Leaving the hell hole

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I opened my eyes at the loud knocking at my door. Sitting up i rubbed my eyes feeling the sleepy state i was in fade away.

I stood up sliding my cold feet in my slippers and putting on a jacket to keep the cold out.

I walked over towards the door opening it wide. In front of me stood my social worker mrs beets in her grey suit attire and black sleek heels.

She had her blonde grayish hair in a bun and was about in her 50's.

"Just let me brush my teeth and grab my remaining things..."

I watched my breath come out in technically a cloud of smoke, considering how damn cold it is.

She gave me a curt nod and stood outside. I looked at her awkwardly "you can come in..." i said walking back towards the living room.

"I guess i could"

I heard the shakiness in her voice meaning she was cold too after all were still humans.

She came in through the hall way coming upon the living room as her heels clacked along the tiled floor.

She took a look around as a look of disgust formed on her face, noticing the ripped brown couch

that reeked of beer and the beer bottles on the floor along with trash piles on the carpet and in the kitchen floor.

It smelled like mole and the wall paint was slowly coming off. There were flies in the trash can that has yet to be thrown out and rotten food still sitting in the fridge probably molding and rotting away.

"It looks like you lived...ok" she said silently.

Well what did she think i lived like? A princess?
A treasured queen?
Or perhaps the queen of england? No bitch, I lived in the sewers, Where the ninja turtles were raised in.

Even though they probably lived better off then me. I scoffed and went down the hall to my room.

My mattress lay their on the floor all brown and yellow with no pillows,

i looked to the left with several aid kits stacked in my closet each one stolen from a different convenience store.

My fan was broken apart and my carpet was technically dyed red with my blood. I shaked away the unnecessary nightmares and went towards my mini desk and grabbed my laptop

and ipad that my mother previously had gifted me on my birthday while she was in the tropical rainforests of africa climbing with monkeys.

I rolled my eyes at the thought and went to the bathroom that reeked off pee and literal shit from the clogged toilet

I wouldnt be caught dead using that bathroom i would always use the public restrooms at the park behind my house no matter how bad i had to go

I picked up my worn out tooth brush and tried squeezing out whatever remaining toothpaste was left in the bottle

Once i was done i looked in mirorr and around the room i spent hours in hiding from him

The room i spent screaming and yelling in from trying to bandage my wounds or sow them

Taking a deep breath in i went towards my closet and grabbed two mini aid kits before shutting the door and heading back to the living room

I gathered up my backpack and mini suitcase and placed the aid kits in the small front pocket of my backpack.

"You ready to go? We have to be in the airport by 4:35" Mrs beets said walking out the living room and heading towards the door.

"Alright lets get going then" i said following her and turning around one last time taking a look at the place ive lived in for the past 5 years.

"I wont miss you...piece of shit" i muttered and slammed the door on my way out.

Once we got our boarding tickets we waited till 5:38 to board our plane which would be taking us from Los Angeles to New york.

Great 5 hours on a stinking plane.
Soon we were called to board.

I sat by the window. I needed a place where i know i could spot all the exits and have one aswell.

I was always aware of my surroundings and i was always making sure i knew where the exists were to every building ive ever entered and every home I've stepped in.

Of course examining my closest weapons aswell.

Like a fire extinguisher or a pen or even a stapler anything would be of use . The flight took off and we were in the air.

I thought about my new guardians...my older brothers. Who knew i ever had them in the first place.

Apparently i had eight the oldest one was Axel Santos hes 24

the 2nd one was Xavier Santos hes 22

the 3rd one was Blake santos hes 21

The 4th one was Kyler Santos hes 20

the 5th one was Zander Santos hes 19

the 6th one was Tanner Santos hes also 19  and Zanders twin,

The 7th one was Roman Santos hes 18

And the 8th one was Kaiser Santos hes 17

Too many brothers with too many names, i wonder if they'll hit me too or hate me because of the scars on my body...oh well i wouldnt be surprised, They can kiss my ass for all i care.

When you get news that your abusive step father who tortured you in hell for 5 years literally just walked out one day never coming back

Then get news his body is found dead in a ditch and your sent to live with your eight older brothers who could probably push you into a black hole or make you a black hole...

would you kill yourself or kill everyone around you...

Like Seriously why couldn't i be like Ariel and have an evil sea witch take my voice instead of my life.

I rolled my eyes at the stupidity

I decided to sleep for the rest of the flight...hopefully i wont have a nightmare on this damned plane.

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