La Reina Roja

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After i got out the elevator I walked down the stairs and headed for the kitchen. I looked around and noticed a elderly woman humming a familiar song.

I couldnt quite put my finger on it though. She stopped once i made my presence known.

She gave me this huge smile and headed towards me as she engulfed me in a hug.

My body instinctively flinched and my heart beat picked up. I could tell she noticed cuz she backed away quickly.

"Hello dear, do you remember me?" She said with a hopeful smile. I would give her a smile back at how sweet she was but i just...couldn't.

"Im sorry, i dont" i said straight foward. she nodded "its okay you were a younglin anways and its been so long i dont expect you to remember, my name is selina. by any chance are you hungry dear?" She said sending me a smile as she bended down too take out something from the oven "i made lasagna!" She exclaimed happily.

I smelled the food and my stomach filled with want. She placed the pan on the stove and started cutting it and served it on a plate while passing it to me.

I nodded at her showing my appreciation as i digged into my food. It was good but i couldnt even enjoy the happiness food once brought me. I sighed mentally before Selina took me out of my thoughts

"little lady let me let you in on a little secret" she said leaning into my ear as i twisted the lasagna with my fork.

"I have been around this house since your parents were married and they first gave birth to Axel and to the rest of the circus. When you left they were terribly torn, nothing felt the same anymore everyone was down, sad and depressed no longer were they fighting or laughing with each other they were like ghosts of themselves. Your father loved you dearly he loved you so much he couldn't explain in words the amount of love he held for you...when your mother disappeared with you, all our worlds were broken we couldnt understand why or how that could occur.

But let me tell you that every
Living, breathing, human in this household holds great love for you including the maids, the gaurds and me."

She said as she stood straight again and gave me a warm smile. She grabbed my hands and placed them in hers

"you.are.loved." she said making sure to look into my eyes as she dragged out every word.

I wanted to smile so badly, i wanted to smile but i couldnt i forgot what it felt like to be happy. I felt this spark inside of me waiting to spread all over my body. Warmth? I couldnt Express it though.

My face turned stiff as i got frustrated not being able to Express my gratitude to her so i just gave her a blunt "Thank you" wishing she could see in my eyes somehow and feel that i was thankful.

Its like im trapped...i can never be who i was and thats the sucky reality. I got off my stool and headed towards the sink. I started washing my plate but selina came over to me stopping me. I looked at her giving her a questioning look.

"Your the little lady you shouldnt do a job were paid for" she said taking the plate from me.

Stupid rules has no one heard of manners. I ignored it and waved at her as i turned towards the double sliding doors and headed up the stairs into the elevator.

I walked back to my room and decided to put my things away since i havent done that yet.

I started taking everything out of my suitcase and stopped when i csme across a portrait of my mom she had her glowing blonde hair nested on top of her head in a bun with her pearly white teeth showing as she displayed a smile.

Her Warm hazel amber eyes full of brilliance and light. I ran my hand over the portrait. I never knew why she left me alone but i did know something always seemed off.

I mean she left her 10 year old daughter to a guy she just married? It seemed so fake, even the letters she sent never looked like her hand writing.

I never said anything or else Dan would be suspicious and who knows what he wouldve done.

When i was 13 i discovered the world of the underground. The crime,violent,cruel,free,bloody hell of the crime world.

Street Fighters,assassins,gang members and gang leaders, hell along with the bloody cartel and the dons in charge of mafias around the world would go there and do things that would add to there list of sins.

Such as holding meetings, going to the strip club, sleeping with multiple women,Selling drugs in secret or weapons. Spreading information through out.

It was like a news room for them if they wanted to find a guy they would head there or a special weapon they would head there.

When people get drunk and high at the bar its hard to keep there mouth shut so its easily an advantage for anyone.

I was Kidnapped and taken while i was grabbing the mail. Who would've thought I would be taken while looking at some fucking coupon's,who would've thought

A black van pulled up and pulled me in and gagged me as they tied my wrists and ankles together.

I didnt show i was scared but inside i was. My blood went cold when they threw me into a cell. After weeks of torture and not one sound from me they decided to throw me into the underground ring and fight.

I was brusied and beaten so badly i was faltering in my steps. But i got up and i walked on that ring and i faced my opponent with no emotion whatsoever.

The crowd laughed and booed me from the state i was in, anyone would say i was weak and would lose by the hands of The Dominator.

It was a man, A very muscled man. Now somehow there's this thing that these big buff men think that being strong will get them the win, but muscle can only take you so far.

I was smart and i strategized, as soon as i heard the announcer say go i went straight for him.

The first thing he did wrong was underestimate me and the 2nd thing he did was letting his guard down. In the end as he was knocked out cold, the room went silent all eyes on me trying to understand.

How could a bruised and petite littl girl take down a man 5 times her size. Ever since that day ive been going around known as " La reina roja" the underground knew me as that and thats what stuck.

The men that threw me in there all fled, i soon found out that human trafficking was illegal and that the owners would strip you of your crime titles and kill you.

They threw me in there in order to get me killed but i was a fighter and i was a survivor if they thought i wasnt gonna fight they were dead wrong.

No one could identify my face since the bruises and blood were everywhere. So after i found out the dangers of having your identity displayed especially beginners and young ones like me, i would wear a red bandana over my mouth and nose whenever i entered.

It was my signature look and anyone who saw me would know who i am. In the matter of 3 years i managed to get my name spread throughout the crime world...

Its not as if the police forces were any help, where were they when i was beaten by Dan,when i was kidnapped by those men.

Little innocent me was long gone...I might aswell do something that helps me escape from the hell hole i call "home" so i became apart of the crime world.

The secrets hidden within her (idk when I'll update)Where stories live. Discover now