Chapter 33

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As I'm walking out of the elevator, my heartbeat starts to intensify by a thousand. Can I really do this? I think the sight of seeing Harry again will make me erupt into tears. I bite my cheek to hold in any of the tears that try to squeeze out of my eyes as I'm walking out and towards my room. Wow. I am dumbfounded at the perception of the hotel room. It's incredible. White sofas, white rug, white kitchen, white everything. I didn't expect there to be a wine rack equipped with, what looked to be like, expensive wine. Even though I am only eighteen, I may have to sneak in a little taste to clear my raging headache. I promptly run towards the fridge to find it stocked with a bunch of fatty foods. Thank god. I mean, what is better than a girl eating her feelings? I reach for a coke and some chips before jumping onto the white, cloudlike bed. I needed this right now. I plug in my iPod into the surround sound stereo and start blasting my music, hoping it'll help me forget about the memory of Harry. I don't think I can handle facing him anytime soon.


Harry's POV

"It's nice to see you too nana. I'll be by later."

Visiting my aunt took my mind off things, including Hannah. The thought of her name still makes my heart anguish. Knowing that I left her out in the pouring rain honestly showed how terrible of a person I am. The drive to my hotel was terrible. I just couldn't stop the tears that were flooding my eyes. I take deep breaths to prevent them from falling down my cheeks since I didn't really like to show any kind of emotion. I feel like there's no air in my chest; its hard for me to breath. My addiction towards Hannah is kind of like a metaphor of a person trying to stop smoking. These withdrawals are eating me alive. The sound of a horn instantly jolted me from my lost state.

"Move out of the way asshole!" the raged man screams.

I don't even bother apologizing. I just continue to drive. I need to get back to my room. I finally arrive minutes later. Its past midnight now and the doors were about to close as I run quickly through them. Whew. As I'm walking in the elevator, I begin to think about who was renting the other room across from mine? I mean, I could really use a buddy as I have no one here in Cheshire besides my family who I really don't get along with. I step into the elevator and push the top floor button to head up to my room. Seconds later I hear someone calling out to me telling me to stop the elevator.

"Stop! Wait!"

My hand swiftly comes in between the two sliding doors, making them open them back up again to allow the teen to walk in.

"Thanks." He slurs. Great. He's clearly drunk.

"Yeah." I let my frustration take over my reply. God I hate drunk people.

"I'm N-Niall. You are?" his hiccups bombard his introduction.


I quickly turn away from him as I notice him trying to reach his hand out as if I'm suppose to grab it. Hell no. my blood begins to simmer. Just the fact of being next to drunk makes me so fucking irritated. How long does this fucking elevator take to reach the top? Wait. The drunken idiot that was next to me didn't push his destination button. Bloody hell. He's the one that has taken the room next to mine. There better not be any disruptions while I'm trying to sleep. Now that'll make my anger burst into flames.

I sigh in relief as the elevator dings and the door opens. My mind hurriedly focuses on the blaring music that's booming through the walls. Wow. That idiot left his radio on. Wait, why am I getting angry? Its going to be his electric bill, not mine. A laugh escapes my mouth before walking into my room, not even acknowledging niall walking, or should I say crawling, into his room.

I sigh as I close the door. The music is still pounding through my hotel room. Goddamn it. Once I'm done taking a shower, I'm going to head over next door to tell him to please shut the fuck up.


Hannah's POV

"Now I'm a warrior! Now I've got thicker skin! I'm a warrior! I'm stronger then I've ever been!" I scream along to the song.

Gosh, Demi Lovato has been such a life saver towards me. She always helps me feel instantly better when I'm feeling sad by just the tone of her voice and music. I slightly jump as I hear my front door open. What the hell? I almost instantaneously turned off my music and hide underneath my bed. My heart starts to pound once I see the white Chuck Taylors slide across the room. Wait. Those aren't just any Chuck Taylors, those are Niall's.


I crawl from out of my childish hiding spot before walking over to see why the heck he was here.

"Hannah baby where are you?"

Ugh, he's obviously drunk if he just called me baby.

"Niall? What are you doing here?"


