Happy 15th Birthday Carlton!!!

9 2 12

Fuji Japanese Steak House

Farmington Ave

Bristol, Connecticut


Carlton: Thank you all!!!

Me: How old are you now?

Carlton: 15!

Iris: Awesome!

Japanese Chef: *gets ready to cook in front of us, as he turns the grill on, the fire igniting*

Steven: *gets all scared* Oh!!!

All Of Us: *laughing at Steven*

Japanese Chef: squirts this stuff all over us*

Steven: Stop it!!

Iris: Its okay, Steven!

Japanese Chef: *cooks us our food and flips a sushi for someone to catch in their mouth*

Paul: *catches the sushi in his mouth*

All Of Us: *clapping*

Japanese Chef: *chops everything on the grill, and serves us*

Carlton: *eats his chicken hibachi*

Me: *eats my chicken teriyaki*

Steven: *dips his chicken hibachi in the wasabi, eats it, and his mouth burns up and his nose* WATER!!!!! I NEED WATER!!!! *smoke coming out of his ears*

All Of Us: *laughing hysterically*

Steven: *turning all red, as he rushes to the men's bathroom*

Ashley: *green hoodie, black leggings, white Nike socks, and brown slippers* What a wuss! *eats her sushi rolls*

This story was written on Tuesday, January 31st, 2023.

A/N Happy 15th Birthday, Carlton! May you experience many many more!! 😊 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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