Chapter 9

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I was fuming. Pissed at the fact that my mom could be so gullible to believe such an untrue statement that Ella had made. Why did Ella have to even call my mom? I was sure going to talk to her tomorrow at work. My mom tries to put her arm on my shoulder when I shrug away from her. My emotions were a mix between sad and angry. Mostly angry. If she thinks I'm really not going to see Harry again, she's crazy.

"Hannah. We need to talk." My mom said.

All I could do was walk into my house to find a seat to sit on the kitchen table. She soon followed and found a seat herself. Her face was carrying some sort of anger. She had no reason to be upset. It was all a bunch of bullshit.

"Ella called me and explained everything. Did you know your running around town with a rapist. Hannah you could've gotten killed. You don't know what Harry is capable of and he might-"

"Seriously mom? Do you really think I would be running around town with Harry if I didn't trust him? What Ella said was a bunch of bullshit! Next time you start assuming things, ask me!" I cut in.

"Hannah, go to your room."


I walk upstairs, stomping like a three year old. Sometimes you need to act like you're three. I was pissed. But then tears started to flow down my cheeks. What my mom said about me not being able to see Harry anymore was terrifying. Although I wasn't to worried, because Harry always gets his way. Trust me. He'd go throw hell and back just to get what he is begging for. At that reason was me. I was so happy that I was able to find a guy like Harry. He was different from all the other boys. I walk towards my closet to find something comfortable to wear. Finally, I chose sweatpants and a plain white T-shirt. I start to undress and put my clothes on. Then I jump on my bed and flip on the Telly. Supernatural was my all time favorite tv show. Every second of it made me laugh.

Moments later, my bag rings. Not to sure of what's to find. The ring sounded like a cellphone. But how? I didn't even...I don't know. I quickly get up and take the phone from my bag. It was that iPhone I was begging my mom for. Oh god, Harry. It had to have been Harry. I slide my finger across that green bubble that read "New iMessage". And of course, it was a text from Harry.


You really think I would be able to sleep without talking to you? I told you I would go to the mall and get you a new phone. I hope you like it Hannah :). Oh! And that T-shirt you're wearing looks familiar ;) Is it mine? Xx

My heart stops in surprise. I was so glad that I was able to talk to Harry. I don't think I could've been able to sleep without talking to him. But that was besides the point. How did he know what I was wearing. Was he...spying on me?

Harry you really didn't have to! But thank you so much! I would've have been able to sleep without talking to you! did you know what I'm wearing? Where are you?...

Open you window, love. :) xoxo

I suddenly get up out of my bed the second I finished Harry's text. I was excited. I opened my bedroom window to reveal Harry. He was leaned against his car, arms crossed on his chest. I waved shyly to him. Happy tears started to flow down my cheeks. Harry then blew a kiss towards me and I pretended to catch it, placing the palm of my hands on my lips. He smiled before getting into his car and driving off. I then proceeded to close my window and walk back towards my bed. Grabbing my phone and hugging it towards my chest, hoping Harry would text me. My fingers gently slide across the back of my phone impatiently. But something caught ahold of my mind. The back of my phone felt rough. Almost like it has been scratched. I flick on my lamp that lay beside my bed. I turn over my phone. Once again, happy tears starting to rush out of my eyes. What I read made my heart warm.

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