As he's slumping over to me, my nostrils sing at the scent of the amount of liquor on his breath. His hug is soothing but his breath is aggravating. Oh how I hate drunken people. The look on his face is incalculable as I pull his drunken ass away from me. See how upset I get when I'm involved with drunk people? Very hypocritical Hannah my subconscious adds. Well I'm not going to argue with her.

"Niall, you're drunk. Go home."

"Aww but I miss you so much." He slurs.

"You know what, why you don't you just sit down here on my comfortable bed while I go downstairs to get you some medicine." I calmly speak.

He nods before walking to the bed and smashing into it. Something tells me this I'm not going to get any sleep as it is already two o'clock in the morning. I pull the smooth blanket over his body before walking out to the elevator, closing the door from behind.


Harry's POV

I finally finish my soothing shower. My mind jolts in relief when I notice that the music has stopped booming. The intact of my stomach made me bend over. God I'm fucking starving. I don't want to eat any of this nasty ass food that the workers have stocked up inside the fridge. My mind remembers the vending machine that I came across while I was walking back to my room. If I remember correctly, I saw a bag of pretzels in there. Yeah, a bag of pretzels and a water bottle sounds appetizing. Not. I don't argue with myself as I put on this stupid ass robe before walking outside to the vending machine.

The elevator comes to my consideration as I hear it ding and barley close. That must be Niall. Thank god because I didn't want to deal with his drunk ass, not that I would've anyways. The karma that hits me hard made me groan as I hear the sound of someone throwing up. Fucking Christ. I steadily walk towards Niall's room and walk right in. I wasn't going to bother to knock because when you're drunk, you don't hear shit. Yeah you know from experience my stupid subconscious reminds me.

The sound of someone puking makes me want to puke. I see Niall at the corner of my eye. He's totally shit faced. I try my hardest not to walk out of the room but I decide against it. I walk into the bathroom and sure as shit he's lying on the floor holding his stomach, vomiting his guts out. Oh boy.

"C'mon." I grunt while trying to pick him up.

I throw him back on his bed before walking back to the kitchen to get him a glass of water. He gulps it down within seconds. What the hell was he doing? Obviously drinking, but where did he go? I need to get me a drink and get shit faced to block my thoughts about Hannah.


Just the thought of her name makes my entire body wince. Just seeing her face after I left her standing there stranding at the airport made me want to set myself on fire. How could someone do that to another human? Or worse, how can I do that to Hannah? After all we've been through. Should I just stay here for a week and then go back to her? Maybe I just needed a break from all of this. I bring my finger up to my eye to wipe the tear that was trying its hardest to fall down my cheek. Goddamn it. I'm sick of crying. I tell Niall to give me a second before heading to use his restroom. I don't want him to see me crying.


Hannah's POV

Jesus I hate elevators. I never really used to but ever since I got stuck in one with my friends at the mall, that terrified me. My headache immediately starts to come back once I realize I have to deal with Niall in his drunken state. I hope I have the right pills.

I'm trying my hardest to forget about Harry but while I was laying down listening to my music, every single song reminded me of him. When I try to hold in my tears, it only makes it worse. The way he used to hug me, the way he used to kiss my forehead, the way he used to tell me he loves me, the way he used to tell me how important I am to him, the way he used to... stop it Hannah. The bottom of my lip quivers and I bite the side of my cheek to hold the tears in. Our relationship has been one tragic rollercoaster. Well what's left of it at least.

As soon as I walk into my room, the scent of alcohol hits me like a brick. God it smells horrid. Since Niall was sleeping when I walked in I thought it would just be best to sleep with him. No, not in that way but I don't want to wake him up knowing that he would have a major hangover. It's already two-thirty in the morning so I slip off my slippers and slide into the bed to get at least some sort of a decent sleep. I love how the lights in here are clap-on clap-off censored. I do a gentle clap making sure not to wake Niall before my eyelids drape over my eyes.

(uh oh! harrys in hannahs bathroom and shes sleeping with niall! what will harry think?

stay tuned in a couple of hours as i give you the next chapter! .x

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