Chapter 25

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Harry's POV:


"Hi! This is St. Jude's Hospital calling. May we please speak with Hannah? We were looking through some of her old paper work and found something really unexpected."

"Oh.. She's actually in the shower getting ready for something. Mind leaving a message?" I say politely.

I had no idea what to expect. Last time we were in a hospital was when Hannah got into that car accident. My heart started pumping a little faster as the lady on the other line wasn't responding. I said hello I couple of times before she finally spoke. Maybe that was a bad idea. All of a sudden my legs feel like they're not even there. I could feel my face turn pale white. I didn't want to believe what this nurse has told me. No, it can't be true. Please don't let it be true.

** Two Hours Later **

Hannah's POV:

Me and Harry pull up to the old coffee shop where I was suppose to meet Anne. He was still acting childish and not saying one word the whole drive here. What was his problem? I was doing this for him. He will eventually thank me later, right? I couldn't handle the silence that was eroding the room. Someone had to speak up and of course, it was me.

"Harry. What's going on with you?"



I couldn't quite pick out what was fully wrong, but I could tell that he's not too upset anymore. There was something else on his mind. His facial expressions were telling all. They were carrying a worried look. Of course, I start to worry.

"Harry, you can tell m-"

"Just call me when you're ready to be picked up." He snap, avoiding my question.

"Alright. Fine." I snap back while getting out of the car nearly slamming the door shut.

Harry wastes no time slamming on the acceleration and speeding out of here. The squealing of the tired scratching the pavement made me flinch. Whatever. I'll deal with him later. I turn around and walk into the coffee shop. It was dull, meaning no one was in here except the people that work here. Maybe I spoke too soon. I then notice a woman sitting in at a table back faced towards me. The ringing of the bell as you entered the shop made me an obvious target. Her head swiftly turns to me. The biggest smile spread across her cheeks. I guess she already knew who I was. She then proceeds to get up and walk towards me. Her light blonde hair leading a trail behind her. Thats weird. I didn't expect her to be blonde. My heart stops. Maybe I wasn't prepared for this. I couldn't even find the words to say. Shit, c'mon Hannah.

"Hello. You must be..." She pauses waiting for my response. My shock got the best of me. I couldn't speak. "...Hannah." She answers my question.


She chuckles and responds, "C'mon. Our coffee is getting cold."

She gestures a hand in the tables direction. I begin to follow. My feet became extremely interesting. As I am looking down, my phone buzzes with a text. I quickly glance at it. I couldn't believe my eyes as I read it.

Unknown Number:

Hey Hannah. Sorry! I'm running a little late. Stuck in traffic. I hope that's okay?


My heart sinks to my stomach as I realized the person in front of me is not Harry's mother. But for some reason she knew who I was. The strange women smiled at me as I faked a smile back. Oh no, what have I gotten myself into. The silence is broken by another buzzing from my phone. Goddamn it. Do I even dare look at it? No. I can't. I won't. I didn't realize how stupid I was acting until the women had to shake my hand. I'm saying "women' like she was old. She actually looked to be about in her twenties.

"Darling, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Sorry. But um, who are you?"

"We will get to that. But first, I want to bring something into this conversation. And you might not like it."

My heart kind of fell to my stomach once again. I didn't know what to expect. How did she know me? More importantly, why did she want to talk to me?

"Um, okay."

"I wanna talk about Harry. How is he? I haven't seen him in forever."

"I'm sorry, but Harry is none of your business. Now it's my turn to ask a question. Who are you?" I snap at her. I didn't mean to though.

"We'll aren't we feisty. My name is Tori. And I'm...." She dragged out the ending of that sentence to make somewhat of a suspenseful reaction. Then she proceeded to finish. "And I'm Harry's ex."

"Why are you here?"

"Look, don't get upset. Me and Harry weren't even close to being a thing. We were actually really good friends. We were just curious as too what it would feel like to be in a relationship. Big mistake. I just miss him as a friend."

