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*Axel pov*

"They have us surrounded!" Yelled blake in the mic

He was currently running on the roof trying not to be noticed. We had gotten here quickly and noticed that our men were injured in the warehouse. We ran inside running to their aide but thats when they cornered us and started shooting.

As in they i mean the Vermin of new york. The Stupid Parasites they run through new york attacking gangs and messing with them out of pure entertainment.

Of course we capture their memebrs but new ones join and its an endless cycle. Now their messing with us and what im confused on is why this small nothing but teeny weeny gang is trying to go up against US the biggest mafia in new york The Santos only an idiot with no brain would be stupid enough to try.

As they kept shooting i told blake to get on the roof while me and kyler try to back them out with back up coming we had about a good 4 minutes until we were out of bullets and dead.

All of sudden they stopped shooting and the one in the middle with a green mask came foward "this is just a warning and a hello. The Boss of Moscow says : Война приближается, и я ее возглавляю, так что береги свою спину, Аксель Сантос" *translation: The war is coming and im leading it so watch your back Axel Santos*

With that he ran backwards towards three SUVs waiting for him and his group before they jumped in and sped away.

I clutched my gun in anger my blood turning cold. "BOSS WE HAVE ONE OF THEM" i heard one of my men say through my mic. I nodded towards my brothers and we kept our guard up as we drove back home where i instructed the gang member to be brought.

Once i parked i got out the door my brothers following and headed through a door in the garage that led to the basement where i saw the guy tied up in a black metal chair.

This will be fun

*Zahra pov*
I stare at the celling just rocking myself back and forth wondering when everything went to hell although i know the answer...i wish i hadn't

I woke up from my nap 15 minutes ago and so far I've just been reminiscing

Lost in my thoughts...I stand up and grab my phone only to see a message from someone

When did he...oh he mustve put his number in my phone while i was sleeping

*hey its me Nokoa...i was wondering if you wanted to go sight seeing with me...tonight?*

I stared at my phone for a few seconds before exiting out of the chat and grabbing my burner phone and looking at the information the client sent me

*I am the Mafia Boss of the D'angelos. I ask for your help in taking down a gang that stole something valuable from me.

Mission: Rescue my sister

Reward: 30 million dollars

Loaction: Rome Italia

All I know is that she was taken to Rome Italy but I have no clue in which parts she is being held.

Description: Black raven hair and Grey eyes. She is 6 years old and has a birthmark under her eye

Time line: 2 weeks

My number: 321-###-####*

A mafia princess huh?

Piece of cake

I return back to my personal phone and text Koa

*I'm sorry I'm busy maybe another time*

I head to my bed and crouch under it where I pull out some boxes and then finally I spot my duffel bag

My weapons ranging from knives to blades to arrows to poison to guns.

I grab two guns and 2 knives laying it out on my bed

Then I take out another duffle bag and unzip it

My eyes immediately laid on my uniform

I grab the red bandana and black tights along with a zip up black sweater and combat boots

I grab my long hair and pull into a tight sleek bun

Grabbing my burner phone in the process I call the client

"The jet is ready for you at the airport the pilot works for us he will know who you are " I heard a masculine deep voice say from the other side

"Good I'll land in 4 hours if I can count on your pilot "

With that i hung up.

Rome huh?

"Yes please cover for me Kate I need this mission" i say while grabbing my bags as I clutch my phone to my ear while getting off the jet

"Okay...but I can only cover it for at least 7 hours you have 2 hours to finish this mission so 1 hour to find her and 1 hour to rescue her remember get in and get out one of the guys will get to the location once you find her. Its Ace hes already there in Rome just on standby for your word"

I give the pilot a nod and a hush thank you

He bows slightly

"Thank you Kate I'll try to be fast"

"Alright stay safe boss"

I hang up and climb into the mustang that my client provided me with

Not the time to gush over cars Zar

I look in the backseat and all the files and technical devices are there


Time to see the headquarters...its been years

...when my mother passed I found out she gave me the business she started in italy when we lived here when i was around 9.

She owned a fashion company but I turned it into something more beneficial to my business

An agency for orphans or defenseless kids who could learn how to fight and once they reached the age of 16 we would show them a form if they would want a normal life and we would give them a push in life towards success. I made this empire when I was kidnapped and shown the crime world that's when I started building connections and figured I could start this and help other children whose lives went to utter shit which they had no control over to get better.

But if they believed that they were good in this industry then we would send them to one of our training facilities in Arizona where they would train every day. Of course once they graduated they would come back here and get there official title as a hacker,stragetizer,Fitness trainer, Martial arts teacher or our most dangerous ones. Undercover spy, professional disguiser, snipers or bounty hunters. so if any of our clients just need a ploy then we have one. And of course our most difficult and dangerous course which our students barely pass


Were extra careful with this one so no one will die on there first mission basically

In total I have about 3 thousand students in the Academy and 534 at the headquarters while 623 thousand at our training facility.

Finding people to trust was easy. Because most of my students and trainers have a tough background so they get what it's like to have nothing and are grateful for someone to give them a second chance in life

In all this you could basically call us a mafia since we hold the numbers to do so.

The Red Crowns.

Each of my students that choose this lifestyle carry our symbol

A red crown with a black rose on the middle tip in honor for my mother. It is to be tatted on the back of your neck.

This is just one of the many secrets I hide...I'll be damned if my brothers ever find out any of them.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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