Chapter 23

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My head starts to bulge with this intense pain of a headache. I had no idea where I was. When I opened my eyes, I couldn't see anything. I think there was a bag over my head. Why does this have to happen to me... Why? A part of me was a little upset that Harry still kept some things from me, but another part was terrified as to what the heck they're doing to Harry. Who were these people? This couldn't go on any longer. All I wanted was Harry. All I needed was Harry. It was all so silent in the forbidden place I was trapped in. That was until I heard someone coming up from behind, yanking the bag that was hugging my head. Shit.

"How are you, baby?" the kidnapper whispers.

"W-who are you? And... And what do you want!"

I could sense this man's tone holding great amusement. That's what seemed to tick me off. I had to keep my cool.

"No need to yell. No one can hear you."

"Just please tell me what you want."

"Oh... I want nothing from you. I'm just using you as collateral. Once Harry gives me what I want, I'll let you go."

"And what's that?"

"None of your business princess."

Those were his last words before giving me a mocking kiss on the cheek and heading back upstairs. I couldn't bring my hand up to wipe his kiss away since I was being locked from behind.

"Oh Harry, where are you?" I whisper to myself.


Harry's POV:

I didn't know what just happened. I told them that I'd get them the money. I didn't want to use Hannah. I didn't know I would fall in love with her, but I did. I hated putting her in danger. She didn't deserve this, no one did. This asshole Jerry was still holding on to me, but I was in shock. That was until his hand collided into my back as I fell to the ground.

"Go on guys. I'll take it from here. Get up!" Jerry commands.

I had a plan. I had to act like I was weak when in reality, I really wasn't. I knew how to fight. Just have to get him in the right moment. Those thoughts of my dad raced threw my mind. He was my trainer. He taught me how to fight and be tough. If only I could remember.

**FLASHBACK** (Harry is 12 at this time)

"Oh get up! Don't be a pansy!" My father screamed.

"Dad. I can't. My arms, they hurt."

"I said, get up!"

His left foot collided with my side. I wouldn't necessarily call this child abuse, since I told him to do this. I was sick and tired of being bullied. Everyone calling me gay, ugly, stupid. Self harm was the only way for me to hide my pain. As soon as I told my dad about this, he decided to teach me how to fight; mix martial arts that is.
I slowly start to get up as my dad is screaming motivational words to me. The bloody, bulging lip was a distraction. Along with the intense bruise on my hip. Even though it wasn't there, I could feel it starting to form.

"Now. Remember; dodge, swing, trip, lock."

"Okay.." I say between breaths.

We continue to fight the rest of the day. Thanks dad. Thank you for all you've done and taught me. I love you.


"So c'mon. Get up!" Jerry screams.

"Dodge, swing, trip, lock." I whisper to myself before slowly rising to my feet. I've had enough of this. Jerry's hand immediately starts coming towards my face.

"Dodge." I say while grabbing his hand with one of mine and twisting, breaking it as I heard the crack. He screams in agony. He turns to the side while holding his wrist, screaming obscenities at the top of his lungs. "Swing." I breath while my hand uppercuts his chin. "Trip." Jerry falls to the ground as my foot collided with his shin, possibly breaking that too. "Lock." I say while dropping to the ground and pining his hands above his head. I swing my body over his torso to prevent his from getting away.

"Where is she!" I roar.

"I-I don't know who you're talking about."

I punch his side of his ribs to give if a bit of a motivation to tell me. The next one is going to break them.

"Where. Is. She."

"At... At the grove. 52513, West 47th Street."

"Good choice." I saw before knocking him out. A good sleep wouldn't hurt him.

I grab my coat and car keys before running out of my apartment. Hannah, baby. I'm coming.


Hannah's POV:

I try my hardest to rock back and forth out of this rope. It wasn't tightened that much. I mean, enough for me to possibly wiggle my way out of it. I wiggle harder and harder but there's no use. I had to sit here until Harry had got here.

Hours and hours had passed by. No Harry. I heard people upstairs talking and laughing. Having a party. Did they even remember that they had an eighteen year old girl locked in what looked to be their basement? This reminds me of the time I actually kidnapped. That night, I almost got raped. If only I was untied, I'd go up there and fight them. I know how to fight. And from experience with Harry, I'm not afraid to punch a guy. Although it did hurt my hand when my small fists collided with another guys face. But that was nothing. I could take the pain. Finding a way out of here became my train of thought. C'mon Hannah. Think.

"Hello!?" I scream. "Get me out of here you assholes!"

