Stay the night

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Nokoa looks at me and grabs my hand squeezing it for comfort

"Im sure he was an amazing father.." he said quietly

We had now left the library and went back to his room where i laid down on his bed and fell asleep

We woke up a few hours later and i found him sitting by me

I turned my head towards the window looking outside

"He was...all this time i could never put a face to the man in my dreams who would play,dance,cook,sing with me...the man who would shower me with cuddles and kisses and yet i still never got to watch him as he gave me my first phone or brought me to school or take my pictures for my school dance or first day of school..."

I could feel the tears come at bay as i continued talking

"He's handsome, my father is handsome and his soul is just beautiful i hate that i was taken from him so early in my life because i know he was a g-great person..." i started choking on my words as i sobbed into Koa's pillow

I felt the bed dip from beside me as two big arms wrap around my waist and pull me close to warmth

"He loved and continues to do so Zehra. Only thing i remember from the man was his great way of using words to describe what he had done that day with his kids. You included..."

He took my silence as a way to continue talking

"He would always call you his little butterfly and that one day you would soar through the world" he held me tighter as he talked

Soon my emotions subsided and calmed down

"Im sorry..." i said quietly

"For what?" Koa asked still holding onto me warmly

"For wetting your pillow and for being an inconvenience" i said emotionless my tears now gone and my face stone of emotions

"Dont worry about that and your not an inconvenience if anything i think the way you hold yourself upright is so strong and whats even more remarkable is that when you cry you still look like the most strongest person i know.

You cry for loss and regret and i respect that more than you will ever know" he said now rubbing my back

I nodded "i never got to ask...what exactly did our parents work on together?" I said barley in a whisper

I felt his body tense as his hand froze and stopped rubbing my back

"They um worked as doctors working in the hospitals they owned" he said quickly and continued to rub my back

"Oh..." i said quietly as it felt a little bit off

"Its late Zehra i think you should stay the night" koa said looking outside his window

It was noticeably dark and i know i didnt want to go home yet

"Yes please let my brothers know" i said yawning

He nodded his head and went downstairs and came back 10 minutes later

"Okay i let them know even though they were adamant i bring you home or they were gonna come and pick you up but i told were already asleep" he said scratching his neck nervously

I nodded my head and stood up from his bed

"Thats quite alright i need some time away from them anyways"

He nodded and looked around the room clearly still nervous "are you um hungry?" He asked

As if on cue my stomach growled and i felt blush creep up my emotionless face

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