Him, my monster

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I clutched the gun nervously and aimed for the men in front of me bagged and gagged.

I dropped the gun and squeezed my eyes tightly
"W-wheres mom?" I stuttered out

My father stopped in front of me groaning in frustration

"....i knew it..your too soft to be apart of my blood line...your a disgrace. Nothing like your older brothers" with that he picked up the gun and aimed towards the 5 men in front of me

I closed my eyes not wanting to look knowing blood surrounded me

I opened my eyes slowly knowing he had left and watched as a bullet from bullet wounded each of the victim's head

I ran my hand through there blood knowing it was my fault they ended up like this



As soon as he yelled my name i shuddered and froze in my steps

I quickly shoved the pieces of bread into my bag and ran out of the basement but there he was waiting for me...with a whip in his hand

He approached me darkly "what did i say about feeding the prisoners?" I flinched and backed away into the wall

"I-im s-sorry" i said fear hammering in my chest

"Never learned from last time? Guess i need to hit you harder" he grabbed me by my hair and started pulling me to the torture room

"M-mom wouldn't let you do this!" I screamed out loud

He stopped letting me go

Mom was always a tough subject for him and i immediately regretted saying that

I turned around knowing what he was gonna do next but i was too slow

The whip landed on my back ripping my shirt open and skin apart.

"Bring her up again and it'll be  worse" with that he walked up the stairs leaving me in a pool of my own blood...his blood.


We were now in my car after i convinced Zahra to not leave yet.

It had been an awkward silence just both of us staring at the people walking by the cafe

"My father was..a strict man. He always pushed for me and my brothers to be stronger,faster more athletic in the fighting field. We would wake up every day to train..." i looked down at my black ring twisting it out of nervousness

"He pushed for all of us to be tough men. My brothers excelled and he praised them for their hard work. But i always seemed to fall behind and be a mess at making him happy...he liked the violence the fear and my mom melted that away. She was his light source in his dark world. The only person that could make him change his mind and his feelings towards things.

But when she disappeared...he lost it. It was as if this dark beast took over him and training suddenly became a life or death situation. After my mom disappeared i sort of went out of control.

I went against my father at every little thing and one day he just snapped"

i said quietly taking a deep breath in

"My father, he liked his whip"

I said showing her my arm and rubbing off the makeup i use to hide it with. Each faded scar was still visible long lines of whip marks.

I heard her breath hitch and she reached over but stopped and looked me in the eyes as if asking for permission. I nodded my head in confirmation.

She traced her fingers hesitantly over my scars as if she touched it would still hurt me. Once her cold finger tips touched my skin i flinched and she ran her fingers over my marks.

I looked at her as blonde pieces of her hair fell over her face. Shes so beautiful...i have never showed nor told anyone about this not even my brothers. Afraid of their pity and afraid of them going against my father.

But Zar was different...she was special and i knew i could trust her. Although i think her brothers are being stupid by not letting her know of their real business...and one day all these secrets could bring them together or destroy them.

"Koa...your so strong look at you. Your still here. Your here and thats all that matters" she said cupping my face in her hands

"Your strong too zar" i said reassuring her. Even though her face was void of emotions i could read her eyes. When she was happy they would sort of light up and when she was sad her twinkle would die down. When she was angry or irritated her eyes would sort of get bigger and more fired up.

And right now she was sad. "No koa...im nothing like you. Im... a coward. I run away from my demons but you. You face them" she said looking away

I was about to say something but she spoke first "i would like to go home now" she looked away from me and out the window

I nodded my head and started driving her home.


Thoughts consumed me the whole drive and once i parked near her gate she turned to me and thanked me and then left trailing up to her house not saying a word more

The secrets hidden within her (idk when I'll update)Where stories live. Discover now