Unexpected (edited)

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"Zar we need to talk" is the first thing blake says once i enter the house

"About?" My voice coming off as a bit more irritated then Blunt

"Axel's office in five" he says before heading into the elevator and going up

Right then my work phone buzzes

I unlock the acreen and see that its the same guy from yesterday

*La reina roja this is my last offer. Are you available to take this job or not. Till midnight*

I look at the clock '8:43'
"Look whose home the attention seeking slut"

I turned around and watched roman walk out of the kitchens double doors glaring at me

"How was the night at your boyfriends house? Did you lose it? If you have I wouldnt be surprised you seem like the type too"

I give him the middle finger before heading up stairs to axle's office just as i was about to open the door i felt somebody jump on me

I quickly recognized the cologne of Roman

We sprawled on the floor

I was kicking my legs everywhere hitting him a few times in the private to where he only grunted 'must be small' i thought

He punched me...the fucker actually laid his hands on me. You wanted hell? I'll gladly bring it to you.

I whipped us around so fast youd break your neck by trying to catch up

I put my arm under his neck pressing against his pressure point vital to his oxygen

I digged my nails into his sides and grabbed a knife i saw sticking out of his pocket and threw it making it slide against the wooden plank floor

"Should've never done that" i whispered venomously before replacing my arm with my hand and i started to squeeze tightly

He started to claw at my hand trying to free himself

"You dont like how that feels huh?" I retorted as i squeezed tighter

"Suffocating isnt it? This is what i feel every time you talk to me or even look at me" i whispered darkly my face still void of emotion

I let him go "dont forget who the fuck i am" with that i turned around to see some of my brothers standing against the railings

I strutted past them and slammed the door from my room.

*Axel pov*
I was in my office waiting to talk to Zahra about starting school next week. I got a call from one of my guys at my warehouse and answered. "Axel Santos speaking" i said roughly. A panicked voice sounded from the other side "boss! Our shipments are on fire and someone from the outside keeps shooting through the warehouse!"


I hung up and grabbed my coat and made sure my gun and extra bullets were hanging on my belt

I was about to open the door when i heard a loud thud and noise coming from outside

I flung the door open and was shocked to see axel on auroras back punching her

He fucking pumched our little sister!?

As i was about to intervene but then Zahra did the unexpected and flipped him over so now she was on top of him putting him in a hesd lock with his legs under hers she restrained his arms and arched his back restricting movement

I saw footsteps on the staircase and the rest of my brothers were standing there alerted

They saw the situation and were walking towards them but this time Zahra started chocking Roman on the ground and whispered something in his ear "who the fuck do you think i am"
With that she squeezed harder "suffocating isnt it? This is what i feel when you talk to me. When you look at me or when you breathe next to me" she said in a dark tone even i couldnt decipher

She let go before banging his head on the ground and getting up

Once she turned around she saw us but her face didn't even twitch

She ran to her room and closed the door shut

I looked towards roman and kicked him in the ribs

"Dont ever hit her again do you understand?" I said roughly

He grunted

"I said do you understand!?" My patience running low

"Yes!" He managed to say while rubbing his neck where Zahra definitely left her mark.

"Good. Xavier,Blake and kyler get in the car. One of our warehouses was attacked. I'll explain to you om the way hurry up!" I rushed down the stairs as i heard them obey my order by grabbing there guns and shoes.

We ran out the door 1 by 1 we got into a SUV and i started the engine speeding. The warehouse was 5 minutes away i'll be there in 3.

*Zar pov*
As soon as i shut the door i slumped against it as i winced in pain

I lifted my shirt and saw the purple bruises growing more

Godamnit roman

I got up slowly and walked to my bathroom where i applied some cream and got an icepack from my mini fridge

I walked to my bed and took my phone out

*I'll be there send me the info.* i texted the number

And knocked myself out with sleep.

"You know if you bring your eye a little bit closer you can see it pick up the sugar " little roman whispered in little Zahras ear as they laid down on their bellies on top of the carpet. Their mother had brought in a jar of dirt with a couple ants in it from the garden. Then she sparkled some sugar on it and placed it on the carpet so her kids could see that there's life on the ground they walk on.

"Weally?" Little Z asked looking at it skeptically. Roman gave her a toothy grin and nodded. She thought about it and then said a quick "ok" she grabbed the magnifying glass roman was holding and put her right eyeball against it. "WAAAAAOOO" she said intrigued at the army of ants it took to pick up sugar. "Cool huh?" Little roman asked.

She nodded her head down and up quick in a excited manner. "Lwoookkk Romyyyyy dat ant hwas nwo(no) sugwar!" She said alarmed. "Okie hold on" Roman ran to the kitchen and grabbed a pinch of sugar before running back to the living room only to find Zahra gone.

He looked around confused but then saw that the double glass sliding doors were slightly open. He walked through it and looked around their yard. He caught sight of a light blue jumper being dragged against the grass and his eyes trailed up to long blonde hair in a messy bun sticking out of loose places. He stared for a minute confused on what his sister was doing. she walked towards the garden and then sat on her knees. He saw her pour the jar out onto a pile of dirt.

He shaked his head at his little sisters caring and thoughtless actions. "Gwo bwe fweeee..." he heard her say as she talked to the ants. *go be free*

"Z what are you doing?" He asked amused. Zahra got up in a flash and turned around to meet her grinning Cheshire cat of a brother. "Uh Nwothingg!" She said placing her hands behind her back innocently. "Z why'd you let them go?" Little roman asked crossing his arms together. She let out a sigh and brought her tiny ring finger across her face to move a piece of hair that was bothering her which left a little dirt on her cheek. "Bwecause dey waere gwonna eat mahy sugwar!" *because they were gonna eat my sugar!*
She said her big blue ocean eyes twinkling full of mischief. Roman just stood there watching his little sisters innocent and beautiful soul shine. He then burst out into laughter "wait until tanner hears about this" he said giggling and running back inside towards their big brothers room. Little Z stood there and dramatically face palmed herself before rushing inside feeling proud about not letting the ants eat her sugar.


The secrets hidden within her (idk when I'll update)Where stories live. Discover now