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"Wake up mrs beets" i said quietly in her ear shaking her awake. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me "we landed we have to get off" i said pointing outside the window indicating that we were on ground.

She stood up and rubbed her eyes trying to stay awake "my apologies it seems im getting too old for this" she muttered and passed me my backpack.

We got off the plane and went to the bathrooms to freshen ourselves up. It was 10:55 and i had slipped out of my leggings into black sweat pants and an over sized brown hoodie along with my bear slippers.

I grabbed my blonde hair and brushed through it seeing that it fell just below my waist and ended at my thighs.

I liked the length but it reminded me how easily it was to pull on. Maybe I should consider cutting it. I thought and grabbed my toothbrush brushing my teeth and took off the little make up i had on away.

I looked slim...too slim. Sure i had some curves but i would hide it away since Dan liked that...i shuddered at the off feeling and met mrs beets outside.

She was changed into a casual outfit with yoga pants and a plain black t-shirt considering she lived here. She still had her purse in her hand and her hair in a bun.

As we stepped outside the cold breeze hit me but it was more of a refrshing breeze then one that made your bones chill. Living near the mountains does that to you. "I'll hand you over in your brothers care and visit once every 3 months for check ups. Once your with them I'll be on my way home and heres my card if you ever need help"

she extended her arm out towards me handing me her business card with her name and company on it. I only looked at her and nodded my head at the offer and placed it in my pocket.

She got a message notification on her phone and as she opened it she raised her eye brow in confusion for a split second before making it go away.

"I was just informed that your brothers driver would be picking you up his name is Javier Kelley" i nodded and as soon as she said the name a random man in his 20's came up to me. He was in casual attire with grey sweat pants and slides along with a black tank top and a jacket on him. He looked at me for a split second before looking towards mrs beets.

He took out his drivers license and flashed it in her face which she did not appreciate from the thin line formed on her mouth. "Alright this is the end of our trip Zahra i wish you luck, goodnight" and with that she left calling for a taxi. I shrugged and took a look at the guy staring back at him not showing or giving away a hint of emotion.

He looked like he wanted to ask me a question but then ignored it and mentioned me toward the sports car in the parking space. A lambo...tell me your rich without telling me your rich. "Your the driver?" I asked with an unbelievable tone.

He looked at me with surprise "i know im too good looking to be one" he said flashing me a wink. I rolled my eyes "whatever fills your ego" i muttered. "Im offended...and no i am not your brothers driver, im their friend i cant believe Axel said that about me!" He said pouting.

"What are you a child?" I asked him with an emotionless face. "Its not even been 5 minutes, why do you scare me?"

He asked unbelievably as he started the car and drove down the parking building.

"I dont know why are you scared?" I said coldly.

"Jeez stop doing that you look exactly like Axel its concerning" He drove on the freeway and headed for im guessing my brothers house. "Sure whatever you say..." He looked at me for a brief moment "Cameron" i nodded. But then froze immediately

"I thought your name was javier Kelley?" I said on gaurd

" um im actually here to kidnap you" he said changing his whole attitude

The secrets hidden within her (idk when I'll update)Where stories live. Discover now