Brandon Eats Stouffer's Mac and Cheese

28 11 29

Westlake Dr

Middletown, Connecticut

Brandon: *gets a Stouffer's mac and cheese out of the freezer, and puts it in the microwave*

Brandon's Father: *watching Gunsmoke*

Brandon: *waiting for his food to be done*

Microwave: *dings*

Brandon: I better let it cool off first, before I eat it.

Brandon's Mother: *reading The Choice by Nicholas Sparks*

Brandon: *takes his food out of the microwave, and eats it, savoring the cheesy goodness of the mac and cheese* The creamy texture makes this so scrumptious!

This story was written on Monday, January 2nd, 2023.

A/N Brandon is eating some Stouffer's mac and cheese!!! 😋😋😋😋 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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