Forgetfulness Just Ignore Her!!!!

15 4 17


Berlin Rd

Cromwell, Connecticut

Forgetfulness: *looking down at the floor while in line*

Man: I would like two Big Macs, fries, and a large drink.

Forgetfulness: *still looking at the floor*

Man: *waits*

McDonald's Employee: What can I get you, sir?

Forgetfulness: *not paying attention*

McDonald's Employee: Sir?

Woman: Dude, he's talking to you!!

Forgetfulness: Well, sorry!!!! You don't have to give me an attitude!!!

Woman: You're so stupid, you know that?

Forgetfulness: Say that to me again! I dare ya!! *getting angry*

Tracey: Dude, ignore her!!! Gosh!!!

Forgetfulness: She started it!!! I'm about to beat her up!!!

Woman: Bring it on! I ain't scared of you!

Tracey: *roars* JUST SHUT THE HECK UP!!!!!! BOTH OF YOU!!!!!!!

Forgetfulness: *silent*

Woman: *silent*

McDonald's Employee: You want something, or not?

Forgetfulness: Yeah, I want 10 piece Chicken McNuggets, with BBQ sauce, and a small vanilla shake.

McDonald's Employee: For here or to go?

Forgetfulness: To go.

McDonald's Employee: Okay.

This story was written on Tuesday, January 10th, 2023.

Forgetfulness has to learn to ignore people! It was his fault he wasn't paying attention at McDonald's! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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