Iris Just Relax!

19 4 36

5 Guys

Washington St

Middletown, Connecticut

Iris: *eating a bacon cheeseburger with ketchup, mayo, onions, and lettuce*

Tracey: *eating a bacon hot dog, with ketchup and mustard, and drinking a raspberry Sprite*

Iris: Where is my banana Oreo cream shake?!

Tracey: They're making it! Just hang on!

Customers: *waiting in line*

Tracey: Very busy!

Iris: This is ridiculous!!! *storms over to the front, pushing some customers out of the way*

Customers: Hey! We're tying to order here! *giving Iris dirty looks*

Iris: Give me my shake!!!!

Allison: *Puerto Rican accent* We're sorry for the wait, but we're very busy right now.

Iris: I hate this!!!!! *throws a chair around*

Girl: *gets knocked out by the chair, and is now unconscious*

Man: My daughter!!! Honey! Snap out of it!

Girl: *still out cold*

Cops: *walks in to 5 Guys and see what Iris is doing* Let's take her out for a minute to calm her down.

Iris: * babbling incoherently and being taken out of the restaurant by the cops*

Cops: *takes Iris out of 5 Guys, and puts her in the back of their police car*

Tracey: How embarrassing! *gets up to get a refill of raspberry Sprite* My favorite flavor! *smacks her lips, while refilling her cup*

This story was written on Sunday, January 29th, 2023.

A/N Iris, just relax!! All you're doing is embarrassing yourself! 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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