No use. I mean, that's what I thought until I heard footsteps coming. But it wasn't from upstairs. It was more like outside. I heard fast pacing footsteps coming near where I was. The little window in front of me was shattered by a rock who someone had thrown in. I was afraid to see who it was. A pairs of muscular hands grabbed ahold of the bottom edge of the window. Familiar looking curly locks of hair came sneaking into the basement. Oh god. Harry.

"H-Harry?" I ask still not to sure of who exactly it was. It was pretty dark. The tall figure dropped to his feet. Then spoke.

"I'm here, baby." Harry's raspy voice whispers almost like he's out of breath.


I start to cry. There's was no way I could hide how happy I was to see him. He wastes no time walking over to me and kissing me passionately. Even though I enjoyed this more than anything, I was still tied.

"Harry. Untie me please?"

"Oh yeah."

Harry walks behind me and starts to untie the rope that held me captive. I instantly felt better. Harry had a lot of explaining to do though. I hated living this life of a movie. I mean, that's what this felt like. One of those romantic action movies. Harry's my hero. Oh my god who am I kidding. He's always been my hero. I get up out of this seat I was sitting that felt like years. My ass was so sore. And not in that way.

"Are you ok? Are you hurt? What did they do? Did they touch you?"

"Harry. I'm fine." I laugh at his questions. He was so cute.

I walk in to give him the biggest hug, closing my eyes to spare the moment. Maybe I should've kept them closed because as soon as I open them, I see the kidnappers pointing a gun. My heart fell.

"Harry..." I whisper.

"Back away. Now." The guy whispers. Me and Harry follow his orders. Since its the only thing we could do.

The kidnappers waste no time grabbing me and yanking me up the stairs. Harry was left down there with one of the kidnappers, Jerry I think.

"Hannah! Don't do anything they say! And wherever they place you, stay there! It's very important that you-" Harry screams.

Harry couldn't finish that sentence since Jerry had hit him across the face with the gun. Even I knew it hurt since I heard it from here. I didn't really know what to say back. The intense pain of my hair being pulled kept me from doing anything. As soon as we're up top, he throws me on the couch; sitting next to me to cause uncomfortableness. His hand starts to rise up my shirt. I smack it away.

"Harry always said you were a toughy."

"Touch me again, and I'll slit your fucking throat open."

"Ooo. I like 'em feisty."

The man proceeded to play this game with me. I swear if I had a knife, I'd jam it in his neck. No hesitation. He got up after seconds of feeling on me. I guess to use the restroom. I was sat there all alone. Should I get up and move? I really wanted to see what was happening with Harry. Harry knew how to fight though. I wasn't too worried about that. Jerry's face looked pretty smashed.

It was at that moment that made my heart drop. The sound of a gunshot was heard. Oh no. Please.

"Harry!" I scream while getting up to go to the basement. The other kidnapper grabs me by the waste. "Let me go! Let me fucking go!"

"Hear him suffer baby. Listen to his screams."

I could hear screams from up here. They sounded like Harry's. God, no please. I needed him in my life. He was the only person who kept my heart beating. I couldn't lose him. No, I will not lose him. My mouth comes down to the mans arm, biting hard, almost tasting the little droplets of blood.

"You bitch!"

His hands collide with my face, smacking it hard. I fall to the ground. He heads over to the kitchen, rifling through what sounded like the knife drawer. I didn't care. If Harry died, I didn't want to live anyways. But this wasn't the way to go. He heads back over to me carrying a huge knife. This is it. He was going to stab me. He drops to his knees and grabs my face to look towards his direction.

"Any last words, stupid bitch?"

I couldn't say anything. My sobs give him my answer. I could feel the knifes sharp edge rubbing across my stomach. I see him raise the knife in the air, but the sound of a gunshot stopped him from doing so. His face immediately turns pale white. Blood falling from our of his mouth. I push him to the side to get off of me. I unexpectedly see Harry standing right in front of me holding the gun. His face splattered with blood. Human blood to be exact. I quickly get up, hugging him as the gun drops to the floor. His hands rubbed the back of my head signaling that everything was going to be ok. At least I hoped it was.

"Baby... Take me home." I softly whisper.

"Let's go." His husky voice agreed.

(I personally really loved writing this chapter! Then next one will hopefully be twice as good! Ok guys. Jesus here you go. I'm really sorry it took me forever to upload it. It's just that I was super sick and I had an O2L meet up 😍 best fucking day oh my life omg.)

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