What happened..

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Axel pov*

"What the hell was that?" Xavier said still looking towards the direction Zehra left.

"I dont know..." i said quietly. "Its probably nothing i told you guys shes just an attention seeking bit-" i slammed my fist on the table cutting Roman off


I swear one day im gonna launch this kid into neptune.

He immediately closed his mouth and looked at his phone pretending like he had a social life.

"Theres no way that was nothing. Theres something wrong with her Axel!"

Tanner yelled frustrated.

"You think he doesnt know that!?"  Xavier said running his hands through his hair.

"Guys she looked like a ghost of herself l-like she gave up on life...those charismatic blue ocean eyes were once full of life and twinkled like stars"

Blake spoke up looking distraught at the version of his little sister.

"now they're dead and full of darkness and void of emotion..." Kyler said adding onto blakes sentence.

"What exactly happened to our baby sister?" Zander said looking around the room.

"I have no fucking clue i kept all eyes on her from the body gaurds in disguise to the snipers on the buildings watching out for any danger, I MADE SURE ANY THREAT was erased from her eyes!"

"It's probably a teenage phase girls are always dramatic " Roman mumbled to which for my sanity i decided to ignore

I was fuming my baby sister was broken and even though no one wanted to say it out loud we all knew she was. She was such a stoic person...like a robot.

"Except...from the inside" Cameron spoke making everyone look at him. "What are you talking about?" Xavier said giving him a confused look.

"The inside...the inside of her house you never checked the inside.." he said slowly looking up at me. I stood up from my chair and crossed my arms

"why would i? " i asked confusion laced in my tone.

"Dont you remember? Last night? axel...when you mentioned her step dad and you called him her dad...she didnt like that,hell she glared at you like the word was forbidden" cameron ssid slowly walking towards me.

"Her step dad...?" I looked around the room as everyone looked at me with puzzled faces.

"Yes her step dad the only person we couldnt watch..."

cameron said as realization appeared on my face. "No...way"  i said my hand turning into fists as i felt my blood turn cold.

"That fucker wouldn't" i said facing cameron

" but...would he?" He asked not certain.

"Shes just acting shes not hurt or anything i didnt see any scars or bruises you guys are acting out to much!" Roman said rolling his eyes.

Fed up already i yelled out loud "someone Take this dumbass out of my sight before i lose it!" 2 of  my men jumped down from the roof onto the balcony.

They rushed in through the open glass doors and took Roman out the room.

"Seriously maybe we should wait...until she tells us herself" tanner said with a worried expression.

"She doesn't even trust us, you heard her yourself!" Zander said facing his twin.

"Then what are we supposed to do? force it out of her!? She'll just distance herself more and hate us!" Blake said looking around the room.

The secrets hidden within her (idk when I'll update)Where stories live. Discover now