Steven Just Mind Your Own Business!

14 3 24

Main St

Middletown, Connecticut

Steven: Not a bad day for walking. *walks past the Middletown Police Department* What the heck?

Brown Hair Lady: *standing on a dead alligator, wearing a red shirt, black leggings, white Nike socks, and brown moccasins, while reading a Nicholas Sparks book*

Steven: Um, Ma'am, why are you standing on that dead alligator?

Dead Alligator: *being stood on*

Brown Hair Lady: *not responding to Steven*

Steven: I know you heard me. Why are you standing on that dead alligator?

Brown Hair Lady: What's it to you?

Steven: You better get off of him.

Brown Hair Lady: Or what?

Steven: I'll get the cops and have you arrested for alligator abuse!

Brown Hair Lady: I had enough! *beats up Steven*

Steven: *getting beat up*

Man: He should have left her alone! What she does with that dead alligator is her business! *walks into Empire Pizza*

Brown Hair Lady: *still beating up Steven*

Steven: *still getting beat up*

This story was written on Tuesday, January 31st, 2023.

A/N Steven, mind your own business! Leave her alone! Don't engage in other people's business! 🙄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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