The Monster under the bed

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Warning: this story will contain sensitive topics for some. Violence,Smoking,criminal involvement,Profanity,
Details about gore, Abuse, killing and hitting. Read at your own risk.

I was loved
I remember when my father rocked me to sleep and my mother sung me lullabies
They were sweet
He was sweet
Then one day my mother packed our bags and we left
I dont remember much since the beatings have pretty much fucked up my head along with its memories

But i remember my father, my dad, my protector, my knight in shining daddy.
His smile would light the whole room if not the whole world
I was his princess his sweet pea his baby girl
But my mom had to ruin that
She had to marry the Jackass standing in front of me with a knife in one hand and an alcohol bottle in the other
She left me in his care while she went to travel the world and guess where that brought her?

To her death
She got into a plane crash when i was 11 years old
They never found her body only assuming it was burned in the fire.
So they pronounced her dead
And once this scum heard the news he went ballistic
He hit me every day, at first it was little things like slaps and pushes
Which slowly moved onto kicking,punching and pinching.
Then my least favourites
Stabbing,carving,cutting,a personal punching bag for hours on

Then he moved onto something that killed me inside and ruined me outside
He started touching me
Running his filthy hands up and down my body, making me strip for him,making me touch his body,forcing himself on me. He would never rape me though because according to him i looked too much like my mother. I hate to say this but its the only thing she gave me in life that was of use.

long story short he ruined me, he killed me inside that the knife he brought up my thighs didnt just draw blood...but crush my Hope's of ever being loved or cared for.

My body burned with hatred with desire to kill him to end him to erase his pathetic self of the face of this planet....i knew i was far too gone in this darkness and that it was to late to stop me now...i wish you well in the deep dark firey depths of Hell Dan Ernest

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