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3rd person point of view.

Zehra was laying flat on her stomach on top of her bed with her legs sprawled out like spaghetti noodles. The phone began to rang and she moved in her sleep rolling around. Finally opening her eyes she searched for the ringing and her eyes came upon her white tote bag.

Zehra's pov*

"Ughhh" i dragged out as i slipped out of my bed and fell onto the carpet heading over to my bag on the floor.

I reached inside fumbling through random things until i came across the vibrating object.

Taking it out of my bag i noticed that it was my burner phone. In other words my Work phone.

"Little fuckers..." i told them not to throw it in here. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and heading towards my room.

I immediately hanged up the call and threw it back in my bag. At the same time my door creaked open amd in popped Tanners face. He looked around the room not spotting me before opening the door and walking in.

Once he walked across my room he noticed me watching him on the floor. We just stared at eachother trying to figure out what was happening.

"Either im tired, high or sleep walking because i swear i heard your phone go off for an hour at least..." he said pointing a finger at me.

"And i swear i imagined you not coming into my room creeping around while wearing Bob the builder underwear" i said pointing a finger back at him.

He looked down and noticed his attire before Red blush overtook his face and bolted out the door.

I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly snd looked back at the burner phone scrolling through the unknown callers messages.

*La reina roja, i have a pretty damn good job for you but i need your full cooperation*
sent at 6:00 AM.

Who gets up that early unless they go to elementary. "Like i said its too early for this!"

I looked around my room giving up and heading towards my shower needing to be fully awake...'i need a coffee' i think to myself while looking out the window sill.

The leaves fall off the tree above the house over the section of my room.

Brown and orange along with yellow leaves fall like feathers and make piles of leaves. Over the edge of the hill i catch sight of the beautiful sea.

Its shining and shimmering as the sun hits the surface and the waves rage calmly towards the shore. I wanna surf...i think back to the time my mom took me to get surfing lessons when we lived in Hawaii for a year.

That was so long ago I'll be surprised if i can even swerve the board against the waves anymore. I look at the sea with a longing hidden in my eyes.

Im gonna go...yea im gonna go. I repeat in my brain to confirm im not taking it back nor changing my mind. Hopefully i can go after i come back from the mall.

I run to the bathroom grabbing my towel in the process off my couch and swinging it on my shoulder.

Axel pov*

"Do you have any idea how embarrassing that was!" Tanner screeches in my ear as he paces around in his bob the builder boxers.

"I told you to get rid of them and start wearing big boy underwear!" I said placing my palm against my face.

"Well i wasn't fully awake and the damn ringing was messing me up!" He said defending himself. "Shut up you probably scarred our sister!" I said slapping him on the head.

He gave me a dirty look and started massaging his head. "Go change you idiot" i said rolling my eyes and focusing back on my paper work.

I was looking through Zehras school papers. Shes a A+ student but the notes from her teacher say that she's always been alone and would never work with others...

Shes been in fights before and wont hesitate to speak her mind even of it involves something inappropriate.

I dont how shes gonna feel by going to a new school. Hopefully she can make friends. I close my computer and put the papers in my orange folder and tuck it away in my file cabinets.

'We have to take her shopping today' i say in my mind suddenly remembering. I stand up and head for the couch in my office and pull on the grey shirt over my body. I walk out my office and head into the elevator heading towards Kylers room hoping blakes in there.

Opening the door wide open i see kyler sitting next to blake on his black leather couch in the middle of his room. They're both yelling out and cursing while playing videogames.

I knock twice on his door catching both of there attention. Once they see me they put their controllers down and stare at me questionley.

"Lets go we have to take Zehra to the mall" i say and walk out without another word while hearing kyler groan.

Rolling my eyes i head down the hall and turn towards Tanners room. I open his door not bothering to knock again. Which i immediately regret.

The door opens wide revealing Tanner standing in front of his mirror with his bob the builder boxers as he flexes his muscles.

With the speaker in the background playing sounds of encouragement and compliments as he poses as a body builder.

"What the fuck are you doing" i ask unbelievably standing at the doorway.

He turns around in a flash. "What im just practicing for my future wife" he says winking.

"Whatever get changed we need to go to the mall today to shop for necessities Zehra needs...tell zander aswell" i said looking at my Rolex watch making sure we stay on time.

I hear small steps behind me. I turn around and see Zehra standing there in sweat pants and a sports bra.

Her blonde hair in a messy bun as her eyes trail over Tanners body with no emotion on her face but i can see it in her eyes the tiny bit of amusement dancing in them.

I look back watching Tanners smirk fade away as a horrified expression appears on his face he reaches for a blanket to cover his body.

Zehra moves to stand next to me in the doorway and points a finger at tanner "Your still wearing your bob the builder do realize that" she said making a statememt more than a question

Tanner quickly runs over to us and pushes me out the door roughly and picks Zehra up setting her outside of his room.

"I'll be out in a minute" he said annoyance in his voice. "What crawled up his bum" Zehra speaks mostly to herself in a Calmly manner.

"Who knows maybe his dignity " i said rolling my eyes. "Go get changed and meet us downstairs in 10" i said giving her a slight nudge.

She walked to her room and i walked down stairs to find Selina to make sure she got the rest of the day off. Hopefully Today wont be a hassel considering how blunt Kyler and Zander are.

The secrets hidden within her (idk when I'll update)Where stories live. Discover now