Forgetfulness Is So Idiotic

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Forgetfulness: Is it true that writing stories can make you sick?

Paul: No?

Forgetfulness: Well, it is. Some woman in Michigan got ill for writing a love story.

Tracey: I didn't hear anything about it.

Forgetfulness: It was on CNN, I swear.

Taylor: No, it wasn't.

Forgetfulness: Writing makes people catch a cold.

Tracey: *whacks F with a cartoon mallet*

Forgetfulness: *out cold with cartoon stars floating above him, and his tongue sticking out*

Tracey: Why he making up this false information, is beyond my comprehension.

This story was written on Sunday, January 22nd, 2023. (Chinese New Year)

A/N Forgetfulness is such an idiot! Writing stories doesn't make anyone sick! Where does he get this information from? 🙄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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