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"I GOT YOU PRINCESS!" The little boy said as he grabbed me and tickled me making me cause a fit of giggles."AXY LEMME DWON!!" i said in my baby voice as i kicked my legs up while rolling around on the field of sun flowers. I saw an opportunity as axy was being called by my mom. I kicked him in the stomach and got up running towards a bed of sun flowers.

I jumped on top of it as the flowers hid me. I stayed there waiting for axel to come find me. From the corner of my right eye i saw slight movement. Turning my tiny head around i spotted a tiny butterfly feeding off the pollen. I stared at it, my big eye balls glazing over it in fascination. I reach my mini hand out slightly touching its wing. "RAHHHHH" i squealed as two big hands grabbed my waist and threw me in the air.

As i was in the air my eyes travelled over the several butterflies flying above me. I was caught in 2 big arms immediately smothered in kisses. "FOUND YOU MY LITTLE PRINCESS!" i turned around facing my dad's face that was formed into a wide smile showing his pearly whites and grinning widely. His ocean blue eyes gleamed brightly. I giggled at him and wrapped my tiny hand around his thumb squeezing it.

He looked into my eyes with love and adoration as a piece of his Ash brown hair fell on his eyebrow casting a little shadow over his eye. I smiled at my daddy. He threw me up in the air and this time i caught a butterfly holding it in my hand. He caught me again and placed me down in a spot avoiding to crush the sunflowers. "What have you got their princess?" He said crouching down to my level.

I opened my hands and inside was a purple and blue butterfly with big wings and cute antennas.

I opened my hands and inside was a purple and blue butterfly with big wings and cute antennas

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It flew up to the tip of my nose. It felt ticklish as i crossed my eyes to look at it. My father put our noses together with the butterfly still in between. "Now that i look at you, you look like a butterfly" he said grinning. I giggled at him causing my body to shake and the butterfly flying away.

"Aww papa the beuterfwy fwy awy" i whined. He picked me up in a swift motion "its okay sweet pea your the new butterfly!" He said throwing me up in the air again. I laughed and smiled wide as i flapped my arms miserably falling back down into the safe warm arms of my father.

He put me on top of his neck, "Dwady im gwoin to bwe a butwefy wen i gwo up!" I said spreading my arms out imitating wings. He only chuckled at my antics. "Lets go my little butterfly!" He said and we made our way back to the large oak tree where our picnic lay. There was my mom and my eight brothers all playing around and pushing and shoving.

I spotted mom. She had the biggest smile that could melt the coldest of hearts as her amber eyes shined beneathe her Sun hat as the ends of her platinum blonde hair glowed. As we neared them i ran into her open arms. She embraced me and i laid on her crossed legs above her yellow sun dress. "Hi princess you hungry?" I frowned at her. She gave me a confused look "whats wrong princess?" She asked making everyone look towards us.

"It butefwy nwo!" I yelled crossing my arms together over my chest and huffing out a pout. Everyone erupted in laughter as my face turned bright red. "Stwop lafing!" I yelled covering my face with my hands. "Its okay butterfly your just so adorable" my father said pinching my cheeks making everyone laugh again.

I slapped his hand away and ran into my mothers warm embrace again hiding my face in her chest while covering my sides with her blonde hair as her chest rose and fell while i heard her chuckles. "Mi linda mariposa"(my beautiful butterfly) she said against my ear. I blushed at the compliment and everything went black.

The secrets hidden within her (idk when I'll update)Where stories live. Discover now