Chapter 8

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Harry lays me down on his bed. Laying on top of me and kissing me passionately. His hands all over the place. I guess the way I kissed him roughly in the shower must've turned him on. I didn't mean for that to happen. But this couldn't continue any longer.

"Wait. Wait. Harry." I gasp

"Don't worry love. I'm not going to do anything. I'm just trying to thank you for agreeing in being my girlfriend. I don't know what I would have done if you said no, Hannah."

All I could do with smile. I love the way Harry was so gentle with me. I haven't seen his angry side in a long time, and I wasn't planning on it. I just wanted to talk with Harry forever. But I had to go to sleep because I start work tomorrow. Damn.

"Harry. Don't thank me. I'm so glad that I agreed. Your perfect." I cooed, "but I actually had to go to bed. I have work tomorrow, sadly. I was wondering if maybe you can pick me up? Remember? I don't have a car."

"Haha of course, darling. I'd love to. Then maybe we could go to the mall so I could get you a new phone. I wasn't able to save it from the car."

"Oh. No that's ok. My mom will pay for it. You don't have to. You've done enough. I appreciate everything you did. Thank you."

"I know I don't have too," he says as he slowly starts to kiss the sensitive spot on my ear lobe. "I want to." He whispers the last part.

All I could do was kiss him. Over and over. I couldn't stop. It was almost like my drug. It was better than my cigarette addiction. I was definitely not going to tell Harry about that. But didn't he have to go somewhere? Isn't that why he got in the shower with me?

"Hey Harry. Didn't you have to go somewhere?" I nervously ask.

"Oh shit. Yeah I do. Thanks for the reminder. Will you be ok here by yourself? I mean not like you have a choice."


"Don't worry babe. It'll only take a second. It's just outside my apartment. I have to hurry though. My phone has been ringing like crazy."

"Oh...ok." I start picking at the skin on my fingertips.

Harry gets out of the bed to get dressed. My head turns the other way when I realize Harry was still naked. We've forgotten to put on clothes. Moments later, he picks up his phone and grabs a suspicious looking bag. Kissing my forehead and telling me goodbye.

"Goodbye baby. I'll be back in a little bit. Go to sleep."


Harry leaves the room and locks his door from behind. My head hits the pillow and I am out like a light.


Harry's POV

I lock the front door to my apartment. Walking out to the front of my car where there stands a tall figure who I wasn't so happy to see. My mind flew with disgust.

"Hey mate! What took you so long!" He sarcastically yells.

"I'm here. And I have the stuff. What do you want." I bite back in a hurry to get back to Hannah.

"What's the rush, sport? Need to get back to continue using women for your job?"

"Shut the fuck up! I'm not using Hannah! She's much more than that!"

"Oh? It has a name? I didn't know you name your slaves."

"Hurry up and tell me what you want. Because I have no hesitation to kick your arse right here, right now."

"Alright alright. Just give me the bag and I'll go."

I hand him the bag. Hoping he would keep his promise and get out of my sight. He was seriously on my last nerve. He was blaming me for using Hannah. I'm not like that anymore. Hannah is different. She has changed me. A lot. She was the girl I needed in my life. I was just so nervous that he might tell Hannah my little secret. But I wasn't using girls anymore, until I met Hannah. He quickly grabs that bag and tosses it in his car.

"Now. Leave." I warn.

"Nah I don't think so mate."

I turn my face in annoyance and as soon as I turn back, I feel a great impact of his fist against my left cheek. The impact made me fall to the floor. I hear him step over me and start walking towards my apartment. Oh shit. Hannah.

Hannah's POV

I wake up in the middle of the night. I start to get a little worried about Harry. He hasn't came back yet. It's been ten minuets. Yeah that doesn't seem like a long time but for me, it was. I jump in excitement when I hear the sound of knocking on the front door. I rip the sheets off of my body and put on some close so I could go answer the door.

I'm out of Harry's room. Excited to see Harry waiting for me. When I opened the door, my excitement disappeared. I noticed a tall looking man standing right in front of me.

"Hello? Can I help you."

"Of course you can." The man whispered before pushing me down falling on my bum. Hard.

I'm shocked at why the man did that. Did he even know me? I didn't know him. He starts creeping towards me, kneeling down in front of my face.

"Hello Hannah. Harry has told me all about you. $200 a session right? This one will be free though baby. Oh how I can't wait to get my hands on your warm body."

"No. Please. I-" he cut me off my slapping me across my face. Tears pour out of my eyes. "Harry!"

"Shut up you little bitch!" The man says before slapping me again. Face going numb.

I couldn't move. I was unconscious. My vision was blurry. I could barely see him in front of me. I feel his hand start to rise up my nightgown. Reaching my crotch and sliding his fingers across it. He starts to unbuckle his jeans and slowly takes them off. I was terrified. I didn't know what do to. All I wanted was Harry. I wanted him to save me. What has this man done to him?

The man slips up my nightgown, revealing only my panties in front of him. Slipping down my panties seconds later.

"Harry..." I softly cry.

"Baby don't cry. Your gonna love this. I promise. I'm gonna make you scream for Harry. This will only hurt....a lot."

As he start to slip the condom on to his erection, I feel the weight of his body disappear off of me. Though my vision was still blurry, I knew who it was. Harry. All I could hear was the sound of gruesome punches and the sound of glass shattering. Sense finally comes to mind. If I don't get up and tell Harry to back off, he was going to kill this man. I pull up my panties that were around my ankle. Pulling down my nightgown seconds after. I try my best to pull Harry off of the man. Blood all over the floor and his knuckles. The man wasn't even saying a word.

