More hidden secrets

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"Im going to enjoy beating the shit out of you little girl or as they call you la reina roja your a hopeless dreamer" the scruffy bearded men says while laughing

"My Foot will meet your face. Your teeth will fall out. Your beard will be tainted with your blood. Your balls will be bloodied purple and blue and yet you will beg under my heel through it all" I say through gritted teeth

At this, his face reddens and he charges

As Expected

I raise my arm up avoiding his fists and hook my arm straight forward towards his neck cutting his breath short

He falls with a thud as i bounce back from the ropes and rush backward jumping in the air before falling back down and elbowing him in the stomach

I stand above him and punch him near his jaw making his teeth fall off

Then i stand above him crushing my foot against his head

I grab a handful of hair from his beard and rip them off making him bleed

I stand over him and grab his balls and start twisting and squeezing them until he starts screaming in pain

I send a kick to his balls and sit on him as the audience roars my name to life

"Are we almost thereeee" I drag out with a bored expression

We've been on the road for 36 minutes at least

"I promise we're almost there," Koa says laughing. 'Yes that is his new nickname'

"Fine but you owe me a bag of candy"

He only laughs at my demands
But im serious

He pulls into a parking space near the ocean

Exiting the door he walks around to my side and opens the door pulling me out of the car

"Hmm where are we" i wonder while looking around

Over the little hill, i see the ocean and many big bushes surrounding the area

He leads me through big bushes moving the twigs aside

Once we're out of it there's a clearing that leads down to the docks

At the end of it lays a gazebo

"wow " I stare in awe

"My mother used to come down here and as her youngest, she would bring me with her whenever she needed to get away..."

"Away?" I ask confusion running through my head

"Yea away from her job..." he said looking out into the distance as if looking for something or someone

He grabbed my hand and led me down the boardwalk

I took a seat down on the wooden boards on the edge

"What? was her job stressing," i asked taking off my converse one by one along with my socks

"It was was dangerous as well that she didn't even," he said quietly following my movements as well

Soon My feet hovered above the blue freshening water and I dropped them in making a splash up to my white skirt and Koa's grey shorts

he looked at me grinning

I looked at him closely

Examining his facial features

He had a strong jawline with vibrant green eyes and black wavy hair that would occasionally lay right above his eyebrow or over

He was wearing a white t-shirt and grey sweat shorts along with airforces

He also put his bare feet in the water feeling the water wash away his worries

We sit there in silence as the cool breeze embraces us and the water gives us relief

I feel at peace actually happy peace and with someone whose company i don't hate that much

Nokoa pov*

I thought about my mother and her dangerous job

Of course, i knew that it was hell I was all involved with no option or choice in the matter

My mother was beautiful but deadly but it simply wasn't enough

she still died at the end of a barrel of a gun

I eased out of the bad thoughts and turned my head to find Zehra staring at herself in the water

Pieces of her long blonde hair escaped loose out of her bun

She was definitely the most beautiful girl I have seen in my life

Her light blue eyes brought this lightness to me and warmth as if she smiled through them

I don't think she ever smiled she doesn't even laugh

It seems like she can't Express common emotions like that, which makes me worry

"koa what was your mother like?"

zehra asks snapping me out of my thoughts

i think about her question and then look back out to the ocean

"my mother used to say" i started remembering how that night went

"Nokoa remember, where there's beauty there's pain and where there's pain there's a beauty..."

I looked at my mother with tears streaming down her face and her hands shaking abruptly

She grabs my cheek and starts caressing it

"Never fall too deeply into this darkness as I have. there is love out there but you must find it. whoever she is...remember to be gentle, kind, and patient. my lovely boy if I could stay with you for the rest of your life i would but my chapter will soon end and yours will just begin"

"With that my 8-year-old self clung onto my mother's neck for dear life as if she would disappear any moment "

"that night she hummed me to sleep and the next morning she was gone"

i looked back at zehra to find tears running down her face

the most shocking part was that she was looking at me with this lost and hurt in her eyes

her face void of any emotion but her tears kept coming

I got up and got closer to her grabbing her face and running my thumb over her cheek trying to soothe her

"w-what's wrong?" was all I could manage to say to her

her hands started shaking and I grabbed onto them as well squeezing them hoping it was comforting

she looked me in my eyes as her blue sky eyes filled with tears at bay

"your mom...she...I know her"


The secrets hidden within her (idk when I'll update)Where stories live. Discover now