What a day

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Zehra's pov*
"Leta go sorella" tanner says while opening the car door for me.

I jump into Axels black jeep and slid in next towards the door on the left as zander slid in next and kyler slid in, making Zander seated in the middle.

I had my Airpods in listening to *Saturday sun by vance joy*. Literally iconic. I looked out the window noticing the buildings and mountains.

I leaned my head against the window as i heard Zander cuss about the game he was failing hard at.

It was him running around in a blocky outfit and a sword in hand. He was fighting something tall purple and black.

I shrugged and rested my head on the window while songs from my playlist played.

Soon We arrived at the mall. There were many cars parked around us and Axel had too honk at a few cars to let us pass and get a parking space.

Once we were parked i hopped off the car feeling my anxiety run through my body again.

The tingles, the heart beat quickening and the unervering panic in the bottom pit of your stomach.

I looked around trying to find a source to calm myself down. All of a sudden someone grabbed my hand and squeezed.

I whipped my head around and saw Tanner sending me a warming smile. I let out a relived sigh as he squeezed my hand again for reassurance.

I nodded and he lead me into the store.

We passed by many stores which my brothers insisted we stop at, in order to fill my wardrobe up.

"Look at this isnt this pretty Zehra?" Axel said pointing at a pink unicorn long dress. I looked into his eyes asking if he was serious

I immediately said "No" and turned away to go find other...wearable clothes.

I picked up a white knee length dress.

"Beautiful" i murmured.

Then it was snatched from my hands by a tanned hand and some hot pink fake nails.

"I hope you weren't thinking of getting this dress...because honestly trust me darling it won't look good on you"

I turned around to be met with a girl whose face was shaded with way to many shades of pink blush and whose blue eyed contacts where slipping away from her eyeballs.

"I'll be the judge of that" i said calmly while snatching the dress back from her dirty hands.

"Huh you? You couldnt possibly afford it anyways" she said glaring.

"Well i dont think that's any of your business so get the fuck out of here before i make your daddy's company go bankrupt" Zander said coming up next to me.

Instantly the girl eye candied him.

"Hey you should like totally ditch this bitch and come to mine!" She said jumping up and down excitedly.

At least i know she has no brain cells.

"The only bitch i see is you looking like a desperate clown. Get the hell out of my sight"

He grabbed my hand and pulled me over to other rackets of clothing

"This one looks good get this, this, this, this and this" he said pilling up shorts, t-shirts and hoodies on my shoulders.


"Dont say shit. I only stood up for you because your my blood and i hate when my own blood gets trashed on" he said sighing.

The secrets hidden within her (idk when I'll update)Where stories live. Discover now