What did you do Sara? - 4

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Simon had been avoiding Sara since Saturday and hadn't even read the messages, so she just looked down guiltily and didn't dare approach him. The sister wanted to apologize and hoped that in time he would forgive and understand her. In addition, she has already begun to correct the mistakes of the past. Even though yesterday was a day off, she still had an application accepted. The police promised to investigate immediately, especially after it became known about the presence of the Crown Prince on the video. Therefore, in the midst of geometry, without much effort, a police car could be seen through the office window and two people in August's uniform walking under the supervision. The students of Hillerska clearly had no time for lessons. Everyone was just whispering, trying to find at least some information on the Internet. While Sara only haughtily watched the departing August. Wilhelm and Simon stared in disbelief. The latter couldn't help but notice his sister's unwavering face.

- I fixed everything. He'll get what he deserves, - Sara said into Eriksson's eyes, which were open in surprise.

- What? What are you... - Simon began, but the teacher interrupted their attempt to talk in the middle of the lesson.

There were a few minutes left before recess, but he still nervously checked his phone, each time noticing how slow it was going. Especially during lessons. His legs literally shook and his fingers played on the desk. And when the geometry finally ended, Simon jumped up and asked his sister to come out to talk to him. After making sure that no one could hear them, he was clearly on edge and asked:

-What did you do, Sara?

- I wrote an application for August yesterday. Distribution of child pornography. He should be jailed, - she said, smiling.

- Why? You're... my God, - Eriksson said, covering his face with his hands as if praying, and added: You don't know...

- You couldn't have done it because he would have lied that he wasn't filming. I said that I saw August sitting at the computer from which the video was leaked on Lucia's day. I am a living witness of his guilt. Even if you consider that he didn't shoot the video. He's going to jail for this, unless of course August doesn't pay off. And with Wilhelm's statement that he is on the video, it will definitely not be hushed up quickly. Of course, the royal family will defend him and most likely he will have the best lawyers, but...

- Sara, stop. You don't understand... - Simon interrupted her and, after taking a couple of steps, continued: It wasn't just the fact that Alexander took August's guilt that stopped me. He has something on me...

Eriksson looked straight into Sara's surprised eyes and seemed hesitant to utter the next words.

- Don't scare me. Speak up, - his sister enlivened him.

- August has our father's pills, which I gave him to pay for the drinks from the dedication to Wille.

- But... You can.... This is a prison. Why did he pay?

- He's bankrupt, - Simon replied evenly.

- So that's why you talked to our father? Have you become a dealer? – she continued, adding in her voice.

- No. I gave him the opportunity to pay. And why are you accusing me? - Simon began to get angry. - I know perfectly well that I'm to blame to you for the story with our father, but that's not the point right now. If August speaks, and he will do anything to maintain his status, I will go to jail. And for a long time. I won't have any cool lawyers to pay off.

- And what? What do you suggest? - Sara began, but the words came to her as if through a fog. She could no longer perceive Simon normally. The extraneous sounds were getting louder. The trampling of people in the corridor, their conversations and laughter, slamming doors, loud music, turning pages, bright lights. Everything began to annoy her. And she couldn't concentrate anymore. She wanted to be in her own bed and fall asleep. It was as if she even began to sway, fingering her fingers.

Of course, Simon quickly noticed this. The last time he had seen her like this was many months ago.

- What's wrong?

The sister continued to be silent, which scared the brother even more.

- Light, sound? I'll be right there, - he said as he ran away and, returning a couple of seconds later, handed her the headphones.

- Do you want me to leave? - he asked cautiously.

Sara shook her head in agreement and Simon had no choice but to leave her.

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