Audition - 21

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A voice familiar to Wille was coming from the music room, and he decided to look in. Since he left the team, he has had a lot of free time. And he tried to spend it on the guy. Although he wasn't going to distract him from the process, Wille was standing at the door and again couldn't believe that this handsome guy was with him. He recognized the song - Another Love by Tom Odell.

- Why are you standing in the doorway? What do you think?

- Amazing.

- I wanted to talk to you. I'm preparing a performance for an audition for a company next week. This was one of the options.

- Audition?

- I know it's unexpected, but I didn't want to say it until I believe I'm going to participate. Two years ago, I also wanted to audition, but something went wrong. And I lost my voice. Everything should be fine this time, - fear grew in Simon's eyes.

- Of course, - Wille replied, and he received a message from his mother. He quickly said goodbye to Simon and began to read it. It said that today a person is coming who will teach the Crown Prince to dance classical dances and the day after tomorrow there will be a costume fitting. He had completely forgotten what it was for, so it took him a while to remember. But the answer was very simple. On May 31, the queen will have a birthday, and this time he will not be able to miss the ball at the palace. The most interesting thing is that August will also be preparing with him. Two people who can't stand each other will be in the same room for a common cause.

- Events are unfolding more and more interesting. How can he take part in a family holiday in the first place, after what he has done? In addition, the trial has not yet been completed. This is crazy, - Wille almost shouted into the phone.

- Son, the trial is scheduled for next week. And most likely we will be able to hush up this case. He gets fined. There are still some in the council who support the idea of what would be best for the royal family if August sat on the throne. I'm powerless here. He really can still do it.

- Is the pedophile king better than gay?

- Don't exaggerate. He's just a backup plan in case you don't handle your responsibilities. Keep your tongue to yourself, listen to what the elders say and everything will be fine.

- Eric said that too. And then August did what he did.

- The council wants to see a strong heir. You have to show that you are worthy. Prove yourself at the ball. And maybe then they will give up the idea of having a backup plan.

To prove yourself is easy to say. But here's exactly what he needs to do to push August into the closet. Make a speech, dance perfectly or forget Simon. His heart told him that they would like the last option the most. They don't know about his audition yet. Wille has not yet written a plan for their future together and has not sent it to the palace. Because he knows they won't like him. They will reject him until he writes what they themselves want to see. The council sees a completely different picture of the life of the king and his husband.

Meanwhile, Sara continued to receive threats over the Internet. She told Felice this, but no detective skills helped. The requirements were simple. Pick up the application or her intimate photos will go online. The girls began to think who could benefit from it. Everyone at school is against August. It's hard to find someone who would keep in touch with him. And there was no smell of his lawyer's work either.

- It's definitely someone from his entourage, - Felice said.

- I'm so tired of this. My strength is gone, - Sara cried.

- Me too, - she managed to say and walked confidently to August's room, - let's just ask him.

Felice opened August's door almost from her feet. His face expressed utter bewilderment. He insisted that he was not involved in what was happening and he was very sorry. He promised to look into the situation. And he even gave his phone to the girls to check. However, he said he had guesses and would keep them informed if he found out anything. August looked at Sara with pain in his eyes, and she tried to avoid eye contact. She hasn't forgiven him yet.

As soon as the girls left, August went to Alexander's room. There was practically no doubt in his mind that it was him. But why would he do that?

- Alexander, why? Who told you, you could do that?

- At least tell me what happened, - the owner of the room continued, frightened.

- It's you. You're blackmailing Sara. Why would you do that? And how did you even think of that?

- I wanted to help you. No statement, no case. Everything would be as before.

- Nothing would be the same as before. How can you not understand? You almost ruined everything. I'm trying to establish a relationship with her, and you... You must stop immediately. You go up to her and apologize and maybe she won't sue you. I had to think with my head! You really have it as a decoration.

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