"Harry! S-stop it! You'll kill him!" I scream

"Hannah! Stay out of this!"

"No Harry! Stop!"

I push Harry off the man and place my arms around his waist. Hugging him. Trying to make him forget about what had just happen. The man didn't say a word. He picked up his coat and walked out of the door.

"I'll be back, son." was his last words.

I let out a deep sigh as soon as he closed the door. Pulling back from Harry and looking him straight in the eye.

"Harry...who was that? Son? Was that your-"

"What did he do to you." He cuts me off.

"Nothing. I mean. He tried to rape me, but once again, you saved me."


"Well, he touched me in places I didn't really want to be touched." I cry

"Baby come here."

Harry pulls me into his protective hold. I knew he didn't mean for this to happen. Harry wasn't like that. I could hear him sniffle from above my head. Was he...crying? That only made me cry even more.

"Baby I'm so sorry. This will never happen again. I promise."

"Don't apologise. It wasn't your fault. It was that prick who you have to call your father." Not realizing what I said must've hurt Harry's feeling. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to call him that."

"No. It's ok. I've called him worse." Harry chuckles.

Me and Harry walk back to his bedroom. Harry going to the bathroom to wash off the blood and returning minuets later. He comes into the bed, lying down by eachother. Me in his arms was the only thing that could get me to sleep. Seconds later, Harry falls asleep.


I wake up to Harry's soft kisses against my lip. To me, it was the only thing that could wake me up. I open my eyes to see Harry's green ones. His huge dimples spread across his face.

"Good morning, beautiful."

"Hi." I groan while smiling

"You better get up so you won't be late for work."

Work. Shit. I totally forgot about it. I roll over to my side to check the clock. Only having ten minuets to get to work, I rush out of bed and put on some clothes I have left here from nights before. I quickly head over to the kitchen, hoping Harry would follow. He was still in bed. I guess he was really tired. I pop two pieces of bread in the toaster for Harry and head out the door towards the door.

"Bye Harry! I'll see you later! Please don't forget to pick me up! I don't have a car!" I yell out from behind.

"Ok Hannah. I'll be there! Have a good day!"

Walking wasn't my greatest sport. And from the little incident from last night, my legs were pretty sore. Along with my bum. I finally reach my work, Jamba Juice. I wasn't really a big fan of smoothies either. Working there kind of made me sick with the aroma of fruits all day. Opening the door and finding Ella behind the register made me surprised. I screamed her name as she quickly noticed me, running up and giving me a hug.

"Ella!? Since when did you get a job here. I thought you worked at the Olive Garden? What happened to that job?"

"Oh. Well I quit that job. I wanted a job that was closer to your house. Stalker right?" She laughs. "I always want to make sure if your ok. I mean with Harry still running around it could be-"

"Me and Harry are together. Boyfriend and girlfriend." I cut her off.


"Don't worry. He's changed. I've change. He's not like that anymore. I really like him. Could you please just give him a chance?"

"For you. Of course Hannah. I'm just so glad your safe."

"Well if it wants for Harry, I wouldn't be."


"Cya later Ella!" I say before walking out my door.

I notice it starts to pour rain outside. Harry's car was across the street. I wave my hand in the air, signaling Harry where I was. He quickly notices me and steps out of his car with an umbrella. Walking towards me and putting me under his arms.

"Hello princess. How was work?"

"It was good. Ella got a job here. So I'm not alone."

I feel his grip tighten at my words. Something still tells me he doesn't really like Ella that much. His grips keeps getting tighter and tighter.

"Um Harry. Your hurting me."

"Oh. Sorry babe. Why don't we take you home? I'm sure your mom is there worried sick."


The car ride to my house was pretty quiet. I mean too quiet. Something was up, I was starting to get a little worried.

"Harry? Are you ok." I ask

"I just have a headache. That's all. Look. I'm gonna drop you off at home and then go back to my house. I need some rest."

"Okay sure. Could you call me on my house phone once your home? Just to make sure you made it there safely."

"Of course."

We pull up to my house. My mom standing outside. Her face in a disgusted tone. Harry parks the car and rolls down his window to explain where I was. But before he could, my mom started to talk.

"Harry. You need to go. Hannah. Get inside. Now." she seemed pissed.

"Wait. Mom? What going o-"

"I said now!" She scream. I start to walk towards my house. Not even getting to say goodbye to Harry. I peer around my house so that I was able to hear my mom and Harry's conversation.

"I'm sorry Ashley. I didn't mean to have Hannah out so late. I promise it won't happen again." Harry explains.

"Oh it won't happen again. Because you are not aloud to be around my daughter. Hannah's friend, Ella, gave me a call. Have you seen the news Harry? You should probably look into that."

"Look. I know that looks bad but if you give me a chance to explain I'm sure-"

"Save it for court. Leave."

I see Harry roll up his window. Hands gripping the wheel. Knuckles turning white. Eyes black. He was pissed. Seconds after my mom walks up to the drive away. Me and her both turn around to see Harry's fist colliding with his car window, breaking it and glass shattering everywhere.

"If you think you can keep me from seeing Hannah, you're fucking crazy!" Was all he said before he backs out of the driveway and presses the gas, leaving skid marks.

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