Setting up some rules

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"Hey wake up" i felt a slight push on my right shoulder. I looked around my room and turned around facing the culprit who dared to wake me from my nap. My face softened as i saw tanners worried expression.

"Hey its 11:22 Axel asked me to take you to the meeting room where everyone is." I nodded and got up heading towards my bathroom washing my face and pulling my hair into a messy bun. I headed out my bedroom and caught sight of tanner.

He was leaning against the elevator waiting for me, im guessing. He looked up from his phone and gave me a smile.

I didnt know how to react so i just nodded. We stepped into the elevator and he clicked on floor 6. "Theres more floors?" I asked without looking up at him. "Yes 8 floors in total" i nodded in confirmation.

The elevator rings as the doors slides open and we step out into the long hallway. Tanner walks down the corridor as the door comes into sight at the end of the hallway.

Tanner opens it revealing endless chatter that immediately stops as i enter. I look around the room and see six of my brothers seated on one couch. Axel sits behind his desk located in the back of the room. On the second couch sits 4 people one of them i recognize.

"Hey Zehra!" Cameron says raising his hand and sending me a wave. I nod at him and stand there looking across the three new faces.

"Zehra meet luke, Enzo and Nakoa" (naa-koh-ah). All three heads looked towards me.

They all had the same features. Black hair and green eyes. Lukes eyes were darker while enzos were a more hazel green while Nokoas were bright they reminded me of emeralds.

He stared at me and i stared back. Its like he was trying to figure out who i was by looking into my eyes.

He stared at me until i turned my eyes away from him still feeling his stare.

I faced axel asking for an explanation. "Come take a seat Zehra." He mentioned towards the
The black chair in front of his desk.

I walked towards it and sat down looking at my socks like its the most intresting thing in the world.

"Zehra your here so we can let you in on how things work around here your not in trouble so lets start by looking me in the eyes when i talk to you"

I raised my head and looked at Axels face.

Immediately concern and surprise was written on his face.

"So um you'll start school next week at Melrose Highscool where Kaiser,Roman,tanner and zander attend. Tanner and Zander are seniors this year so you'll most likely spend your time with roman and kaiser" i nodded as i heard roman sigh.

To which Axel sent a stern glare. "You'll start as a sophomore in 10th grade. Luke is friends with Zander and tanner, Enzo is friends with Roman and Nokoa is friends with kaiser. The three are brothers So you'll see them around. Sometimes they'll be here doing business so dont be surprised" i nodded.

"We'll take you shopping Tomorrow morning. I'll take you along with Kyler,zander and Tanner" i nodded again not knowing what to say.

Axel gave me a confused look but continued.

"Your not allowed on this floor unless i call for you to come here. And remember to respect each of your brothers"

i didnt nod i just looked at him.


i said with no emotion but loud enough for everyone to stop in there tracks.

Axel slowly looked up at me. I may have been beaten black and blue and my ribs broken along with multiple scars running along my body,

but the underground definitely gave me some back bone.

"Excuse me?" Axel said in a unbelievable tone.

I sat up straighter and responded "No" i said not understanding why it was such a big deal.

I heard roman stifle a laugh and whisper "she is sooo dead"

"I think your not getting the clear picture here Zehra, respect is something valued here in this household you must show it" Axel said while looking me in the eyes.

"My respect will be earned" i responded codly still no emotion evident on my face.

The room went silent. I decided to continue to speak since everyone seemed too stunned.

"We may be related.

But that doesnt mean i have to respect you. In terms of respect, it is asking for my opinion and letting me make my own decions.

I did not ask to come here. My step dad walked out on me and my mother is dead"

at that comment everyone in the room shifted uncomfortablly. I have no clue why, it seems like they were better well off unlike me.

I pressed my fingers together hoping not to get beaten from the next thing i was going to say.

" the least you could do is let me have a say in things. Dont expect me to be comfortable with you or laugh and have a family bonding thing because i can let you in on it right now that should be the last thing on your mind.I am not the little girl you once knew, everyone changes in life so dont expect me to nod and sit back as you make decisions about my life"

i stated with a glint of coldness in my eyes.

It seemed that was the only thing my body could do. Radiate anger and coldness.

"yes that is alright we dont expect you to do anything you dont want to do...if you ever need help with something you may come to me or any of your brothers" he said looking a bit hurt.

I almost cared almost.

"May i leave now" i said making it more of a statement then a question. Axel nodded and i stood up walking past the 2 couches.

I stopped for a second and looked towards Cameron

"it was nice seeing you again Cameron" he sent me a goofy smile but my face was blank of all emotion.

I turned to luke, enzo and Nokoa and nodded my head at them. They all sent me a smile and a wave.

I exited out the door and headed back towards the elevator hoping i could find some tyleno for this sudden headache i was getting.

The secrets hidden within her (idk when I'll update)Where stories live. Discover now