"Oh.. Well he's good."

Tori's head seemed to be focusing on the door as the bell rang since someone walked through the door. I turn my head to get a glimpse of who it might be. Shit. Harry.

"Tori!?" Harry screams. "Tori oh my gosh I haven't seen you in forever."

Harry starts to fast walk over to us to what is seemed like give Tori a hug. Hell no. Before he could touch her, I placed my hands on his chest and faked a smile.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I bite

"Hannah. Hold on, lemme go say hi."

He wastes no time pushing me out of his way and giving Tori a big hug. Ugh. Even though they were just friends now, they still have dated in the past. I'm not one of those girls that don't let their boyfriend talk to girls. Harry can talk to girls, but not his exes. What the hell? I quickly notice Tori's hands slowly start to drift down to Harry's bum. I don't know if Harry was acting like he didn't feel it, or if he wanted her to do that. Whatever the case may be, I was not going to let this go anymore further than it already is.

"Well aren't you to cute. I'll rent you both a hotel room, you can ass touch in their all you want."

I didn't mean to be that rude sounding, but Harry knew that I was insecure when it came to more beautiful women. I'm not that pretty. Tori was one of those mall chicks. Big sized breasts, high heels, a gallon of perfume sprayed on them. I couldn't take it. As I'm walking out the door my arm is roughly tugged by, not a surprise, Harry. I didn't even want to look at him. I tried pulling and pulling but nothing seemed to work. How could he do this to me? I'm not over exaggerating because every girl should know that this is not okay.

"Leg me go!"

"Hannah! What is your problem?"

"Why don't you go talk to Tori? You'll have more fun then you will with me."


I couldn't even speak and I didn't really have to. My tears spoke for me. I didn't really want to cry but I couldn't help it. Harry was being a complete asshole.

He brings me into a hug and for some reason I couldn't let go. I just cried into his shoulders. He began to softly speak into my ear.

"Baby, you are the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on. I couldn't imagine my life without you. You always make me smile. Tori is just a friend and if you don't want me to see her ever again, then that's okay. I'll do it for you. Why? Because, I love you."

I look up to Harry and smile through the ugly tears that were covering my face. He wastes no time kissing me and making the tears suddenly disappear. I bring him into a gentle hug again. I guess you could say Harry was my everything. He always knew how to make me smile. I loved him. As I open my eyes behind Harry's back, I see Tori walking out of the coffee shop and holding up a napkin that said, "Maybe another time? Sorry for the inconvenience." She seemed like a nice girl, but I just wasn't ready to talk to her just yet after the incident that happened not to long ago.

I then remembered that Harry this morning was acting foolish. He was hiding something from me and I didn't really enjoy that. I release him from the hug and reflect his smile as he's still smiling back. I didn't know how to really ask him what was up.

"So what are you doing here?"

"I came to tell you that I might be a little late to pick you up. I had to go restock on groceries. I texted you but you ignored me."

"Oh sorry. Haha."

I wanted to ask him about what happened this morning but I didn't know how. I didn't want to upset him or anything. After what seemed like a long time of silence, the question came up like word vomit.

"Babe? Why were you acting all crazy this morning?"

As he was about to answer, his eyes immediately open wide and his mouth somewhat drops open a little. I didn't know what was behind me, but it sure seemed to put Harry in shock. He squints his eyes to make sure that this was reality. I soon turn around to see a lady getting out of a car.

"Harry? Babe, who is that?"

"My..." He kinda chokes on what he was going to say but soon finishes his sentence. "My mom."

(You guys enjoyed this chapter? c:
I'm really sorry it's taking me long to write. It's summer and I've been so busy. But that's no excuse. I couldn't imagine losing you guys, my readers, just because I don't update. I love you all so much. You guys are what keep my stronger. I love you. I really hope you enjoy and comment/vote!)

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