Steven At The Dentist

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Cromwell Dental

Country Squire Dr

Cromwell, Connecticut

Steven: *fills out paperwork*

Dental Assistant: Steven?

Steven: *gulps*

Ken: Go on, Steven.

Steven: *gets up from his seat and into the dentist chair*

Dental Assistant: Open your mouth, so I can take an x-ray.

Steven: *opens his mouth*

Dental Assistant: *puts the x-ray tool in his mouth* Bite down.

Steven: *bites down*

Dental Assistant: *takes the x-ray* Perfect. *does it again* Okay, just sit tight, and the doctor will be in shortly. *leaves*

Steven: *looking around all nervous*

Dr. Pamela Grossman: Hello, are you Steven Crass? *blonde hair, and red glasses*

Steven: *nervous* Yes.

Dr. Pamela Grossman: I'll be cleaning your teeth today, okay? Then, I will look at the x-rays, to see if you have any cavities.

Steven: *nervous* Uh huh......

Dr Pamela Grossman: *presses the button for the chair to fold back, and starts cleaning Steven's teeth*

Steven: *getting his teeth cleaned*

Dr. Pamela Grossman: *does a deep cleaning along the gumline* All this plaque and tartar buildup! Looks like someone hasn't been brushing properly!

Steven: *muffled speech* I tried!

Dr. Pamela Grossman: Don't talk, please! *still cleaning his teeth* Rinse out, please!

Steven: What's all this crap along my gums?

Dr. Pamela Grossman: Fluoride. Rinse!

Steven: *rinses out*

Dr. Pamela Grossman: I took a look at the X-rays. You have three cavities.

Steven: No!!!! That can't be!!!

Dr. Pamela Grossman: Three big cavities! I'll schedule an appointment for you right now!

Steven: Aw man!

Dr. Pamela Grossman: Your next appointment is Tuesday, January 24th, at 1:15 pm. Here is your new toothbrush, along with toothpaste and some floss. Have a good day. *gives Steven his bag*

Steven: *dejected* Thanks. *leaves*

Ken: All set? How did everything go?

Steven: I have three cavities. Next appointment is the 24th, at 1:15 pm.

Ken: That's what happens when you don't brush properly, Steven. *unlocks his car door*

Steven: I hate the dentist! *gets in the car* Can we go to Taco Bell? I'm getting hungry.

Ken: No. *starts the car and leaves to go home*

This story was written on Wednesday, January 11th, 2023.

A/N Steven got three cavities!!! 😂😂😂😂😂 He has come back for fillings in two weeks! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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