Chapter 29

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"Ok guys! The hamburgers are on the grill!" my mom screams.

I really didn't want to be here on this double date at the park with me, my mom, Harry, and, unfortunately, my mom's boyfriend. I can't say I don't like him yet because I haven't really talked to him. Just anyone who ever dates my mom gives me the upset moody attitude. The only person I could picture ever hugging and kissing my mom would be my dad and, obviously, that is never going to happen again.

Me and Harry were on the park swings waiting for the burgers to be done cooking. I obviously wasn't swinging due to the little person I had inside of me. I hated being pregnant. It prevented me from doing a lot of things but in the end, it would totally be worth it. My mom said that this guy was a good cook. I say "this guy" not out of disrespect, but because I didn't properly know his name. It's not like he even earned my respect yet though. Thinking about him was making my blood boil. Harry must've noticed as he put his hand on my lap. I instantly felt better.

"Babe... What's wrong?" he soothingly asks.

"Nothing, I just really don't want to be here. I hate the fact that there is another man in my mother's life other than my dad. It just makes me so... so..."


"Not so much sad, upset. I just wished my stupid ass father would've treated my mom correctly. I miss him a bunch." I shake at the wording of my sentence.

I couldn't control the tears that were starting to fall from my face. I really missed my father. I have no clue where to find him. Calling him was out of the situation as I promised my mom that I wouldn't. Not only is that the reason but my mom the only one with his phone number which I'm pretty sure she threw away. Someday I'll tell him that I am pregnant, someday, but not anytime soon. Oblivious of where I am, I couldn't hear my mom calling our names. I wipe the one little tear that found its way through my tear duct before walking over to where my mom had set up. Harry immediately grabbed my arm as he noticed me still crying while walking.

"Hannah... we don't have to be here you know. I can tell your mom that you're feeling lightheaded because of the baby. She'll understand. C'mon, let's go."

Although Harry's explanation sounded like something I really wanted to do, I really couldn't cooperate with it. My mom really wanted me to be here. I'm doing this for her, not her boyfriend. Ugh, that term was still foreign in my vocabulary. I try my best to stay strong and move along with this act my mom called a "double date"

"No, harry. It's okay. My mom wanted me here. I should be here for her. C'mon, let's go eat." I smile.

Once again, me and Harry, for what seemed like the billionth time, started walking over to where my mom sat with her... her friend. Yeah from now on I'll call him her friend. The burgers smelled amazing. I guess this was my chance to introduce myself to "him" as my mom flicked her head towards where he was cutting up some lettuce and tomatoes to put on the hamburgers he cooked not too long ago. Building up my courage was hard but somehow I manage to force it out of me as I began to walk to him.

"Hello. Would you like some help cutting up the tomatoes? I can cut them for you as you continue to peel the lettuce?"

"No thank you sweetheart. I got it all covered."

Sweetheart? Ew, what the hell. No one ever calls me sweetheart but... my father.

"Don't call me sweetheart ever again. U got that? No one ever calls me sweetheart but my father."

His face told me all. He quickly stopped cutting and looked at me very blankly. That's when I started to feel bad. I didn't mean to almost yell at him but my father was the only one who called me sweetheart. It's a sensitive topic for me.

"I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean..."

"It's okay," he cuts me off, "I told your mom the same thing when she called me honey. My mom used to call me that my entire life until she let her cigarette addiction take over her life. She passed a tragic death when emphysema took its course. I apologize for my choice of words."

With that I am completely in shock. I feel like a total bitch and I actually was. I didn't know anything about his mother. All I wanted to do was crawl into a ball and disappear, but that wouldn't be any way to properly apologize to anyone at all.

"Oh my gosh... I'm so sorry to hear that. I had no idea... I..."

"It's okay." He chuckles.

I picked up the knife and started cutting up the plump red tomatoes. It was awkwardly silent. The only sound we heard was the little kids screaming. My eyes quickly glance over to where my mom and Harry were and sure enough they were both biting their nails and staring the entire time. Oh god. Harry hand motions a "go on" gesture. Oh that's right, I never properly introduced myself. Since there were no napkins around, I wipe my hands on my brand new jeans before turning over and introducing myself.

"I'm Hannah by the way... And you are?" I smile. I felt kind of bad at the way I treated him.

"Jeff." He smiles.

We proceed to shake hands while grabbing the veggies we had already cut up. I was starving and looking forward to his cooking. I haven't had a home cooked meal since forever.


My mom went out with Jeff to go see the new insidious part II movie. Honestly, I did not want to see that. I'm not a big fan of horror movies. The only horror movie that I have ever seen was the exorcist and never again. I couldn't sleep for days. Since me and Harry were home alone, we decided to stop by the Netflix box at the gas station and rent a couple of movies. My legs were on fire. This baby was actually pretty heavy. I was sixteen weeks in and honestly she was already heavy. I was on my second trimester. I say "she" because I really hope it's a girl. Even Harry would like for the baby to be a girl. The only thing that worries me is giving birth. Every time someone brings up the word "birth", it makes my entire body cringe. I don't think I was ready just yet.

Harry continues to glide his finger across the screen looking for a good movie for the both of us. I was getting a little bit impatient as I get out of the car to ask him if he was done. My voice was cut off by the annoying ringing of my phone that lay in my pocket. I read the caller ID and to my surprise it was a number which I wasn't really familiar with. Harry signals me to answer it, and of course I do. My entire body feels weak as I hear the man on the other line speak. The voice sounded so familiar. Almost like the same voice that used to put me to sleep at night as a little girl. The same voice that made the biggest smile appear on my face every time I heard "daddy's home". It was my father. My own father was on the other line and I was in complete shock. I look to Harry as if he didn't already know, but he did. He gives me a sweet smile before walking back to the car waiting for me to be done with my conversation with my father. He knew my dad was going to call, but how? I never gave him the number nor did he even know it. I quickly remember the scene I saw when I was introducing myself to Jeff. Harry and my mother had to have been talking behind my back.

Although in order for the conversation to even start, I have to speak, obviously.

"Hi dad." I cry with a hint of a smile. Goodness I loved Harry more than anything.

(Did you guys enjoy it?(: I sure did enjoy writing it! You guys are the only people who keep me stronger and motivated to continue writing! I honestly almost cried in class today when I saw the reads go up to almost 1 million! That's crazy!

I love you all so much and hope you continue reading.)

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