liked it.

We were immediately sat down at our table and we ordered our food seconds after. We both were starving.




"Sorry! I couldn't help it. I ate way to much."

"Well lets go. Leave like a five dollar tip." I said between burps. "I'll be right back ok? I don't feel too good."

"I'll go with you."

"No. I think I'm going to throw up. Just please wait by the car. I promise I'll be ok."

"Ok babe. I'll go heat up the car."

I walked towards the bathroom all tipsy like. That lobster I had was a bit too much or my stomach to handle.

I push the bathroom door open and run into a stall. I felt like I was seriously going to vomit, and sure enough I did. I tried as hard as I could not to get my dress dirty. It seemed expensive. I think it was one of my moms. I don't know. My head started to blaze with pain and my eyes began to fog up. I became super weak. Maybe I have thrown up too much.

My body tenses up as I hear the sound of the bathroom door open; praying that I don't throw up again to signal there was no one in here. I couldn't get up to move because of my body issue with losing consciousness. To make matters worse, someone opens my stall and realises that I was throwing up. I feel the persons fingers, not knowing if it was a boy or a girl, grab my hair from the sides and making it into a ponytail.

"It's ok Hannah. I got you."

My eyebrows came together into a confusing look. It was a man. But it wasn't Harry. I knew Harry's calming voice, and this wasn't it.

"Now, this might hurt a bit."

His last sentence sent chills up my spine. I tried to turn around to get a glimpse of the strange man, but it was too late. My life flashed before my eyes when my face collided into the toilet seat. He had smashed me into it. I let out a low squeak before passing out and not knowing what was going to happen next.

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