Steven Got The Bathroom All Wet!

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Ken: *walks into the bathroom, only to see water scattered everywhere* Okay, who was the last person in here?!

Tracey: It was Steven!

Steven: Snitch!

Ken: Steven, you got the bathroom all wet! Look!

Bathtub: *wet on the side, and water drips onto the floor*

Sink: *wet with water dripping from the counter*

Floor: *wet from the shower water*

Steven: Sorry!

Brandon: Do my eyes deceive me?! Its looks like it rained in here!

Kyle: Exactly!

Ashley: The toilet is all wet too! Dry it off, Steven!

Ken: Dry everything off! Now!

Steven: *sighs and starts to dry everything off*

This story was written on Thursday, January 26th, 2023.

A/N Steven, the bathroom is all wet, thanks to you! 🙄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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