Chapter 26

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I actually didn't know what to do. At that moment, Harry has seen his mom for the first time since her "passing". This was somewhat my fault that I didn't tell him sooner. If I would've told him, this awkward situation wouldn't have been so bad. I felt like a total ass. I look over to Harry and his eyes are bloodshot red. The glare off his eyes were created by the tears. I could tell he was trying so hard not to cry because he hates showing emotion, but this was way too much to handle than he thought. My heart fell as he began to spoke.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He says sternly without looking at me.

"Harry, I wanted to tell you. I really did. It's just that-"

I was cut off by his body turning away from me. I felt so bad. Harry never took his mothers disappearance so well. I remember our first date when he was left crying in the car. Harry starts walking away as his mother starts to get closer. I try to grab his hand telling him to stay but he yanks his hand out of mine. He was pissed. And I didn't blame him. If someone were to do this to me, I would've been acting way worse than harry. His eyes keep shutting to prevent tears from falling out.

"I- I just need to be alone." Harry whispers.

As he started walking away, my voiced cracked as the pronunciation of his name escaped my mouth. I couldn't chase after him. Knowing how bad his aggression is, that would've been a bad idea. Seconds later, I start breaking down in tears. Losing harry was my biggest fear. He was the only person in my life that kept me stronger; him and my mother of course. I rethink one more time before starting to tell at him telling him to wait. As I'm about to run, someone stops me by putting their hand on my shoulder. It was no surprise as to whom it may be. I knew exactly that it was Harry's mother. I turn around and for some odd reason she was smiling. Did she not just see why happened not too long ago?

"Hello, you must be Hannah. I'm Anne."

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude but I really need to go fix something."

"No you don't.. Wanna know why?"

My silence answered her question. I was trying my best not too break down in tears.

"If Harry really loves you, he'd come back. You are the only person I've known that could make him smile. Not even his own mother can make him smile!" She says while adding a tone of humor.

"You're right. I just... I can't bare too!-"

"You won't hun, I promise you that. You will not lose him."

"How do you know this? How do you know that everything is going to be okay!?" I scream unknowingly.

"That's why I'm here. I have some things to explain. Mind coming inside?" She point at the coffee shop.

Of course I had second thoughts running through my mind. No I didn't trust this women but she was kind of my only hope right now. She could probably help me find Harry's spot and with an apology. People who are together shouldn't be fighting as much right? Me and Harry have to work on that. Although we haven't fought in a while, it still was a problem.

As me and Harry's mother, Anne, walk into the coffee shop, we waste no time talking about what was bothering Harry. I had loads of questions to ask her and I'm sure she has the same thoughts.

"Let me ask the questions first, you answer them then vise versa, okay?"

"Go right ahead." She says not too sure of her response.

"Alright. First, why didn't you call Harry to explain to him you weren't dead? And what was going on? You know how much pain he was in because he thought he had no one when actually you were there."

She didnt really respond and she didnt really have too. Her facial expressions told me everything. Her eyebrows went into a low frown and her eyes became glossy as if she was about to cry, and surely she did. I felt kind of bad. I more yelled the question at her rather than talking. It was not right what she had did to Harry. She caused him so much emotional depression.

It was silent for quite a while. The only sound that was breaking the silence was the blender blending the coffee beans. The aroma of fresh coffee murdered the shop. I didn't know either if I should start talking or her.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't-"

"It's my turn to explain, Hannah. The honest reason why I left harry is because of his dad. He was threatening to hurt harry if I came close to him. He didnt want me to be involved in his life. I thought it would be better off just having his father tell him that I was dead."

"Anne... I'm so sorry. I had no idea."

"It's not your fault. I deserve the way Harry is treating me. I have no right to go to him and explain. If he wants an explanation, I guess he could come tell me. But I just barged into his life. I wouldn't be surprised if he didnt talk to me for another year."

At this point I felt terrible. She was actually crying. I didn't mean to make her cry. I actually wanted to help her develop her relationship back with her son. Since hes ran off to only god knows where, that cant really happen right now. I try to think of ways to cheer her up. Bad idea. A lie escaped before my lips like word vomit. Oh god hannah, what are you doing!

"I just got a text from Harry. He's on his way. Maybe you two can chat." I fake a smile at my lying suggestion.

"Oh no. I mean, I don't know. I wouldn't know what to say or how to act. It'll be too awkward."

I place my hand on her and before speaking, "You gotta try, Anne. He's your son. You love him."

I finally see her smile spread across her face. I reflect her actions but soon stop smiling as I realized Harry wasn't coming. Oh great.

"Please excuse me. I'm going to use the ladies room." Anne says.

"Alrighty. Sure. I'll be here."

Anne continues her way towards the restroom and I waste no time getting my phone out. My heart sank to my stomach as I hit the lock button to reveal that I have 10 missed calls and 25 text messages. And they're all from Harry. What's going on? I slide my finger across the message bubble to unlock my phone. My eyes start to water and I slowly bring my right hand up to my mouth. Anne comes up from behind and rubs my back in concern asking whats wrong. I couldn't respond. I was still shocked at the message that was from Harry. It wasn't actually "from Harry". It was a forwarded message. He had forwarded it to me. I still couldn't believe my eyes.

"Hannah what is it? Are you alright?"

"It-it's me. I..."

"Hannah, darling, you what?"

I honestly couldn't find the words to speak. I hand my phone to Harry's mother. She mouth drops is gasp and her face gets this hugs bash of concern. What am I gonna do.

"Hannah... Sweetie I'm so sorry."

Anne hands me back my phone and all I could do is just stare at the text harry forwarded me. My whole body starts to shake. I start feeling light heading. I read the message over and over again.

Text Message: Harry <3:

"FWD: Text Message: Saint Jude's Hospital:

Hello. We are very sorry to tell you that leukemia might be taking it's course through your immune system. We checked our papers from your last visit and somehow leukemia was marked as a medical condition. Although we're not too sure, we would like for you to come to our office next Thursday for some operations and some tests we need to go through. Please feel the need to time all the time you have. Again, very sorry.

Staff x"

Once again, my body feels like jell-o and I begin to feel sleepy. Seconds later, I fall to the ground. The sounds of the ambulance sirens put me to sleep.

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