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Zehra pov*

"Never fall too deeply into this darkness as I have. there is love out there but you must find it. whoever he is...remember to be gentle, kind, and patient. Theres pain in beauty and with beauty comes...danger"

I remember sitting on Makis lap in the garden as my mother tended to her plants

"why must i be patient and kind shouldnt he be like that instead" i said sighing deeply

My mother turned around and laughed

"Honey Makayla's right you have to be kind and gentle just like them. But your too young for love stay young forever so i can kiss those cheeks of yours!"

I scrambled off makis lap and ran around the garden as my mother chased me with dirt in her blonde hair and mud on her blue apron

I watched as maki laughed at us and took pictures

At those words i froze still

"...zehra this- if this is some sick joke stop now" Nokoa said quietly

I shaked my head immedialty

"no...no...no she-her name was...her name was Makayla Zanti s-she used to travel with me and my mom..."

I said trailing off

"What do you mean she used to travel with you and your mom?" Koa asked panicking

"She was my moms bestfriend and she also died in that plane crash with her 5 years ago..." i said trying to wrap my head around everything

"Makayla was your moms name right?" I asked rushed

"Yes that was her name...she had a tattoo on her collar bone.." he said quietly

"It was l.E.N"

That got his attention and i wasnt the only one who was crying now

"You really did know her...she- she disappeared 5 years ago a-and my dad said she was shot"

I sprung up and grabbed my socks and shoes before walking up the board walk

"Where are you going!?" Koa said holding onto my wrists in confusion

"Dont you get it? Why the hell was my mom and your mom on that plane at the same time!?...its as if they were targeted...

we were always moving and your mom was always helping us...my mom went to travel with Maki and now theyre both dead!

I always thought....i thought she was maybe alive that i still had a piece of my past to go to but i have nothing and no one!" I ran through the clearing before i felt koa grab onto my shoulder

"Zehra...my dad must've lied to me for a reason...please just cooperate with me i...i need to know what happened to my mother and you have the right to know what happened to yours"

"My...my mom" i said quietly remembering her smile flash between lost memories

"Yes your mom" he repeated with a expression i couldnt quite understand

"Please come to my house..." he said nervously

I thought about it for a minute but then nodded and went back to the car

He grabbed his things and started walking back to the car

"Ladies first" he said while opening the passenger side

"...thank you " i said my voice back to its stone cold tone

He nodded and went into the driver seat starting up the car


we soon pulled up to a huge 6 story mansion

Koa parked the car into the driveway and got out opening the door for me

He ushered me towards the front double wide doors

We entered,.our shoes in hand and i stared in awe at how beautiful the Zanti household was

"Nice house.." i murmured

"Thanks" he started going up the stairs and i followed

We soon came into a room and guessing it was koas i took a seat on the king size bed

Koa walked into a closet and came back out with a pair of grey sweat pants and a black oversized t-shirt

He was wearing a pair of sweat pants that were hanging dangerously low in his waist displaying his v shaped waist and 6 pack abs

"Like what you see?" He said snapping me out of my thoughts

I immediately turned my face around wishing i could melt on the spot

He chuckled and placed the clothes in front of me

"I figured you might want a more comfortable choice of clothing" he said shrugging

I nodded and gave him a quick thank you

I shuffled to the closet and started changing

Once i was out i found koa laying on his bed shirt less, still

I grabbed a near by shirt and threw it at him

"What you dont like the view?" He said laughing

"Its...distracting" i said while sitting down on his bed

"Come here" he said beckoning me to come closer to him

I raised my eyebrow in question but complied anyways

He grabbed my legs and placed them on his lap

"What are you doing?" I asked nervously

He took out a pair of socks and started putting it on my feet

"There, now you wont get sick" he said with a satisfied smirk

"T-thank you" i said flustered

He nodded and pulled on the shirt i threw at him earlier

He ruffled his hair and kept it messy but cute

He took me up to the 4th floor where we entered a huge library

"What are we doing here?" I asked while skimming my hands over the books

He went towards a corner where there were photo albums and took out a big white one and a big purple one

He opened it and started flipping through it before settling on a page and scanning his eyes over it

He passed me the 2nd album and i looked through it too

"What exactly are we looking for...?" I asked quietly

"Were looking for any clues and pictures of our moms" he said quickly

"Oh...do you maybe have a diary of hers or a box full of envelopes she maybe kept in her room" i said trying my best to remember anything

"I dont kn-" he stops talking almost immediately and i wait a few seconds before whipping my head towards him

Hea staring a particular picture and running his finger on it

I follow his eyes and they land on a picture

A picture of my mom his mom and 2 guys which are carrying both of them bridal style

The guy carrying my mom is oddly familiar...

"Thats your dad zehra and thats my dad..." koa said slowly

"My dad..." all i could think about is the memories of him and finally putting a face to him as every memory i had of him flashes through my head

Each second i think of him singing to me,
dressing up with me,
cooking for me,
snuggling with me,
playing with me,
reading to me,
putting me to sleep...my dad...and i think of him dead just like my mom


The secrets hidden within her (idk when I'll update)Where stories live. Discover now