Meeting the 8

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"She's adorable...shes grown so much i cant believe it..."
i heard a masculine voice say from the dining room as i came down the stairs quietly. "Can i go wake her up already!??"
I heard another voice say. "No you idiot shes probably tired i mean, she is a girl" another voice popped in. Then i heard a loud smack.

"OW WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" i jumped slightly at the sudden yelling.

Another voice started talking "Dont be sexist she's obviously jet lagged dumbass" said the voice.

"So does she know whats happening?" I heard a masculine yet softer voice say. "I dont know, is she a baby?" Said another voice with sarcasm noted in his tone. "No you idiots shes 15" said another voice with more logic.

"whats her favourite flower? Is it still sunflowers? Or her favourite candy is it still cotton candy?" Said a more energetic voice this time.

"God she just came last night! how would we know that doofus" a deep voice said with annoyance. All these voices sounded so familiar....i just cant put my finger on it. There were eight guessing all eight of them are there. 'Okay you can do this ' i said to myself. I got off the last step and headed for the kitchen.

The double slide doors were open so i just stepped through them. As i entered i looked around the room and saw 6 guys sitting on the stools surrounding the island counter while one guy sat on the counter and another guy leaned against the counter. I remember him, the one from last night. His name was Axel.

He was leaning against the counter as he took a sip from his white coffee mug.

"I can already tell shes a lazy person, i mean its 8:15 she should get up already" said one guy on the first stool. "Shut up Zander, all i here is a bunch of shit coming from your mouth and not alot of logic" well i know who that is and he doesnt sound too kind. I believe he was 18."Why is she even here? Shouldnt she be with her step dad?" The one on the counter asked.

"Kyler's right why is she here. she'll just get in the way of business"

i believe it was Roman who said that hes 17 he was in the 2nd stool playing with his pancakes. "Dont say that Roman! you know damn right, how long we've wanted our baby sister back in our arms ever since she was taken away from us!" The guy on the 3rd stool spoke up shooting his brother a dirty look.

Taken away?

"Tanners right stop hating on her.." spoke up another guy he sat in the 6th stool. "Blake you know its true though, if she does find out, were universally fucked" the guy on the 5th stool said propping his elbows on the counter.
While eating a donut."Kaiser language" Axel said sending Kaiser a warning glare.

"Just wrap it up guys, we dont even know her..." the last guy spoke up on the 7th stool which im guessing is Xavier the last brother he was going through a book. "And we dont have to get to know her" said Roman rolling his eyes in the process.

We all had the same features from our blonde hair to our blue eyes you could tell we were related from the other side of the world. I has enough of the half criticism and compliments.

"That's right. you dont have to get to know me"

i said breaking the silence as everyone's head snapped towards my direction. All 16 pairs of blue eyes looked into my own.

I could see shock and confusion swimming through each of their eyes and something else...longing? No that cant be right because as soon as it came it disappeared.

"Good morning Zerah...Dont mind him hes just being stupid." Axel said coming my way as he sent Roman a glare. "Come sit, our house keeper selina made breakfast for you" he brought me to the 8th set of stool. I sat down as he brought me my breakfast.

 I sat down as he brought me my breakfast

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I stared at it. I have never eaten this much before. "Im not sure if i can finish this" i said bluntly with no emotion. Axel raised an eyebrow and then smiled at me

"thats alright eat as much as you can" i looked back at my food and started eating one pancake with one strawberry. My stomach started to hurt and i put the fork down.

It got the attention of axel not that he was already staring at me just like the others.
" maybe you should eat more.." he said giving me a worried expression.

Not wanting to be punished i looked back at my plate and forced myself to eat another pancake. Then i pushed the plate away. "So how are you feeling ?" Axel said as he kept looking at me. I didnt answer for a second as i was trying to keep the pancake down until i can get to my bathroom.

"I-im fine" i said not looking up. "Attention seeker" i heard a voice next to me say. It was Roman not surprised. I turned my head back and looked at Axel again with no emotion.

"May i go to my room" he looked like he wanted to say something but then nodded. I quickly got up and walked out the room hearing roman say one last thing before i closed the sliding doors "She looks like a robot why does she act so...emotionless...what an attention seeke-" then he got cut off by a smack from Axel.

I then rushed up the stairs to my room and into the elevator. As i heard Axel yelling at Roman.

Once the elevator stopped, I ran to my bathroom while entering my bedroom. Opening the bathroom door i rushed near the toilet seat opening the lid and letting my stomach be emptied out.
After a few minutes and some not so pleasant sounds.

I flushed the toilet and stood up against the Bathroom counter washing and rinsing my mouth and face.

'Why am i emotionless?' I asked myself remembering what roman said earlier.

Racking my brain for the answer I could come up with so many reasons but okie that really stuck with me was when i was 10 and i didnt give away mr coco my cat, Fast enough because it was something i loved and he hated that.

so Dan beat me until i was coughing up blood and brusied from my ribs to back.

He made me emotionless ever since he said my mother died because of me, that everything was my fault, that everything happening to me was my fault, that me being a mistake was my fault.

I havent shown emotions in the past 5 years yet people dont know that and expect me to do it right off the bat. I cant just suddenly start showing emotions, so i truly am emotion less no matter what people say about me its not an act...if only they knew...what hell was like.

The secrets hidden within her (idk when I'll update)Where stories live. Discover now